--Kitty Cat wasn't a Kitten, not as dumb as they thought--

adam ant


   Sleepy Razy Boyz


        Rain splattered loudly on the windows, the glass a moving sheen of water, filling the quiet room with soft gray light. The TV had been turned off and everyone was either falling asleep or about to. Sai yawned into the back of his hand, his elbows resting on the window sill, watching the puddles forming in their gravel driveway. The dark clouds were low and hid the mountains, a low rumble of thunder and a brief flicker of lightning illuminating the room for one moment. A low growl came from behind him and he turned his head, a small tired smile on his face.

    "It's okay." He assured the great white cat who was slumbering on the floor. "It's just a storm." The cat rested his chin back on his front claws and after one more glance at the window, his opal eyes closed. Sitting back from the window, Sai lay down on the floor next to the warm cat, laying on his side so he could stroke the brilliant white fur, scratching a little as he went. Only one eye opened and looked at him, then closed, a great deep rumble suddenly filling the room.

        "I hate that." Rowan said, closed his book with a snap. He was sitting just behind him in a comfortable chair. "He purrs so damn loud I can't concentrate on anything." He threw his book on the couch across the room. "How does Ryo sleep with that racket?"

        As if in an answer, the cat's purr grew even more content, Sai's hand scratching behind the ever alert ears. Sai smiled, his other hand under his face for a pillow, his legs drawn up under him. "He heard you." He continued to scratch, the cat moving it's own great head for him, giving him better access to his far ear. "I wouldn't mind it at all, he keeps you warm." Sai moved a bit closer to the animal's body, resting his head on one of the powerful front legs.

        "Last time that flea bag slept with me," Rowan said disdainfully, "..I ended up in the crack between the mattress and the wall for the whole night."

        Sai laughed softly into the sweet smelling fur, a sleepy feeling washing over him. The gentle thud of the raindrops hitting the roof and the deep rumble of the cat next to him on the floor was soothing. The soft gray light was peaceful and still. He was almost gone, drifted completely to sleep, when he heard a soft whistle. He opened his heavy eyes, the giant cat beside him suddenly alert, it's head raised from the cradle of it's paws, it's unblinking stare trained on the upstairs balcony. The soft whistle came again. The massive creature gracefully stood, yawning and stretching and softly padded to and up the stairs. They heard Ryo's voice saying something softly and then his door closing. "Oh." Sai sighed in disappointment, hugging himself. It was chilly in here and even more so when your blanket stands up and walks away.

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        Rowan watched Sai stretch out full length on the floor, the muscles in his arms and legs shaking as he did it, a big yawn escaping him. Rowan cocked his head, blinking down at him, his body collapsed in a relaxed sprawl at the foot of his chair. There was something cat like in his movements, the slow sleepy way he brushed the back of his hand over his eyes. The soft grey sweat pants he wore blended with the light of the room, a soft blue long sleeve shirt had ridden up when he stretched, showing several inches of Sai's flat stomach. He was wearing white wool socks. Rowan smirked.             "You look about as comfortable as WB down there." He remarked dryly, putting his chin in his hand and crossing his legs.

        "I know." Sai sighed. "Perhaps I should purr too?" Sai rolled his head a bit to look up at Rowan a bright but tired smile on his face. Sai let his eyes close and did a soft but reasonable facsimile of a purr, rubbing his face against the carpet under his cheek.

        Rowan's eyebrows raised. Shifting a little were he sat, he cleared his throat, his mouth had suddenly for some reason gone dry. "Sai?"

        Sai's eyes barely opened, looking up at him under a fringe of lash, a hand came up tentatively. "Meow?" His relaxed body shifted along his spine, twisting a little.

        Rowan shook his head, a smile coming to him. He started to reach down, to grab his hand and pull him up but he stopped. Sai had twisted closer to him and was rubbing his cheek on his sneaker, purring as soft as the gray light that filtered through the watery windows. He watched him do it, his hand frozen before him, sitting on the edge of his chair. Instead of reaching for Sai's hand, Rowan reached down and touched the exposed warm skin of Sai's stomach. Sai began rubbing against him harder, moving himself closer so that Rowan would have no trouble. No trouble? Rowan thought. No trouble doing what? His thoughts turned to the cat under Sai's hand before. So that I could pet him? Rowan suddenly felt warm, the heated flesh under his hand was smooth and hard.

Rowan smirked.

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           Sai sighed when he felt the cool hand begin to rub him, stroking his belly softly, running up and down the hard ripples of his lower stomach. It seemed natural to rub his cheek harder against his ankle to show his appreciation, he'd seen their own cat do it often enough. The cool hand pushed his shirt up and went all the way up his chest, to his collar bone. He shivered, the cold air of the room making his skin turn to goose flesh, his nipples hardening under the fingertips that touched him. His purr faltered and he moaned a bit, his mouth opening on the warm denim of Rowan's lower pant leg and biting it a little. Rowan's hand came down lightly and barely traced the skin from the base of his throat down to the soft skin below his belly button, right at the edge of the tops of the elastic of his sweat pants. The hand traveled back up his chest and came down again, this time was even more maddening because of his deliberate slowness. Again, he stopped at the top of his sweat pants. Sai desperately rubbed Rowan's leg with his cheek, nudging at him, urging him to go further, his purrs beginning to sound desperate and less purr-like. Sai felt on the verge of tears, the shameful act of raising his hips up a little off the ground in some sort of offering towards Rowan was not left undone. He was about to speak when the hand finally slipped under the loose elastic at his hips and slid down into the heat between his legs.

        "Oh!" Sai gasped, his eyes squeezed shut, the rough denim of Rowan's pants clenched in his teeth, the hand slid under him, cool against his swollen sex and the heat between his tense thighs. He spread his legs wider when Rowan's hand reached even further and slid one-two-three fingers, slowing easing them into his body. "Ro-" Sai weakly began, but Rowan's other hand was on his lips.

        "Hush. Kitty doesn't talk." Rowan smiled down on him, entwined around his calves, his hands gripped around them. Frozen on Rowan hand as he pushed even further, Sai's entire body shook with warm panic, his thighs shuddering on either side of Rowan's hand. The barest friction of Rowan's sleeve on his throbbing sex, sent flashes of pleasure through him, a soft moan into Rowan's leg. "Where are you.." Rowan murmured, appearing distracted above him. Sai felt the hand inside of him begin to move around, the added sensation of friction along with the forcible push so deep inside of him, he felt a cold sweat break out on his skin, on his exposed stomach and his drawn face. A soft tortured noise came from him, his legs spreading wider, his sex pinned, hot and painful under Rowan's forearm. Then a small vibration inside making him gasp and arch his back. "You have to be here somewhere..."Rowan sighed, suddenly pushing even further into the prone body under him. Sai moaned piteously, still trying very hard to purr. Then suddenly an electric shock of sensual warmth spread from between his legs and outward, making his face burn and his nerves shower sparks. Sai almost screamed out loud, but instead made a harsh choke, his hips rising ever so slightly, his breath short and quick.

"There it is!" Rowan exclaimed happily.

        And right when Sai thought he could not be capable of experiencing any more sensation then he already had, Rowan began to finger him slowly, every time touching and rubbing that place that he had reached so deep inside of him. He tried to stay quiet, but Rowan started to move faster and Sai knew he was being loud but it couldn't help it. Rowan's hand was slamming up between his legs now, not touching, but jabbing that spot every time, the steady friction of his arm going faster and faster over his sex. Sai could feel tears running down his face, his arms crushing Rowan's legs to him, the desperate sound of his own moaning lost to him. Then in one blinding warm rush, Sai came and came on himself, his entire body shuddering in the release, his moaning reaching a breathless pinnacle. Sai opened his eyes and without moving his head, looked up at Rowan, whose hand was still deep in his body. Rowan was checking the balcony, but quickly looked back down slowly withdrawing his hand. Sai writhed under him, feeling the sudden emptiness, his sex still pulsing with aftershocks. Rowan laughed lowly, in a kind of shy boyish way that he didn't do very often and it made Sai smile to think he'd do it now. His hand rubbed Sai's soft brown hair with affection.

        "What a good kitty." Sai, his breath still short sat up a little.

        "Meow?" He crawled forward, looking at the smile that Rowan was trying to hide with a hand, his cheeks blushing a little. Sai felt a sharp pang watching him, Rowan's charm was that he didn't know he even had any, the light pink blush demanded to be kissed, the smile he tried to hide required to be touched. On his knees, Sai leaned forward, pushing Rowan back into his chair. His hands were at the button fly of his jeans.

"Kitty wants some milk."

        Rowan appeared a bit surprised, but did not try to stop him from unbuttoning his pants. Sai got them open and then yanked one leg of his jeans off, pulling them practically half way off. He considered taking them completely off but after one look at Rowan biting his lip, that faint pink blush on his cheeks and Sai decided he couldn't wait. Pushing Rowans legs apart and up on either arm of the chair, Sai threw his arms around his waist and hugging his warm body to his own, buried his face between his legs and took Rowan's sex in his mouth, licking and sucking on it slowly, hungrily. The soft cry Rowan made when he took his sex all the way down to it's base, encouraged him and very slowly Sai worked him, the hot unyielding thing sliding far to the back of his throat, Rowan breathing heavily against him. He felt his fingertips in his hair, stroking him, trembling slightly on his shoulders, the sex in his mouth had been swollen when he had found it but with his tongue and mouth working and shaping it, it felt like iron. Rowan suddenly gasped and pushed him away, his dark blue eyes half lidded, his face glazed with sweat. He pulled at Sai's hands, Sai looking down at the hands holding his own and wondering what he wanted him to do. Rowan pulled him forward and Sai abruptly understood, the desire and the want for it overwhelmed him, making him weak and hungry for the closeness of it. Standing up Sai lowered himself on Rowan's lap, letting his sex slide into his waiting body, Rowan's eyes fluttering closed as he sat all the way down on his lap, his legs over Rowan's on the arm rests.

        Their mouths met, Sai pushing his tongue into the one under him, he tasted so sweet he wanted to taste his mouth for hours, being pushed into from below, slowly and meticulously. That warm place inside coming back to life, sending shocks of paralyzing warmth through him. Moaning into Rowan's mouth, he felt himself start to stiffen against Rowan's stomach, the rain splattering against the broad windows, the thunder rumbling across the sky. Shuddering into their kiss, gripping at each other tightly, they both came in the soft gray of the room. Sai kept kissing him even after the last of the shuddering had ended, the warm mouth malleable and soft against his own, Rowan's arms around him. Sai only reluctantly stood and pulled his sweat pants back up when a door opened and closed on the second floor. Time to get dressed.

        Sai watched Rowan stand and fix his jeans, and button the fly. His face was till flushed and his hair was mussed up and it made him look unbearably cute. Sai leaned against him, butting him with his head into his chest until he felt the delicate touch of fingertips in his hair. "Was good kitty?"

        Rowan smirked, a small laugh coming from him. "I wouldn't send ya to the pound." Smacking him firmly on the ass.

the end
