--I'm so sorry
for the way it had to go
Now I feel your presence in a way I could not know
Ever gentle, as it kills me where I lay
Who am I to resist?
Who are you to fail?-- duran duran
~Seiji Love~
Ryo's eyes narrowed in confusion when he realized that Seiji wasn't alone. It was dark outside the broad windows and cold. He watched Seiji shut the heavy door behind another person, icy wind blowing into the room before it clicked closed. Ryo tried to say something before he remembered he couldn't speak, the small sound of his question lost across the large room. Biting down on the rubber bit between his teeth in frustration, Ryo tested his numb wrists behind him. Ryo had been there since that morning, and he spent the day watching the shadows cast by the sun travel from one side of the room to the other. He had even managed to sleep for a few hours. All day. Anger, low and hot smoldered in him, Seiji hadn't even looked over at him yet.
Seiji was looking at the guy who had come in with him. Seiji was taking his coat and as he turned to slip it off he got a good look at him. The guy was pretty tall, taller than Seiji , with dark hair and light eyes. Green maybe? Ryo couldn't see over the distance.
"This is your place?" The person said, startling Ryo. For some reason the possibility of him speaking hadn't occurred to him. The voice was low and expectant. Ryo's eyes narrowed, he immediately didn't like him.
Seiji nodded, silently putting the man's coat in the foyer closet along with his own. Before he had even finished shutting the closet door the man's hand was on his shoulder, yanking him back away from it. "I asked you a question." The man said in that same low voice, pushing Seiji back against the wall facing him. Right then Seiji did something so unbelievably shocking that Ryo's unblinking eyes almost fell out of his head.
He did nothing. Seiji's pale blue eyes looked at the floor, his hands at his sides. They flickered up at the man's face above him and then quickly back down to the floor. "Yes." Seiji murmured quietly. "This is my place."
Ryo sat paralyzed, staring at them.
"That's better." He said, moving closer to him, obscuring Seiji's face from his view. "I didn't want to hurt you in the car." His hand had slid onto Seiji's hip and then around behind him, his other hand was going up to Seiji's face. "Just keep listening to me and I won't have to anymore." He was moving forward turning them both slowly giving Ryo a perfect view of the man's steady hand under Seiji's chin, tilting his face up to his own, his other hand sliding around to the front of his body and grasping him between the legs. Seiji made no noise when the man had backed him up against the wall. "It was a long ride here." His lips touched his and then he was kissing him.
Ryo's wide eyes blinked.
He took one of Seiji's arms and then the other and put them around his neck as if Seiji was incapable of the act himself, his tongue moving slowly in the mouth under his, Seiji making no move forward or to withdraw.
Ryo blinked again.
He finally drew back a bit breathless, smoothing some blonde hair out of Seiji's face. "This is going to be fun." He was touching the smooth white skin of his cheek, hungry to touch him, feel him. "Tell me how much fun this will be."
Seiji let his face fall to the side as the man stroked him, his hands pulling at his clothes. He let himself be handled, not moving away from his rough hands. His cheek was at his shoulder and for the first time his pale blue eyes fell on Ryo's dark ones so far off in the darkened corner. Seiji seemed suddenly so fragile, being grabbed at and touched so roughly, the strong hands on him blind to anything but their own gratification. His voice was soft but held something that made the hair rise on the back of Ryo's neck. "It's going to be very fun."
v v v
He slapped Seiji twice. Hard enough to make Seiji stagger back a bit. An open handed punch coming from a man that big would have put anyone down but he didn't seem to notice that his strength didn't have it's usual effect. Seiji didn't flinch much and what he did seemed forced, contrived pain.
The sound of ripping fabric, Seiji's back hit the couch the man falling down on top of him, his hands groping down his pants, pulling at them yanking them until they were around his white thighs. Ripping aside everything in his way, he grabbed him, pumping him fast and hard whether he was ready for him or not.
"Wait." Seiji sounded strained, on some unbalanced edge. "I wanted to..-" He turned his head demurely to the side when the hand raised and threatened to strike him once again.
"Wanted to what?" He was anxious, his breath short.
The pale blue eyes considered him. "Dress up for you." A forced smile came, biting at his lower lip, his lower body pushing up at the hips, up towards the weight pressing down on him. "Be a little girl for you."
The tension drained from his features when he started to smile. "I want a sweet little girl." His hands flexed on Seiji's hip and Seiji's shoulder, pulling at him painfully. "Even sweeter than the real thing."
"I can..." Seiji told him softly, sliding out from under him and pulling at the ripped pants up to his body. "...I can make sugar turn green."
v v v
The short green pleated skirt was mesmerizing against his strong & long white thighs, the knee high boots were a tease, the white sweater so soft looking that it demanded that one press their face into it and sigh.
His blonde hair was loose around his face and he simply stood there looking at the man, a sort of neutral indifference as he stood, although a muscle in his jaw twitched.
The man walked behind him, his hands feeling his hips, the strong muscles of his arms under the soft white sweater. "Put your arms around my neck." He told him in an unsteady whisper, touching his neck with his lips.
Seiji raised his arms and wrapped them around his neck behind him, his face blank, his eyes down at the floor, his head tilting to the side when he began kissing and biting at his neck from behind him, leaving the white skin bruised.
From behind him, he let his hands run down his chest, then down over his thighs. Then going down right above his knees, he brought his hands back up, pulling the skirt up with him, his hands sliding up on the bare skin between his legs and then squeezing him hard.
Seiji made a small sound, shifting a bit and readjusting the grip he had on his other hand. The hand that had him began to rub as well and he sighed feeling his sex firm in his grasp. The other hand pushed the skirt up behind him and pushing him forward onto a table, two fingers rubbed him from behind. Seiji gritted his teeth, disgusted with the eagerness, but kept silent.
A hand at the base of his neck pressed him down hard onto the cold surface of the marble faced table. The skirt was hitched up to his hips, the rubbing fingers suddenly finding, and pushing hard and fast in and out of his body.
The first moan came out of Seiji, his thighs drawing together, trying to sit up, his face a delicate contortion of pain.
"Na-uh-uh little girl." The man said, his hand shoving up between Seiji's legs, a stinging slap on his ass from his open palmed hand, leaving the burning red glow of a hand print on his white skin. "You want it, don't you, you little bitch.." His hand fucked Seiji, one long white leg held at the knee, the other left hanging over the edge of the table. "Say you want it, beg me for it."
Seiji lifted his head just a little to look up at Ryo, sitting so still in the dark, staring at them. "No." Seiji breathed, his body being rocked forward by his hand. "I don't want it...." Clutching at the other end of the table he stared back at Ryo, the hand working him still, his pale eyes watering from the pain. "uh...-" His words froze in a gasp when the hand doubled it's speed into him, pushing hard into him and then tearing away.
"Say it." The man hissed squeezing the white thigh under his hand, leaving purple bruises in the shape of his hand. "And maybe I'll stop."
Seiji's eyes flickered back up to Ryo, pain drawn on his pale features, his cheeks flushed and covered in a light sweat. "Please..." He whispered, stretching a bit and writhing on his hand."...please ...un-" The hand slammed into his body again, and his blue eyes blinked back and then focused on Ryo once again. Seiji bit his lower lip, looking at Ryo hard. "...I want it..."
The hand withdrew and Seiji was allowed to push himself up, his skirt falling back down around his bruised thighs. The man was staring at him, his breath quick and short. "I want to fuck you like a girl."
Seiji, with the barest trace of a nod, sat back on the table and lay back very slowly, his head over the width of it's side. It let him look right at Ryo who stared back. With a sort of sigh, Seiji raised his legs and rested them on the man's shoulders, the green pleats sliding down to the tops of his thighs. The strong hands ran down the brown leather boots by his shoulders then down to the bare skin of his long legs, the soft satin of his underwear between his spread legs.
v v v
The tense body lay before him in submission, stretched, back arched over the table he was unable to see the face but he didn't care. The white sweater had ridden up from way it had lay down and touching it's stomach, it was flat and hard, the body under him started breathing faster as soon as his fingertips had touched it's bare skin and he liked the silent, quick rise and fall of the chest, he liked the slight tense of it's leg when he touched the inner thigh, the skin so soft and hot up between it's legs, the soft satin was such a delicate and useless barrier. His hand slipped behind it, the legs tensing around him and cupping it gently he slid three fingers into the body.
"You're such a pretty little girl." He whispered, his hand moving so much more slowly and gently than minutes before. "I shouldn't have to punish such a pretty little girl."
v v v
Ryo watched Seiji's knees draw closer together, and his eyes almost close. It didn't seem like he was hurting him like he was before but for some reason, what the guy was doing to him now was even more infuriating. Straining forward in his binds, his wrists and arms completely numb from forcing himself forward, his eyes burned from staring, his head hurt, the blood pounded behind his eyes.
_He hit him._
Ryo could still hear the crack of the man's hand hitting Seiji face, running over and over in a loop in his head, Seiji staggering back against the table. The wall. Hitting the floor. Hot confusion washed over him making feel ill, like he was going to throw up. _Why is he letting him do this?_ He could see a bluish bruise darkening on Seiji's cheek. _He hit him...he..._ Ryo's thoughts burned into a image. Seiji telling him to stop, Seiji in pain surely, but in fear? _Why would he wear those clothes?_ The clothes changed him somehow, making every act confusing. Gestures lost to him before, were now suddenly saccharine. _Why ...why would..._ He wasn't aware of the low growling sound he was making, his wrists bleeding from being twisted in the sharp binds that kept him bound in the dark, forced to watch it all in blurred silence.
Seiji's gaze on him jolted him painfully, a flush of cold heat flooded through him making him feel charged and unsteady. Seiji mouthed something, his hands going into his hair, his body being pushed in the slow rhythm of the hand. _Seiji?_ He pushed himself even more forward, closer to him, closer to his pain, the dull throb behind his eyes turning quickly into an unbearable steady flash.
Then he was saying it out loud but it was so soft in the dark room. Seiji's china blue eyes kept his gaze locked with a violent act of will. "..come on...." He was saying, one hand sliding down his own chest and pulling up his skirt, he pushed his hand into his underwear. "...come on Ryo..."
A small moan of desperation, Ryo's jaw worked under the gag strapped across his face.
He bit his lower lip, his hand moving between his legs, his flushed face turning slightly to the side. "...fuck me..."
The man heard him speak and smirked, his green eyes on him. "I like you begging, do it some more." His hand moved forward, easing further into his body.
Seiji gasped, his eyes quickly shutting. Ryo inwardly frown, his own body shaking from the strain, that man still didn't know he was even here. He thought Seiji was talking to him.
He was distracted by a soft sigh as Seiji let go of the breath he was holding, a small moan coming from him. He had never heard Seiji do that before. _What's he doing to him?_ Watching his face as he twisted under him and groaned, raising his hips up to the hand inside of him, his breathing getting quicker and shorter, his hand moving faster under the tight satin, Ryo felt something besides the carefully cultivated rage that had been ignited and then fueled act by intolerable act. Word by miserable word. He started feeling something even keener and more painful, overlapping his red vision, contorting his madness, shaping it into something he almost didn't recognize. Desire.
He barely noticed when the his binds finally gave way, snapping and falling loosely to the floor, bright red drops of blood from his wrists on the carpet. The gag was thrown aside.
Seiji smiled up at him, his eyes half closed. "....come on.." The hand stopped.
v v v
Ryo stood there for a few moments before whatever was left to restrain him gave way and his rage simply took him over. The man was much taller than him and was surprised, under him on the floor, his collar twisted in his fist.
"You like to hit." Ryo didn't ask him but rather stated it to him, his voice hurting him a little. He shook him, his head banging against the floor, when he didn't answer right away. "Tell me you want it."
"..Tell you..?" The man stammered, his green eyes wide with confusion, and dully angry. "...tell you what?" His confusion was passing like a cloud over the sun, his hands coming up to rip Ryo's away. It returned a bit when he found he couldn't move them. "Want what?"
"This." Ryo hauled back his fist, ready and almost eager to feel the bones of his face crack under the contact. But a hand with a strength matched to his own, grasped his fist and held it in check.
Seiji was sitting up on the table, leaning just a bit forward to catch Ryo's fist before he let it fly. He was shaking his head. Ryo felt a frustration so keen it brought him to tears, his eyes tearing back to look at the man under him. The man's hands were considerably weaker on his, a suddenly dull look in his green eyes. Ryo reflexively worked his fists on his collar, he wanted to break the hands that had done the inexcusable, he wanted to bruise the perfect white skin on his face, his mouth. The mouth that kissed him.
Kissed what was his.
His rage surged in him again, but then he felt a cool hand on his neck and shoulder, brushing his damp black hair back, Seiji's hand. The fires gently receded.
"His drink." Seiji said motioning down to the body below him. "He won't wake up very soon. I'm surprised it took him this long, I gave him about half the bottle."
Ryo looked. _Bottle?_ He was laying still on the floor, his eyes shut, his breathing shallow and even, the tension gone from his face. _Asleep._ He blinked back up at Seiji.
"Ignore him." He spread his knees apart. "Fuck me."
v v v
His legs looked long and perfect, the look on his face enigmatic, almost calm. But it was a charged calm, the wisps of warm wind before a storm.
Ryo felt his rage quickly shift to want. The words he had whispered so easily still rang in his mind, the unbearable ache between his legs hurting him as he stood. Seiji's eyes flickered down his body lingering a few moments between his legs, a small smirk lifting a corner of his mouth, his hand coming out, a finger hooking into the waist of Ryo's jeans and yanking him forward.
Ryo's hands came up onto Seiji's hips, Seiji's arms sliding around his neck, his warm mouth closing over his, not with his usual gentle probing but instead hungry, almost angrily, making Ryo open his mouth wider and push back just as hard. He heard and felt rather than saw Seiji put his feet up on a chair right behind him, bringing his knees up by Ryo's waist. Seiji was kissing him like he wanted to take his breath out of his body and it felt rather like he had, his hands going down his back and down behind him, pressing him between his spread legs, sex against sex, moving forward to the edge of the table.
Ryo took one hand to undo the button of his jeans, and pull the zipper down, Seiji knowing what he was doing and kissing him even harder, biting at Ryo's lower lip and moaning a little. "..unnn do it Ryo, come on ...please..."
Ryo pulled himself out of his boxers more than ready to do what Seiji wanted, the ache between his legs reaching unknown levels. With both of his hands on Seiji's hips he pulled him forward even further to the edge of the table, Seiji's kiss only now becoming subdued, gently sighing into Ryo's mouth as he yanked and then tore the flimsy underwear away. Seiji moved forward against him as he moved towards him, easing into his body, his hands tightening behind Ryo, pushing down and slipping into the jeans so that he could grip his bare flesh.
Ryo felt Seiji's entire body begin to tremble under him as he entered his body but the hard sex pressed up against his stomach stayed, Seiji taking his mouth away from Ryo's in a breathless frozen expression of pain, his eyes squeezed shut. Ryo had moved as far as he was able to into the shuddering body when Seiji simply lay his head down on Ryo's shoulder letting out the breath he was holding.
Flexing his hands on his hips, Ryo blinked back the tears that threatened to overwhelm him. The body under him was so warm, the simple gesture of resting his head on his shoulder was so delicate. But he knew he was hurting him and as much as the even the thought of stopping now made him want to die, the thought of hurting Seiji was even worse. He began to pull slowly out of him. "Seiji, I'll stop-"
"No." He whispered from his shoulder, his legs crossing behind him, pressing him back into his body. "Do it Ryo." His voice was so soft. "I did all of this so that you would..."
"So I would hurt you?" Ryo tried to move away again." I don't want to hurt you Seiji." It was hard to speak, his desire for him was suffocating, the feel of being in his body made him dizzy. He had to fight his body to stop from coming right there just by thinking about it.
"No." Seiji turned his head so that he lay facing Ryo, his lips were on his neck, his voice had grown even more soft. "So that you would want me." He was suddenly gripping Ryo harder, practically crushing him to his body, telling him not to answer, flustered at his own words.
"Lots of people want you." Ryo felt his eyes slipping closed at the feel of Seiji's lips moving against his neck when he spoke.
"I don't care." He breathed, kissing his neck, biting at the dark skin with his teeth.
Ryo did feel tears then, his arms sliding around the body that lay against his own and crushing it back against him. Then he pushed him gently away, his mouth on his again, their kiss slow at first then picking up speed when Ryo began to push in and out of him, Seiji's body beginning to shake again, soft moans muffled under Ryo's mouth. Ryo suddenly stopped and moved back. Seiji opened his eyes, his brow drawn.
Ryo pulled out of him and his hands gripping his hips, he twisted Seiji around onto his stomach, slamming him face down onto the table with one hand. Seiji made a small sound when he hit the table, his breathing noticeably faster.
Ryo looked down at the legs spread to either side of his own, the edge of the dark green skirt reaching just the tops of his thighs. "I'll show you how much." Ryo pushed up the skirt feeling the bruised flesh, the dark skin of his hand on the white skin under him. He shuddered when Seiji said nothing but instead pulled himself further up on the table and spread his thighs wider, sighing softly under Ryo's hands touching him, stretching under his caress. He lay with the mid-part of his thighs resting against the edge of the table, letting him raise his body up towards him.
Ryo moaned just looking down at him, his eyes fluttering, his hands tightening on the white flesh of his thighs, the ache between his legs hovering at the edge of an orgasm. He took a deep breath, his vision clearing slowly when he felt it pass. Seiji moaned and writhed under him, spreading his legs wider. He was so beautiful and he was giving himself to _him_. Ryo took his painfully stiff sex and pushed it into him once again, waves of the heat that promised the threat of an end too soon, he actually found himself trying to think of something entirely different just so he wouldn't ruin it. But as soon as he heard Seiji's first cry when he slammed back into the hard white body under him, he found it impossible to concentrate on anything else. It sounded almost like Seiji was crying, an unfamiliar sound that made him think of sunlight shifting on the forest floor, and it strangely fueled him, his hips shoving hard into Seiji's body, his hands gripping his hips.
Ryo shifted, lowering his own body ever so slightly and slammed upwards, moving faster and faster gaining his former rhythm. Seiji was suddenly silent at first and Ryo wished he was able to see his face, then Seiji made a low whimper, such a pathetic small sound that Ryo looked down at him, his eyes narrowing. Seiji's pale hands had come out to grip the edge of the table, his knuckles were white, his face pressed down onto the cool stone surface. The strange sound came again and then was followed with a low wretched groan. Ryo lowered himself just a little more and then jabbed upwards wanting more, wanting a better reaction. He wasn't disappointed. Seiji practically screamed, but he was trying to suppress it, to control himself so it came out choked and desperate. Ryo, staying in that same position started moving faster, slamming into him as hard as he could. Seiji froze in his position, crying into the table with each shove, trying hard to stifle his moans.
Ryo looked down at him with half-lidded eyes, it was like some other person but still so much the same. The long white legs on either side of him trembled uncontrollably, the muffled sound of his crying held real tears, the soft moans, the harsher groans. The poor attempts at not screaming out loud when Ryo pushed into him particularly hard. Ryo couldn't take it anymore. It was too much.
But right before he felt himself slide blissfully over the edge, the body under his stiffened and then jerked, Seiji letting out a stifled moan that kept going, his head going back, his hands working on the edges of the table. Right when Ryo thought he was done, Seiji stiffened and jerked under him again, a loud cry coming breathlessly from him and Ryo was sure, he heard Seiji say ~his~ name. It was definitely too much.
Ryo's vision went white like sheet lightening, the sweet warmth spreading from between the burning ache between his legs to every part of his body, sensation violently shaking him, throwing him down, draining him, and shutting his eyes. He felt himself collapse forward onto the body under him and he lay there for a while trying to get his breath back, sweat cooling his skin.
Seiji shifted under him. "Get up."
Ryo reluctantly pushed himself up and off, the air cold on his skin.
Seiji's face was flushed, his eyes bright, a set look on his face. He had swung around pulling the short green skirt back down around his thighs. "Well..." He was looking at him oddly, crossing his legs with only a little trouble.
Ryo noticed dismally that he didn't look in the least tired. "Yeah." Was all he could mange to think of to say. Had he done it right? It had sounded like it.
Seiji leaned forward and surprised him with a small kiss by his mouth. "You did what I asked." He gave a small kiss on the other side of his mouth. "You fucked me."
Ryo numbly nodded, his face staining red, his eyes down. Why did Seiji have to put things like that? He was fumbling with the zipper of his jeans trying to get it up.
Seiji slid off the table, suddenly standing over him. "Don't bother Ryo." He took his hands away from his zipper. "Don't worry..." His eyes laughed if he didn't,"...I won't, what do those romance books say?" He considered it for a moment.
Ryo truly had no idea, but Seiji fascinated him at the moment, he was acting so differently then usual.
"Oh yeah," Seiji remembered and leaning forward, his lips brushing his ear, he whispered. "..make love."
Ryo blinked up to the side at him, the heat and desire rushing back.
Seiji leaned back again, he was only slightly still winded. "None of that." Seiji said, his gaze heavy as it flickered and studied him. "I want to make something else."
Before Ryo had a chance to figure it out, Seiji had begun to show him...
The End
(And no I have no idea what they do with random dude still passed out on floor. Dump him off at a gas station maybe?)