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Petshop of Horrors
contributed by Kimi C.

Main Character list:
Only 2 main characters are apparent for now:

COUNT D:  He operates his grandfather's petshop, which is charmingly called Count D's Petshop, in an unknown city's Chinatown.  He is very, very bishie with chin-length green hair and dual-colored eyes (one violet, one green-yellow).  Mysterious, alternately cold and warm to people, sensual, loves sweets, quite feminine (dresses in long dark ancient-style Mandarin robes - Leon calls him "Dragon Lady" when they first met).  Has a the prerequisite cute pet, a combination rabbit and vampire bat.

LEON:  A detective of the city's police force.  Nothing extraordinary about him as a detective under than the fact he has a bee up his bonnet about Count D's Petshop, especially after a homicide investigation.  Blonde, wears his hair in a small ponytail, dresses casually (one could even say somewhat shabbily), and at times wears sunglasses.  He is persistent, charming, obnoxious, blunt, strong-willed, impatient.

Short synopsis of the story theme:
Count D's petshop sells not only the ordinary animals but extraordinary creatures such as mermaids, nagas (half-women, half-snake), half-human half-bird creatures, etc.  He sells them only to certain people, whom I think he wants to teach a lesson.  When he sells them, he labels them as an animal.  For example, the mermaid he called only a "rare, exotic fish".  Any buyer of these extraordinary creatures have to sign a contract with 3 conditions (varies depending on the creature) wherein the Petshop is not liable if the buyer breaks their contract, which they all inevitably do.  Leon only enters after a couple of buyers have already broken their contracts (but this is different from the anime where he shows up in episode 1).  He is investigating the deaths of the Petshop's customers (their pets mostly seem to be unable to stop killing them once they broke the contract) and believes that the Petshop is a front for drugs.

What are the potential slash couples and why?  List couples that appeal?
There is only one couple right now but both variations would be very titillating.

LEON/COUNT D:  Most likely.  Count D seems to be very happy as uke and Leon is too forceful not to be seme.  However, in this relationship, I believe that Count D would be holding the upper hand all the time.

COUNT D/LEON:  Unlikely.  Count D does not strike me as top, unless very occassionally.

And that's about it folks!  I would recommend you try this one out.  It's a horror series (not needed to be said), though, with lots of weird half-human creatures, which the mangaka seemed to have plucked from a number of mythological bestiaries.

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