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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon)
contributed by Em

**Note**Almost everyone has a Japanese name and an American dub
name, plus others have more than one identity.

Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi/Princess Selenity/Serena: The main magical girl, klutzy crybaby Usagi is really Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice, and Selenity, Princess of the Moon Kingdom.

Tuxedo Kamen/Tuxedo Mask/Chiba Mamoru/Prince Endymion/Darien:  Tuxedo Mask is Sailor Moon's protector. Chiba Mamoru is a boy whom Usagi doesn't like -- at first. Prince Endymion was Selenity's fiancee or love or boyfriend depending on what you're reading/watching.

Other Sailor Senshi: (I HATE DiC!!! Stupid names!)
Sailor Mercury/Mizuno Ami/Amy
Sailor Mars/Hino Rei/Raye
Sailor Jupiter/Kino Makoto/Lita
Sailor Venus/Aino Minako/Mina
Sailor Saturn/Tomoe Hotaru/I don't know. I quit watching the dub after I got
fansubs. It might actually be Hotaru O_O.
Sailor Neptune/Kaiou Michiru/Michelle
Sailor Uranus/Ten'ou Haruka/Amara or some such thing
Sailor Pluto/Meiou Setsuna/I think it's Susan...
Sailor Chibi-Moon/Sailor Mini-Moon/Tsukino Usagi/Rini
Sailor ChibiChibi-Moon/Chibi Chibi (she's so cute! Where can I get one?)
Sailor Star Fighter/Kou Seiya
Sailor Star Fighter/Kou Yaten
Sailor Star Maker/Kou Taiki

Luna & Artemis: Cat gaurdians, originally humans in the manga, appointed to protect Sailor Moon and Venus, respectively, by Queen Serenity, Selenity's mother.

Fiore: A villian from the first movie, Fiore is an alien who came to Earth and made friends with Mamoru when Mamoru was a little kid. When he had to leave Earth, Mamoru gave him a red rose. He hangs out with an evil space plant that's trying to take over the world because he wants to give Mamoru a wonderful flower.

Queen Beryl, Queen Metalia, and the Dark Kingdom: Bad people/places/things. Villians of the first season. Beryl does Metalia's bidding and sends her Four Generals (once Prince Endymion's Four Kings/Guardians in the manga) out to do her dirty work.

Jadeite/Jedite: The Fourth King (I guess that's his level?) but the first sent out to take over the world--i.e. Tokyo--Jadeite doesn't quite succeed in pleasing Beryl.

Nephrite/Nefilte or Nephlite: I love him! Ok anyway, The Second King, Nephrite makes friends (no, really) with Usagi's best buddy Osaku Naru/Molly. He's like, the only one who doesn't piss off Beryl, and he does NOT get along with Zoicite.

Zoicite/Zoisite: The Thrid King, a MAN, NOT a woman, as in the DiC dub, Zoicite hates a lot of people. Nephrite, Tuxedo Kamen, all the Sailor fact, the only one he seems to get along with is his BOYFRIEND Kunzite. Note, they were not lovers in the manga. Zoicite pisses off Beryl a LOT. In fact, she kills him, too.

Kunzite: The Furst King, leader & most powerful of Beryl's Generals, sexy mofo with that jacket unbuttoned, and Zoicite's lover.

Fisheye: A villian from the ..*counts*..fourth season..i think, it's been a long time since I sat down and watched SM. Fisheye has a thing for Mamoru.

Haha. A young girl named Tsukino Usagi discovers that she is Sailor Moon, evil-ass-kicking defender of love and justice, and also that she lived a "past life" as Princess Selenity of the Moon Kingdom. She and her Sailor Senshi (soldiers) do battle against the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl, Queen Metalia, and lots of other villians. They save the world. A lot. They got me hooked on anime....I still think SM is a wonderful series, except that the dub sucks so badly my ears bleed. The story is chock full of some pretty memorable characters.

Possible Pairings:
KunzitexZoicite: The most obvious, because in the series, this was a pairing. I've seen a few djs, a bunch of fanart, and quite a few fics. It works; it happens.

NephritexJadeite: I've seen djs (they were really pretty!) and read fics on it. Personally, I like it. I think it works just fine. I like anything with Nephrite, though. ^_^

FiorexMamoru: They have history. I really like this pairing; then again, I've seen, like, A fic on it, but it's plausible.

NephritexEndymion/Mamoru: *grin* I never would have considered this if not for a WONDERFUL fic that dealt with more yaoi/het/yuri pairings than you can shake a stick at. I'm baised; I think it's an amazing pairing. There's a scene in SM where Mamoru and Nephrite pass each other in a crowded room (Nephrite is posing as a civilian millionaire--makes sense, that, ne?--in Tokyo while he carries out his Darkk Kingdom business. He drives  hot car, too.). Both men stop immediately after walking past each other because they feel a's kinda drawn as a zap.... Mamoru says "Do I..know you?" or maybe it's "Have we..met?" I cannot remember, but anywho, Nephrite just looks at him and says "No." This was the setup for the fic, Wildflowers, because Nephrite really did remember being with Endymion during thr Silver Millenium.

Other possible pairings:
The Star Lights slashed.
There's so many characters. You could probably stick anyone together.

Nightfall Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon Universe
Meatball Head Moon Page
Wildflowers (aka the amazing fanfiction) 
My SM Site (i'll renovate someday!)

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