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Heroic Legend of Arslan
contributed by Sahari

Main Character list:

Prince Arslan (main character): Prince of Palse in exile
Daryun: Arslan's guardian
Narsus: Arslan's adviser, former adviser to his father
Elam: Narsus' slave/servant, whom Narsus has promised to free
Gieve: Minstrel, free spirit, one of Arslan's "followers"
Farangese: Priestess of Misra, one of Arslan's "followers"
Jaswant: Former assassin turned "follower"

Short synopsis of the story theme:

During the defeat of his father's armies, Prince Arslan flees with Daryun as his protector. Daryun takes him to Narsus' home, and they convince Narsus (whom the king evicted from court earlier because of his negative views on slavery) to help Arslan regain Palse and Ekubatana (the capital city). As Arslan strives to reclaim the throne, he wins new friends, wins battles and impresses his enemies.

What are the potential slash couples and why?

Arslan/Daryun: Daryun's loyalty and love and Arslan's admiration and tenderness toward Daryun make this a lovely match.

Daryun/Narsus: Daryun, a warrior, and Narsus, an artistic intellect, the perfect example of "opposites attract." In the anime, they act as if they are married anyway. Why not let them have the benefit?

Narsus/Arslan: Not the most likely of pairings, but who knows? Narsus is gorgeous, and Arslan might not be able to resist a concentrated seduction.

Daryun/Narsus/Arslan: They all love one another. Why not?

Gieve/?: Sexy red-haired Gieve is hormones and seduction on legs. Just throw him anywhere, and he'll do fine.


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