-- I know a girl who likes to dress me
up like this and then caress me
too remind me of the way
I used to go both night and day
in femininity there's pride
we'll marry soon
I'll be the bride!-- adam ant

~Vinyl Wagashi~

        Rowan hadn't wanted to but Ryo had left him precious little choice.

        He made it quick, a hard jab into the neck and shoulder with two fingers and it was over. Ryo had slumped forward lifelessly, his arms pulled tightly behind him. Sai didn't say anything but he knew that he was grateful not to have to meet Ryo's blistering glare anymore. He had watched Sai finish to undress him, his movements gentle and unhurried even though the body under him was unaware, laying Ryo back carefully on the open un-zipped dress.

        Sai pulled the shiny black underwear up to his thighs and then left them there, slipping on the boots one at a time and holding up one leg at the ankle, he pulled the zip down to the back of his middle thigh. Doing the same for the other, Sai then slid up the inert body, his knees on either side of the thigh high boots, and tugged the underwear up until it reached his hips. Still kneeling over him he took his hands and pulled Ryo into a sitting position, his slack head tilting forward and laying at rest on Sai's shoulder. Taking the un-zipped dress he pulled it over Ryo's shoulders and put one arm and then the other through the tight form fitting sleeves.

        Sai let him fall back to the floor again, Ryo's head thumping heavily on the wooden floor, a small moan coming from him. Pulling the two sides of the dress together he slid the zipper together right below Ryo's crotch and pulled it up with a metallic hiss up past the shiny black underwear and then stopped. Leaning over, his face was inches from the flat dark skin of Ryo's stomach. Sai's lips brushed the warm soft skin below his belly button. Looking up to the drawn face, the lips slightly parted, Ryo's breathing erratic and uneven, his eyes were closed and trembling. The zipper went up a few more inches and Sai's open mouth tasted the hard muscles of his chest, making soft kisses to his neck. He yanked the zipper all the way up to Ryo's neck, his mouth closing on the one below him, parting the lips with his tongue and forcing it into Ryo's slack mouth. 

        Running back down the smooth sleek material that covered his chest and stomach, Sai finally stood. The thigh high boots were the same black glossy material that the fitted zip-up dress was made of, with severe clear plexi heels. They ended a little more than half way up the dark skin of his thighs, the dress beginning right below his crotch. His knees were turned in a bit as if in his unconsciousness he was trying to pull his legs together. His black hair was as dark as his dress and he knew that when he opened his eyes they would be a startling bright blue. It looked perfect. Sai swallowed, his eyes going in between his slightly parted legs where he could see the shiny black of the panties under the edge of the dress. A voice behind them, startled them both.

        "How nice." It was Sage, leaning in the doorway, his eyes on Ryo. "He looks.." Sage walked into the room, his eyebrows raised slightly."..pretty good."

        He kneeled beside Ryo, his hand slipping comfortably into the inside of Ryo's thigh, right above the top of his boot. He slid it up further up under the dress and felt him between the legs, a small smile on his face upon finding the smooth vinyl there as well. Ryo moaned softly and shifted slightly on Sage's hand, his eyes fluttering open.

        "Seiji?" He asked uncertainly, his eyes going around the room to the others.

        Saying nothing, Sage brought out something and slipped it around Ryo's neck and sat back. It was a collar attached to a fine length of silver chain that Sage held in his hand. Without warning, he yanked the chain forward, forcing Ryo to sit up, his hands coming out to the grab the chain that stretched taunt in between his neck and Sage's tight grip.

        Behind him Sai had broken into a bright smile. "Oh Sage! That's great, did you get that at the pet store?"

        Ryo was looking down at himself, his hands still clutching the chain in front of him, with a dull expressionless gaze. He looked back up at Sage.

        "Yes." Sage answered, meeting and smiling into Ryo's darkening glare under him. "It's for dogs."

         Rowan covered his smirk with his hand.


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        Between Rowan pushing him along from behind and Sage yanking him forward by the collar he had almost fallen twice. The boots he was wearing didn't help much either. Even as he thought of them he stumbled again, twisting his ankle painfully and almost putting himself on the floor. But Rowan held him up, his arms pinned behind his back, making the already tight black thing he was wearing even more tight across his chest, making it hard to breathe. Sage wrenched the collar forward in a hard sharp yank making it tighten and half choke him. His eyes narrowed, hot rage smoldering in his chest.         The dull haze he had woken up in was beginning to finally lift, the dull throb in his shoulder was fading.


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        There was a really weird chair in front of him, the back was made of a really wide metal bar but the actual seat part of it was small with a sloped back rest. He was standing behind it and Sage was standing in front of it and him, holding the end of the leash with his arms crossed. No one said anything. Ryo shifted in Rowan's tight grip, wobbling slightly on the heels under him, he noticed dully that they made him a lot taller. Not as tall as Rowan and Sage, but still, taller than he'd ever felt before. Sage was smiling but he wasn't looking his face, he was looking him up and down. Ryo followed his gaze and frown a little. He was wearing some tight shiny black dress that was hard to breathe or even move in.

        Who did this? He had boots that went half up his legs and were completely impossible to stand in and... Ryo blushed. He had some different underwear on too. Sage was looking at his body, his hand flexing on the chain wrapped around his fist. Without any notice, he yanked it back as hard as it seemed he could and Ryo felt himself fly forward.

        The cold metal bar slammed into his hips and he fell over it, his feet leaving the ground, his momentum threatening to send him flying right over the other side of it. Then suddenly he stopped, his face in the small seat, his arms still held behind him, but now he was upside down, his hair in his face and the metal bar digging into his waist. Something tight was being wrapped around his wrists and when his arms were finally released he found his hands bound together so tightly that he could feel them already become numb. He tried to look up, but someone grabbed a hand full of his hair and keep his head down. Someone touched his leg and he jerked and growled. They were pulling his legs apart and tying something around them. He struggled breathlessly for a moment but they were already done.         He couldn't shut his legs. They had tied them to the sides of the chair. He felt cold suddenly, his hands flexing behind him.

         "Seiji.." He breathed. "Please... ..Rowan, Sai ...." The hand holding his head down lost it's firmness and stroked his hair.

         "It's all right." It was Sai.

        "There' no need to lie to him Sai." That was Seiji.

        A hand was stroking his leg covered in black vinyl. His hand was cold on the skin of his thigh, making him shiver and his face burn. This was humiliating. Sage had done worse... but in front of Rowan and Sai? He felt a surge of anger again, so strong he made him shake, his wrists burning as he twisted them in his binds. Sage's hand slid smoothly between his legs and rubbed him. Ryo stiffened, his breath coming in short gasps. His thighs pulled against the soft silken ropes that kept them apart, a small angry noise coming from him when he realized he couldn't even show that small bit of refusal. Something hot and wet touched his inner thigh and he jumped, startled. It was a mouth. He couldn't see behind him but he knew there were two people behind him.

        "Stop it!" He growled, still breathless, his eyes squeezing shut. They ignored him.

        The mouth withdrew and he felt someone move behind him, and push up the back of his dress to his hips. He froze, his eyes on the red fabric of the seat cushion inches from his face. Hands took the black vinyl panties and pulled them down to the tops of his boots, around his thighs. Ryo could feel the cold air touch him and he shivered again, in anger and shame, his face burning red. The chain attached to his collar suddenly tightened and his neck was pulled backwards, forcing him to look forward and at the same time he felt it pushed hard and deep into his body making him gasp and then choke a little in pain. He tried hard not to think of how it looked as he felt his hips jolted against the metal bar, the collar squeezing the air from him. The body behind him slammed into his again, driving up between his legs and a high pitched moan came from him, the vinyl tight around his hips and chest, he could fell himself begin to sweat under it.

        "Say harder, Ryo." It was Sage, and he was a bit breathless himself.

        Unable to speak, the hard length of it slamming between his legs again, he only shook his head, his lips parted , his face glazed with sweat and pale. He made a small startled noise when I cool hand slipped under him and grasped his sex, pumping it in time with Sage. Oh no. Ryo thought, his eyes fluttering closed, the burning had started already.

        "Say it." He slammed into him so hard it rocked the chair, Ryo making a much louder moan, his sex growing iron hard in the cool hand.

         The collar squeezed his throat, his wrists burned behind him, the confining vinyl was taut around his body and legs and as Sage filled him again, Ryo heard himself whisper it.

        "Louder." Sage suggested, yanking the chain a little to punctuate his demand.

        "Harder.." Ryo managed in a gasp, with the amount of air the collar left him. Sage was only too happy to comply.


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        Ryo's face was turned to the side, his cheek against the soft red cushion of the chair. He felt a bead of sweat run down his temple. The relentless shove had finally turned into a slow rhythm, the hand under him slowing to match the pace. He turned his face into the cushion and moaned when the hand squeezed him and begun to move faster. He felt Sage slow down even more and knew that it was almost over. He always slowed down when he got close and like he suspected would happen, as soon as he felt himself almost explode in the hand under him, the hand was taken regretfully away.

        He choked almost in a sob. Seiji.    He could feel him shudder behind him, his hands around his hips and a soft gasp when he came. His own sex burning unbearably under him, his own relief taken away. Sage stepped away from him, letting the hot wetness run down his thighs. Then, his legs were suddenly released from the sides of the chair, the silken cords slipping, running around his skin as they were pulled off. Hands were pulling the black panties back up around his hips, cruelly pressing his sex back against his stomach when it was tugged back in place.

         Ryo squirmed on the metal bar, pressing his thighs together and crossing one knee under the other, trying to relieve some of the pressure between his legs. Seiji. He squeezed his eyes closed, his face buried in the seat pillow, his knees bending a little. The bar pressed up underneath him was suddenly good, and squeezing his legs together even tighter, he pressed himself up against it harder.

         There was a hand on his side and he was suddenly pushed sideways off the broad bar under him, landing hard on the hard floor on his side. His hands behind him, his dress still pushed up to his hips, his legs splayed to either side of him. Blinking in confusion up at them, his black hair plastered to his cheeks with sweat. Glazed blue eyes went down his own body to the soft glint off the heels of his boots. There was blood on the insides of his thighs and he winced seeing it. He couldn't seem to catch his breath, the hot vinyl was smothering him. But not as much as the heat between his legs. Groaning softly, he curled into a ball on his side, bringing one knee almost up his face and leaving the other where it lay, he pressed his legs together in deprivation. But then there were hands on his knees.

         Opening his eyes he saw Sai pulling his knees apart and pulling him on his back. Ryo resisted for a moment and then let him pull his thighs to either side of Sai's body. He let his head fall back and his eyes shut, his hands pinned underneath him. Sai's mouth was kissing the hot vinyl on the insides of his thigh then on the soft skin of his inner thigh, a hot tongue tasting the hot wetness there. He could feel the side of his face brushing up against his sex constrained behind the tight vinyl and as he breathed a sigh he raised his hips a little to push against him. Then Sai was kissing him over the vinyl but it wasn't enough, he shuddered, feeling himself grow even harder. Sai sat back and Ryo opened his eyes to look at him. There was blood on his cheek and on his mouth, and without speaking he pulled Ryo's right leg up over his shoulder and moved between his legs. Ryo felt the tears run down his face when he pushed into him, the pain was terrible, Sai's other hand lifting his other leg under the knee and holding it up, spreading him even wider. His head fell to the side, hair clinging to a pale face, his breath short, his lips parted. His hands hung underneath his back, between him and the floor. Everytime his body slammed into his he felt the burn between his legs grow even more intolerable. He moaned hopelessly trying to push back against the body pushing against him. Then there was someone turning his face forward and he opened his blurry eyes. Rowan was sitting across his chest making it suddenly even harder to breathe, his fingertips under his chin, one finger tracing his lips. Ryo felt himself shaking his head, groaning a bit louder when Sai begun to move faster, and then Rowan was over him and his sex filled his mouth nearly choking him.

        He couldn't do what they wanted, it was too much, couldn't they see that it was too much? Chills coursed through him when he felt a hand rub him briefly over the black vinyl that held him and he whimpered when the hand left him again after only restoring his frustration. In his pent up need he worked the sex in his mouth, needing to take his focus out on something, his hands clenching and unclenching under him, his tongue running over it like he wanted to devour it. Rowan suddenly sat back with a soft moan, and came on Ryo's neck and face. Ryo's tongue tasted the cum on his mouth, his eyes fluttering open at Rowan who was sitting back, breathing hard, his eyes shut. A soft sound behind him and final hard shove and Ryo knew that Sai was done as well. He felt overwhelmingly tired all of a sudden, like a wave of unreality washed over him and he felt his legs go limp in Sai's hands. Rowan was gone, Sai had disappeared, and he was left alone for a at least the moment, panting on the floor, the skin of his upper thighs were hot and wet, his sex was a dull warm throb between his legs still not satiated. Ryo twisted his hands desperately in the tight rope, his vision blurring red. "Please.." He whispered in a hoarse voice. "..Seiji?"

        "I'm here." He said, suddenly over him. His voice was softer than it usually was, his light blue eyes were drawn. A pale hand came down and brushed some of the black hair from his eyes. Ryo leaned his cheek into the cool hand, his eyes closing.

        "Seiji..?" He moaned, his body beginning to shake.

        Sage pulled down the tight vinyl panties, exposing him. Ryo writhed under him, a pitiful moan coming from him. But Sage didn't move to touch him, he sat there and smiled down at him. "Not yet Ryo." He moved between Ryo's legs and pulled them up, over both his shoulders.

        Ryo was in tears already. "No, please.." He was shaking his head weakly from side to side. "I can't ..not again.." He feebly tried to pull his legs out of Sage's grasp. But it was already too late to beg him. Ryo's head went back and he half screamed as Sage ripped into his body for the second time. His vision went white with pain and he thought for one hopeful second that he might black out. But he didn't.

        Sage was leaning forward, pushing his legs back, until Sage's mouth closed over his, one of his hands pushing under the tight vinyl to feel his stomach and chest. Ryo just let him kiss him, his face frozen in pain, all the muscles of his body stiff and trembling. Then his hand came down and grasped him, the vinyl still pulled down under his sex, and Ryo cried out a little, fresh tears running down his face. The cool hand ran up and down his swollen sex and then began to slowly pump it in time with his deep slow kiss. Ryo's tongue met his hungrily, leaning forward to kiss him back, the burning ache between his legs igniting him. And just as he felt Sage's body slow, he felt his own vision falter as the violent sweet explosion of sensation flooded him, his pent up frustration finally released, leaving him dazed and breathless on the floor, his sex still squeezed in Sage's grip. Sage shuddered over him, his face in Ryo's neck, making a soft moan into his black hair. They lay there for a moment each of them trying to catch their breath.

        Sage drew back a bit, letting Ryo's legs slide off his shoulders to either side of him. Their faces were inches apart. "Wasn't that worth waiting for?"

        If Ryo hadn't been so exhausted he would have agreed.

the end
