Welcome to the Crimson Ink Mailing List HomePage, where you can find information on the list's policies and goals. Crimson Ink is a mailing list created for yaoi/slash fan and original fiction writers and readers. We have endeavored to create an environment dedicated strictly to the art of writing fics, encouraging members to openly discuss the fics on the mailing list, with both compliments and constructive criticisms. We welcome any conversation pertaining to the writing of yaoi fiction, as Crimson Ink is a forum for writers and readers alike to discuss all aspects of writing and editing.
Crimson Ink is a closed mailing list. Policies are subject to change.
The Administrators of Crimson Ink are:
Zazreil - zazreil@aol.com
Zazreil is the list-owner, general manager, and rule enforcer.
Before applying to join Crimson Ink, please take the time to read the rules and the List Mandates. These will give you the best idea of how CI operates, and what kind of participation is expected.
And when you've read up on all our background info and expectations, feel free to visit our applications page and download a text copy of our application. Or you can just read through it and write us an e-mail. (Make sure you answer all the application questions, though! ^_^ ) We really hope to get an application from you! The more the merrier!
--The Crimson Ink Admins