Tall Blue Drinks pt. 4

By Windlily.


He pulled himself out of his memory and used the Jagon to glance through the temple walls. Kurama was still asleep, most of the bandages gone since Yukina had turned her power on the Youko again. He rested his chin on his drawn up knees and let out a miserable little sigh. Damn that Youko. What was he supposed to do now? That secret little place was now a wide open, yawning chasm, impossible to ignore. He had managed to keep it contained and under control by staying as far away from Kurama as possible since that...time in the water.

The memory of it still disturbed him. Once he had regained his composure, and he had to do it sitting naked in the top of a tree, he had been furious. Furious with himself for being so scared, for being unable to deal with that searing pleasure that had burned through him, that had overwhelmed him and left him reeling and defenseless. And furious with Kurama for doing it to him. He had felt betrayed, felt that Kurama had just been playing with him. That he had just done it for the hell of it. He was Youko after all. So he had shut Kurama out. Even when they had to be together as teammates, he had made sure that they were never alone, refused to exchange any more words with him than was necessary, made very sure that he was never close enough for Kurama to touch him.

For Kurama to touch him...he closed his eyes. Even though he had kept Kurama away from him physically, he still showed up in his dreams, a lot. Very vivid dreams. Dreams that he would jerk out of with his erection a throbbing ache and his veins full of fire. He'd stay perfectly still until it went away, afraid to move, afraid of what might happen. And he'd curse Kurama the whole time. Yet now he was wondering if he had thought the wrong thing. Kurama had almost died trying to protect him. Again the feeling of panic, of being left without that Youko flicked though him, accompanied by a rush of confusing desires that terrified him.

Why? He didn't understand why Kurama had done that. Or why he had done what he did when he realized that Kurama was dying. He had let Kurama in, had let him touch the core of himself that he kept hidden and locked away from everyone else. He had a moment of revelation, as sharp and bright edged as sunlight on the edge of a sword. He had done it because he loved that Youko and couldn't bare the thought of going on without him. It shook him to the very core of his being. He was twice damned.

"My tastes run to refinement and beauty," Kurama's voice whispered that again in his head.

He was well aware of that. And well aware that those were both things he didn't have. After all, he WAS a foul tempered little runt. A foul tempered little runt who was in love with a half-human youko and had absolutely no idea of what to do about it. He stood, looked one more time at Kurama, then left.

Kurama shuffled through the riot of color that carpeted the path, head down and hands clenched into fists in the pockets of his jacket. Then he kicked at the leaves in frustration, sending them to swirl up in the cold clean wind. Hiei had been avoiding him for months now, going out of his way even when they had to be together to put as much distance between them as possible. He couldn't get him alone to talk to him, to explain his mistake. He sighed heavily, realizing now that he would never get the chance. Hiei had never run from anything in his life before that incident and Hiei had made it very plain that he would never forgive him for it.

He had hoped that Hiei would understand why he had put himself between him and Yomi, had hoped so hard to see Hiei sitting by him when he woke up, so weak. Yukina had told him that he had almost died, that Hiei had come to get her and taken her into the Makai to heal him. Yet Hiei stayed away, still. He rubbed at his forehead and the aching tingle behind it. Something else had happened, he had a vague recollection of something, a dream or a memory? He wasn't sure. But it had been Hiei's voice pleading with him not to leave him alone. His lips turned in a little, bitter smile. Wishful thinking. It had to be. Hiei was lost to him.

His youko self offered a variety of images of pretty girls...and boys... with the mischievous suggestion of *if we must be human now, let's play with humans...*

He ignored it. He didn't want them. He wanted Hiei.

Hiei leaned back against the trunk of the tree he was standing in and watched Kurama's slow advance toward him with narrowed eyes. The wind that sent the bright autumn leaves dancing caught at Kurama's hair and sent it swirling around his head like bloody flames. Hiei plucked a leaf as red as Kurama's hair off a near branch and twirled it between his fingers.

*You scared me Kurama. Twice. I should kill you for that.*

He let the leaf go and watched it's slow to drift down to join it's brothers on the path Kurama was following. He followed it down and took a steadying breath as Kurama stopped dead in his tracks, just staring at him. He stalked to him, stopped when they were toe to toe. Kurama stood as if frozen. He closed his eyes and steeled himself, then slid his arms around Kurama's waist and gave him a fierce hug.

Kurama couldn't believe it when Hiei appeared on the path before him. He blinked twice, just to make sure he wasn't seeing a projection of his own mind, but Hiei was there and solid and advancing on him with a scowl that would have sent anything sane running. He thought about doing just that, uncertain of Hiei's temper and still in no shape to defend himself if Hiei had decided to take his anger out on his hide. But then again, he didn't stand a chance at outrunning him either, so he just stood his ground and waited. He tensed, ready to move, as Hiei came to a stop right before him. Arms slithered around his waist and Hiei leaned his forehead against his chest as he wrapped him in a strong hug. Kurama was so shocked that only the support of Hiei's arms kept him from falling over backwards.

He cautiously put his hands on Hiei's shoulders, afraid that he would draw away. Hiei didn't move so he slid his arms around his shoulders and drew him closer. Hiei allowed it, turned the left side of his head so it was pressed against his sternum. They stood that way for a few minutes as Kurama worked on getting his voice to work.

It seemed an eternity that Hiei waited. *He's going to laugh, or say something sarcastic and push me away.*

Hands closed on his shoulders and he steeled himself, opened his eyes wide as they went around his shoulders and pulled him in tighter. The beat of Kurama's heart had sped up under his ear and he wondered if that was a good or bad sign.

Finally Kurama got it out, rough and choked with emotion.

"Oh, Gods, Hiei. I thought I had lost you."

Hiei didn't answer, but the arms tightened even more, causing his ribs to groan in protest. Kurama told them firmly to shut up. Then he took a step back as he was released, his balance upset a bit. Hiei was walking away from him. Kurama waited for him to blur out of sight knowing how hard it was for Hiei to show any sign of emotion and more than happy to accept this peace offering for the moment. Hiei turned his head and looked back at him with an exasperated expression on his face and he could swear he heard...::Well, come on!::...whisper softly in his head.

Kurama shook his head slightly as he closed the distance between them with a few long strides then settled back into his walking pace, Hiei matching his stride and staying like a silent shadow by his side. He must be imagining things. Hiei never used his mental voice. There was too much of a danger of the recipient being able to run back up the contact and sneak into the speakers mind. Kurama used his own when he could only with Hiei, hoping that perhaps the young youkai WOULD decide to sneak in and see what was lurking about.

Hiei glanced over and up at Kurama out of the corner of his eye as they walked together. He had been watching the humans. Not only the ones in the group that he considered His, but also others. He knew now why Kurama was so entranced by them. They played very complex games with each other, full of unspoken rules that only they seemed to know. He had considered many times just washing his hands in disgust with the whole lot of them, especially after they would do something so weird and stupid in their interactions that he just couldn't puzzle it out.

But Kurama was part human now so he had continued to observe them, hoping to figure out what to do. And he had discovered a few things. One of them was that when two people liked each other, they held each others hands. Kurama had accepted his hug, but that could have just been from friendship. Human friends hugged sometimes. Would Kurama accept this? Did he really want to make the offer? Again the anxiety, the trill of fear of what he had decided to do ran through him. But he was decided. And determined.

Kurama blinked in shock as a small but strong hand slipped into his own. He glanced sideways and down and made himself take the next step, and the next as he tried to read the smaller youkai next to him. Hiei had his eyes down, focused on the leaves that covered the path they walked. Was that a blush that colored his cheeks? The hand started to withdraw so he grabbed it tightly, determined to keep it as he wormed his fingers between Hiei's and entwined them, making a trap that Hiei would have to fight to get them free. Hiei was blushing! He didn't look up, but his fingers didn't attempt to wiggle free. Kurama rubbed his thumb along the side of Hiei's hand and was delighted when Hiei copied the gesture. Then he gave himself a mental shake and reminded himself not to be stupid. He knew that there was nothing more to it than an innocent gesture of friendship. And he was more than happy with that at the moment.

He let go of Hiei's hand with a gentle squeeze as they reached the place he was heading for. Hiei let him pass, then followed as Kurama turned off the path and onto an rarely used, overgrown track. There was only room in the winding way through the tall bamboo stalks for one at time. Finally the path opened into a secluded glade that surrounded a small pool. Kurama had found this place a long time ago and visited it whenever he could. It held a feeling of tranquility for him, a place of beauty that needed no improvement from his power. He lowered himself onto the grass and stretched out his legs, leaning back slightly using his hands for support. Hiei stood by him for a moment, then settled next to him. Kurama swallowed hard. He had settled very close. He pushed that awareness to the side and closed his eyes and tipped his head back, focusing on the warmth of the sunlight on his face instead. It happened all at once. There was the rustle of fabric. Weight settled on his thighs, hands closed on his shoulders, lips brushed his own. He startled, eyes flying open to connect with Hiei's, only inches from his own.

Hiei tensed even more and felt something heavy and painful grab his chest as he mis-interpreted what he saw in Kurama's expression, in his eyes.

*I should have known better!* he snarled to himself and gathered himself, ready to run away again, this time forever.

Kurama felt the shift of weight as he registered the panic in Hiei's eyes.

::I should have known better!::

It was a snarled, forlorn little thought. Hiei's thought. He WAS hearing Hiei on and off!

"Oh, no you don't! Not this time, my sexy little youkai!" he growled back as he wrapped his arms around Hiei, pulling him down against his chest as he fell backwards onto the grass and rolled over on top of him to keep him pinned.

Hiei had been called a lot of things in his short life so far, but never sexy. It shocked him enough that he didn't fight back as Kurama rolled over on him. He gave a little exhaled huff of surprise as Kurama grinned down at him.

"Sexy?" It was a soft question, more of a statement, barely audible and full disbelief.

"Hiei, sometimes you can be so stupid."

Hiei started a snarled insult back even though the amusement in Kurama's face and voice took away the hardness implied in his words. Kurama halted it by covering his mouth, his tongue darting in to tease his own lightly. Hiei found himself kissing back, his body remembering a lesson his mind didn't. Kurama broke it, letting them both breathe for a moment. Kurama nipped and sucked on his bottom lip, then he was back, this kiss deep and pulling at his soul. The fire in his blood stirred along with something else.

*It's happening!* Panic hit him and he froze, trapped between his fear and his desire to show Kurama just how much he liked him.

This was something else he had figured out about humans. When they loved each other a lot, they used sex to show just how much. He loved Kurama that much. And he thought he had convinced himself that he could do this.

Kurama frowned as Hiei went stiff under him, his mouth suddenly unresponsive to his kiss. Then he knew what was wrong and broke off with a sigh. He pulled his hands out from under Hiei's back and pushed himself up a little so Hiei wouldn't feel so trapped. Then he caught Hiei's troubled eyes with his own.

"Hiei, that time in the water...I made a mistake. A stupid mistake. I wasn't thinking. The water made it happen too fast. And you weren't ready. Let me try again?" There was a pleading undertone there wrapped around a deeper sound, a throb of barely repressed desire that surprised them both.

He hadn't been ready? It could be different? A ripple of relief went through him. He'd let Kurama try again. But this time better be different! He wiggled his arms up and took a hold of those sidelocks and pulled Kurama back down, his kiss giving the youko permission to try again.

Kurama accepted the kiss and sealed the pact with the promise of slow passion in his own. He sat up so he was straddling Hiei's thighs, Hiei opening his fingers enough for the hair to trail through them, then took the ends of Hiei's scarf and pulled him up to sit also. He decided he was going to unwrap Hiei like a present. Hiei's hands went to the buttons of his coat as he started to unwind the scarf. Kurama caught his hands and turned them to kiss his palms, then put each on down firmly on the grass. Hiei blinked at him, but accepted this. He leaned forwards to nuzzle the flesh he exposed, leaving wet kisses against the hot skin to dry in the cool air. Then he undid the buttons of the coat quickly and pushed it off Hiei's shoulders. Hiei looked at him questionally and he nodded permission. Hiei lifted his hands so Kurama could get it off him then put them back where Kurama had placed them. Kurama tossed it so it spread it behind him, then went after his shirt. He tugged it out of the wide belt.

"Put your hands up, Hiei," he commanded as he slid his hands under the fabric, let his fingertips trail up Hiei's back as he ran his palms up his sides, taking the shirt up.

Hiei twitched, then shivered slightly as he turned his hands so that his fingers ran through the surprisingly soft tufts in his armpits and tickled them up the smooth underside of his raised arms. The shirt was tossed in the general direction that the scarf had taken as Kurama put his hands on Hiei's and guided his arms back down with gentle pressure as he leaned forwards for another kiss. He kept his hands on Hiei's shoulders and kept his kiss going as he pushed him back down prone then turned quickly on his legs so he could get off his boots. He swore he heard Hiei chuckle in his head as he struggled with no success. He was just at the wrong angle. Suddenly Hiei helped by toeing each heel so all he had to was tug them off.

Kurama turned back around and saw the amusement glittering in Hiei's eyes. He had put his hands under his head for support. Kurama smiled sweetly back even as a devilish gleam came into his eyes. The double buckle of the wide belt came undone under his fast fingers and Hiei arched his back to let him tug it out. Kurama scooted a little farther down his legs, then put his hands on either side of Hiei's slender waist and descended on the skin above his navel with a loud, wet kiss. Then he began to kiss and nip his way around it quickly, dipping his tongue into the little recess every now and then to tickle as Hiei pushed at his head with both hands, squirming.

"Shit, Kurama! Stop it!" Hiei finally pleaded with a growl.

Kurama flicked his tongue into Hiei's navel one last time, then sat back up. Now for the best part. He undid the tie at the front of Hiei's pants and slid his forefingers into the sides and pulled to loosen the drawstring. Hiei lifted his hips as he started them down and it took all his willpower not to lean down and kiss the tip of Hiei's member as it came into sight. He eyed Hiei's engorged length as he slowly exposed it. He was huge, definitely out of proportion to his slight frame. Later he knew he would appreciate that fact, but right now he found himself a little intimidated by it. He backed down Hiei's legs, taking the pants with him until he was at his feet. He reached behind him and took a hold of the bottoms of each leg and pulled, lifting himself up enough so that the fabric could slide under him. He gazed up Hiei's body with an appreciative sigh.

"Very sexy."

Hiei stared back as Kurama stood, wanting to be rid of his clothes. He had considered letting Hiei take them off, but he was too anxious to wait now. He stripped quickly, watching Hiei watch him. It was fun. Then he went back to his knees, straddling Hiei's hips once more and leaned down for another round of kisses.

Kurama was right, this was different. He tipped his head back as Kurama kissed his way down his throat, his hands stroking the back of his neck. He swallowed a sigh of pleasure as Kurama's tongue flicked delicately against the hollow of his throat then continued down the center of his chest.

*eh?* Hiei pressed himself back against the ground as Kurama's mouth closed on one of his nipples.

Then he pressed up against Kurama's mouth as the youko sucked and ran his tongue around it, then pushed against it hard, sending zinging tingles shooting through his body. He tangled his fingers into Kurama's silky hair and pulled him toward the other. He wanted more of that sensation. Kurama obliged and his hips moved as he enjoyed it. That movement pulled his focus down as his length slid against the fur-soft hair of Kurama's groin and against the silken length there. He did it again. Yes. That felt very nice. He frowned as Kurama moved farther down his legs, abandoning his nipples and taking away his hips.

He steeled himself for another belly-button tickling as Kurama kissed his way down, was somewhat surprised when Kurama's tongue only flicked in once, but hands were pushing between his thighs. He parted them and was rewarded with light fingers going to stroke the skin there. Kurama lifted his head and shifted, then his mouth joined the fingers teasing the skin of his thighs. It was...he lost that though as Kurama's mouth closed on his scrotum. He just hung, the sensation rolling through him, making the ache, the need, flair through his groin. Then the mouth was gone, the hands still. He waited for a few seconds, then lifted his head to see what was going on. Kurama was grinning up at him, just waiting for this moment. Kurama licked his shaft, a long, slow, firm stroke from base to tip.

"ah!" escaped him as his head went back down and he dug his fingers into the grass.

Kurama licked him again and again, then ran his teeth lightly over his tip. A pressure was building, focused in the hard flesh Kurama was playing with. Wave after wave of pleasure sang through him with each stroke of the youko's tongue until he knew he was going to go insane.

Kurama took the head of Hiei's penis between his lips and tickled the slit with the tip of his tongue, letting the bitter/salt taste of the drop of moisture there spread across his tongue. It was time. Hiei was lifting his hips, trying to get more of himself into the hot cavern of his mouth. He enveloped as much of him as he could without gagging and wrapped his fingers around his base and squeezed gently as he sucked, pressing against the flesh with his tongue as he moved his head up.

Hiei groaned, low and deep, the muscles of his thighs and stomach trembling yet hard as steel as he pushed up into Kurama's mouth. And then he...exploded.

Kurama kept up his rhythm as he swallowed Hiei's seed, slowing only when the pulse that moved Hiei's penis faded. He gave him a few more licks as the flesh slackened then let him slide from between his lips. He gave him one last kiss on his tip, then moved up to stretch out on his side next to Hiei. Hiei turned into him, his arms tight against his chest as he buried his face into Kurama's chest. Kurama held him loosely, stoked his back softly as he waited for Hiei to recover his composure. Hiei finally moved back enough so he could tip his face up to look at his friend.

"Better?" Kurama asked softly.

Hiei nodded. It HAD felt better than anything he had ever imagined. Something nudged his belly and he glanced down. Kurama's erection was still there, pressed between them. He looked back up at Kurama as he snaked one hand down to touch it. Kurama smiled and shuddered slightly. He stroked it lightly as he stretched up and caught Kurama's mouth. Kurama tasted...funny. He realized it was himself he was tasting. He wondered what Kurama would taste like? He broke off his kiss, Kurama making a little murmur of protest that was cut off when Hiei captured his nipple between his lips. He nibbled and sucked on it, and decided it was almost as much fun to do as to have it done as Kurama sighed and shivered. Kurama moved away, his hand going down to catch Hiei's wrist, stilling his hand. He frowned up at him and wondered if he was doing it wrong. Kurama brought his hand up and kissed his palm.

"Hiei, I want...to be...in you."

Hiei frowned at him some more. He wasn't a female and he didn't think that Kurama meant doing what he had just done.


Kurama's hand moved down his back, stroked the curve of his rear, then his fingers ran lightly up his crack. Hiei startled a little, then figured it out. He gave Kurama a very solemn look as he considered it.


Kurama gave a delighted smile, then leaned in to him for a teasing kiss. He broke it and hugged Hiei against him, then let him go and sat up, knees tucked under him. He took one of Hiei's hands and tugged, patting his knee with the other. Hiei sat up and paused, wondering if Kurama really wanted him to sit on his lap.

"Come on, Hiei, it's way past the time for being shy," Kurama's hands went to his waist and pulled him forwards.

He had to put his hands on Kurama's shoulders to keep his balance and that youko took the opportunity to nuzzle the nearest nipple. Kurama's hands guided his hips down as he licked up his chest. He ended up sitting on Kurama's thighs, his legs open and his knees to the outside of Kurama's legs. Kurama caught his mouth again as his hands left his hips to stroke his back with his fingertips. It sent little, tickley shivers up and down his spine. Then Kurama's hands parted, one stayed to tickle his back as the other wandered forwards over his hip and closed on his member. Hiei kissed back hard, sliding his arms around Kurama's neck as Kurama stoked and pressed, starting that wonderful feeling up again as his penis stirred back to life.

Kurama smiled to himself as Hiei's kiss turned rough and passionate as he started to lengthen and hardened in his hand once more. That was going to something he was going to really miss about his youko body, this Youkai ability to play over and over. He lowered the hand on Hiei's back down to the curve of his rear and covered the crack with his hand, his fingers delving deeper with each stroke until one found the little, hidden pucker of flesh and brushed against it lightly. Hiei pressed forwards against his chest at that touch, his tongue stilling in surprise as he continued to stroke against it lightly. He distracted him with a few firm pulls on his length and Hiei's tongue came back to life. He chased Hiei's tongue for a few moments longer then broke their kiss.

Hiei almost jumped when Kurama's finger brushed against him there and he froze. Not sure if he like that feeling or not. Kurama pulled on him, sending another wave of pleasure through his groin. He kissed once more, letting Kurama know how much he liked that. After a few more touches, he decided it was kind of nice. Just another shivery sensation that joined the rest. Kurama pulled away from his mouth, his lips going to nibble on his shoulder instead as the fingers left his rear. He rested his forehead on Kurama's shoulder as the tension built in him, the pleasure from Kurama's teasing hand growing more intense.

Kurama's other hand came to join the one that was playing with him, slid down past it, over his balls and farther back, fingers wet against the tender skin behind them, then back against his opening. He did jump and clench his cheeks together as one started to push into him slowly, pulling a startled grunt out of him. But he couldn't really move. Kurama's hand had wrapped around his penis and was pumping with slow, maddening strokes. There was a flair of pain as another finger pushed in, stretching him, and another. The pain was so mixed with the pleasure and he didn't know whether to scream or sigh.

"Kurama..." Hiei made a strangled plea against his shoulder.

"Just hold tight, Hiei. It'll be better in a minute. I promise," Kurama whispered in his ear, then winced as Hiei's fingers dug into his back as he spread his fingers, stretching him even further.

He didn't want Hiei to feel any pain when he went into him. Wanted to get it over with now. Hiei clung to him and he murmured soothing nonsense sounds in his ear as he worked him, front and back. Finally, the clenched fingers on his back relaxed and he felt the tension change in his lovers body, felt his hips start to rock slightly in time with his stroking hand. He was ready now. Hiei gave a half whimper/half groan of protest as he released him and slid his fingers out.

"Turn around, Hiei."

Kurama's hands left him hanging. He wasn't quite sure when the pain had faded to be replaced by pleasure, but it had and he was almost to that place. He protested but Kurama's hands were on his waist, lifting him, turning him on his knees. There was pressure against his opening again and he knew is was Kurama's flesh going into him since his hands were on his hips, steadying. One of Kurama's arms went around his chest, one around his stomach, pulling him tight against him as he pushed in slowly. Hiei loved the panting, "ah...ah...ah..." Kurama made against his neck as he went deeper, pulling more sensation out of his body. He reached back and tangled both hands into Kurama's hair as Kurama's lower hand slid down his stomach and closed on his erection, pumping it. His own little sounds of pleasure joined Kurama's as his body sang, then he felt it gather, focus and then he was tumbling along on the wave.

Kurama was moving him again, and he found himself on his back. Kurama threw himself down to lay on him, his hips thrusting hard, driving his length in and out of him. He wrapped his arms around Kurama's chest and wound his legs around his waist and clung to him, loved the way it felt. He kissed his throat, his shoulder. Kurama's cheek pressed against his own as his labored breathing took on a desperate sound.

::Shit, Kurama! Do it!::

Kurama thrust deep, then stilled except for the little jerks of his hips as his orgasm rolled through him. He rested his head on Hiei's shoulder, panting, drained physically and awash in emotion. He felt Hiei's hand go through his hair, pushing it out of his face and back over his shoulder.

"Kurama, your squashing me," Hiei informed him calmly.

That wrung a tear choked chuckle out of him. He rolled, taking Hiei with him so the smaller youkai was laying on top of him. He knew he would slide out soon, but he wanted to be one with Hiei as long as possible.

"There, now you can squash me."

"Hn," Hiei gifted him with a smile as he stacked his hands and put them under his chin.

Then if flew into a frown as one hand reached out and touched the moisture on his face.

"Why are you crying?"

"I..." how could he explain? "I just...love you."

"That's nice to know. But why are you crying?"

"They're happy tears, Hiei. I never thought you would..." he trailed off.

"Me neither. Stupid fox making me do crazy things!" Hiei glared at him with a playful gleam in his eye.

Kurama leaned up and kissed him on the tip of his nose. Hiei gave him the hint of a smile then put his head back down on Kurama's chest. Kurama sighed happily as they cuddled together.



"Can I do that to you sometime?"

Kurama laughed. "Anytime you want."

Hiei sat up, straddling his chest, then leaned down and gave him a slow, passionate kiss.

"Hiei..." got out around it.

Hiei broke the kiss and gave him an evil glare.

"You did say anytime."

He found himself grinning back.

"I might not be up to it," he warned.

Hiei simply shrugged and set to work.

The end?
