--Spend your money on the corner
You know you got to save some for the shoe shine boy
You've been pulling him by the hand inside
Lets see all your toys-- duran duran
School Daze
He flicked his cigarette away into the dirty snow, shoving his hands into the pockets of his navy blue wool coat. Shivering under the dull white sky, the sun was a small bleak yellow shape on the horizon, with no warmth to it. Shifting in place in his black shoes that never seemed to keep his feet warm from the cold wet ground, and dull from the salt and grit on the pathways. The stone buildings, with their solemn stark windows half covered in dried ivy, sat mutely amongst the bare trees. They were old buildings, built before the first war, before they had descent plumbing and when they used only oil lamps in the dreary halls. They had put electricity and more reliable pipes into the old place but otherwise he doubted that much had changed.
He sighed, privately wondering why his dear drunk mother wanted to spend so much money to send him to such an outdated boarding school, turned college. A dim reminder of those highschool days that droned on and on. Reputation of course was important, but he would have rather been somewhere that had descent heat. His gaze fell down the hill the school was nestled on top of, and down the rolling white hills of the winter English country side. The football field below was indiscernible under a blanket of snow, only the very tops of the goal posts showing. After that another patch of bare forest, then after, much of the same. Farm after farm, the ground frozen solid and useless under a plow. A far cry from the busy streets of London where he had grown up. At most times he found the sight peaceful, almost soothing, but not now. It made him feel isolated and tense. Fishing into the pocket of his coat for a another cigarette, he glanced around halfheartedly, making sure none of his dutiful and annoyingly ancient professors saw him. Taking a long drag, he waved to some friends that made their way through the snow towards the dormitories on the east side of the somewhat large campus.
The soft clang of the church bells begun, rolling through the cold starkness of the evening air. The old church was only several yards away, tucked away underneath an oak tree that was here before the school was ever dreamt of, it's massive dark branches, dusted with snow, leaned protectively over it, shading it's cobalt blue stained glass windows in the summers and in the winters, keeping much of the snow from collecting on the old weathered steeple.
Boyish laughter flooded out into the bleak courtyard when the church doors flew open, a few dozen students, all in their navy blue school uniforms, clutching their coats around them, the small black leather bound choir books under their arms. Their high English voices were bright and loud, their faces pale with only their cheeks red from the cold.
Along exhale of smoke mixed with the vapor of his breath in the air before him as he leaned back against the cold stone wall, one foot resting back up against it. Pale gray eyes searched the happy group for a moment then stopped on the last to emerge from the dim interior of the church. The small group consisted of only four or so boys, all freshmen, he knew because they were the only ones made to sing in the choir. He had himself a few years earlier and could still recall most of the Latin hymns in his mind. The small group stopped briefly on the church steps. They stood in a rough circle, their laughter reaching him thinly, the joke lost to him over the distance.
He spotted his target almost at once. One of the boys was much more interesting than his friends. The boy didn't laugh as loud as the others, hiding his smile behind his hand. The one in question was a bit shorter than most of the friends and a bit thinner as well. The boy's bright green eyes were noticable from even over the distance, the face flushed from the cold. He had noticed those eyes almost since the first day of class when he usually didn't pay much attention to the freshmen. There was something about the boy that had captured his attention. Something that had made him stay awake nights, wondering when he was going to see this boy again. It hadn't taken much to find out the name. It was an odd name, not a proper English name. It had made him wonder if the boy was from abroad.
He dropped his cigarette, grinding it under the heel of his shoe. The boy left choir practice every day in the evening, and he had been here everyday for the past few weeks to watch him leave. Smiling a little to himself, he ran a gloved hand through his light blond hair. This was the night.
v v v
Sai hummed softly to himself, the soft candlelight and sombre elegance of the church still with him. He pretended that it bored him so his friends wouldn't make fun of him, but in secret he loved the hour of choir each evening, making sure he had read over the hymns they were to sing before hand so he wouldn't mess it up too badly. It was awfully cold and a wind had picked up and blew harshly against the hill the school sat stubbornly on. Pulling his hood up on his dark wool coat, he put his hands under his arms, careful not to drop his choir book. His friends had all gone to eat dinner but he wasn't hungry for a change. Crunching through the snow, he thought about spending some time alone in his room before his obnoxious room mate returned. He needed to do his arithmetic lessons which always pained him, and write a letter home. Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the upper-class man emerge from the shadow of the steeple and follow him towards the dormitories.
v v v
Sai had almost reached the front doors of his dormitory when a sound stopped him. He turned around, pushing his hood back so that he could see better in the falling twilight. There was an upper class man standing there looking at him. He had seen him around often enough, everyone talked about him. He was the captain of the football team or something. Sai wasn't sure, he didn't follow sports much. He thought he remembered his name though. His name was Barlett. Sebastain Barlett. Grey eyes and unruly blond hair.
Sai tried hard to smile.
"Hullo." Sai was uncertain as to why upper-class man, Sebastain Barlett, was staring at him when they had never as so much as exchanged words in the past. Not that Sai was surprised, after all, he was only a little freshman. He decided to let him speak first.
Upper-class man Barlett cleared his throat, a small smile on his face. "Your name is Sai Shin Mouri, right?"
Sai shifted, turning the rest of the way around. "Y..yes." He said somewhat meekly. He was more than a bit surprised that any upper-class man, let alone this one, would know his name.
Barlett gestured towards him. "Follow me Mouri." He turned and started to walk away into the deepening night, his footsteps crunching in the old snow.
Sai did what any good little freshman would do. He did what he was told.
v v v
Sai clutched his choir book nervously to his chest, listening to the door shut behind him. It was warm in here and his face burned from the cold outside. The only light was a small fire that glowed in an iron stove in the corner, the dark curtains were drawn across the tall windows. He was in a class room in one of the halls. And also, he noticed with a bit of alarm, were two other upper-class men, whom he had seen in Barlett's company on more than one occasion. A tall red head who never smiled, and a relaxed dark haired boy who always seemed mildly amused. Sai turned around towards Barlett who was leaning up against the closed door and studying him intently. He spoke, breaking the silence.
"Where did you get a name like Sai Mouri anyway?" He asked, walking around him and sitting on the edge of a desk. "It isn't a proper name."
Sai felt a little angry at being told his name wasn't proper. "It is! My mother gave it to me while she was in Japan-"
"Japan!" The dark haired one stood up, crossing his arms over his uniform. Sai remembered his name, it was Toby. "Are you telling us you're a Jap!" The tone of his voice was incredulous. They all laughed at him, making Sai's face flush red and look down at the floor.
"Nothing but a little slope. That's all that you are." Barlett said lowly, a smile left on his face. "I bet you even have slope friends."
Sai looked up, somewhat confused. "N..no, I have Japanese friends though." They all stared at him for a moment and then started laughing again.
The red haired one spoke. "Is he stupid or something?"
Sai blushed furiously, his hands working on the edges of the choir book he had clutched protectively across his chest. "Can I go now?"
Barlett walked up to him and grabbed his choir book from him. He tossed easily over his shoulder were Toby caught it deftly behind him. Barlett saw Sai look after his book in concern. "Don't worry Jap, you'll get it back." He grabbed Sai by the chin and turned his face from side to side. "We just have some business to attend to first."
Sai's green eyes were wide and regarded him silently in the dim room, the fire crackling softly in the corner. "I really have to go-"
"You're so scared." Barlett said, not necessarily to him, but to himself. "There's no need to be."
Sai tried to back away, Barlett was much taller and much stronger and he pulled Sai by the arm into the room, near the headmaster's desk, nearest the stove. The red haired one, whom Sai had heard referred to as Christopher, and Toby, both took his coat off of him, then shoved him against the blackboard. Sai felt his eyes water when his back hit the board, not from the pain but from fear.
Barlett, ran his hand down Sai's cheek making him shiver. "Shhhh. Don't be frightened Jap." The caressing hand suddenly shoved Sai's head back, under the chin, making Sai hiss. He was looking at the ceiling, his arms being held on either side of him. Barlett, slid his foot between Sai's and with one swift motion, kicked Sai legs apart. His other hand went down Sai's heaving chest and then paused at the tops of his dark blue pants. Instead of drawing away, the hand went down between Sai's legs and squeezed him. Sai made a small sound, blinking furiously.
Barlett let him put his head down, letting his hand run through Sai's light brown hair. "Ever been touched before Jap?"
Sai shook his head numbly, trying desperately not to show his fear but not doing a very good job.
v v v
Christopher was holding Sai firmly under his arms and sitting back into the comfortable headmaster's chair. Barlett knelt between their legs, and looked up at Sai with deep grey eyes. He pulled Sai's legs apart, and unzipped his pants. Sai struggled a bit, making small pained sounds, but Christopher held him fast.
Barlett tugged the pants down only a little and exposed Sai's sex to the warm air of the room. He smiled, looking down at it, taking the length of it in his fist. Sai choked, his face red with shame back against Christopher's shoulder.
Barlett at first only took the tip of it into his mouth but then slid Sai's entire length down his throat. Sai groaned, arching his back against the one who held him.
"Oh, please... " Sai begged. "Please stop.. " He sighed, shaking a little bit.
Toby laughed from the door, occasionally peeking out the small window for any unwelcome visitors. "Just enjoy it Jap."
Sai felt himself shaking his head. It did feel really good, but he was so ashamed that these older boys were making him do it, that he couldn't stop them. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the hot wet mouth work him slowly and meticulously. He moaned again, a bit louder this time, making Toby gesture to Christopher. Christopher nodded, and put one of his hands over Sai's mouth. Sai squirmed under them, his legs held spread out on either side of Barlett, his head back on Christopher's shoulder, soft sounds coming from behind his hand.
"Ya like that Jap?" Christopher asked, looking at the sheen of sweat on Sai brow, and feeling a tremor run through his body once again. "Feels good doesn't it?"
Sai felt himself nod stiffly against his hand, spreading his legs wider for Barlett, the hot wet mouth tugging at him, making his entire body curiously warm and sensitive. The strong arms that restrained him felt suddenly good, the closest to the word erotic he had ever came, the hand across his mouth had become sensual. He felt his lips part under the hand with a warm shudder, stretching his arms under the firm grip just to feel the grip tighten.
The others could sense his resignation and the room became more serious, Toby at the door wasn't smiling any more, his watch duty temporarily forgotten as he watched Sai's face. Sai could feel Christopher's breathing quicken underneath him, his free hand running down Sai's chest and pulling his shirt and sweater up, feeling his lower stomach and chest. Sai shivered again, the sweet burning between his legs growing so strong he whimpered, his thighs stiffening under Barlett's hands and then just as he thought the sensation was so great he might die, there was one violent, earth shattering rush and then a sudden release, only then did it begin to subside.
Sai blinked in confusion unable to catch his breath, limp in their arms. He wasn't positive but he thought something might have come out of him at that last moment. He looked down at Barlett, still kneeling on the floor. He was wiping the back of his mouth.
"I swallowed for you Jap. Can you believe that?" His voice was low and somewhat breathless.
Sai was unsure of what he meant. Swallowed what? His thoughts were interrupted when Christopher released him and pushed him forward, Barlett catching his wrists and making him half stand up. Barlett smiled a little. "That was the first time you ever came wasn't it?"
v v v
Sai simply looked at him, unaware that anything that felt so good existed, let alone on his own body. He tried to turn his head to see what Christopher was doing behind him but Barlett stopped him with a look. "I'm glad to know I haven't lost my touch." He pushed Sai back down into Christopher's lap, Toby appearing behind the chair and catching his wrists and holding them firmly over his head.
Sai could feel bare skin against his own behind him, Christopher's hands running down Sai's chest and pushing his pants down a bit more down around his upper thighs. Sai felt him go underneath him and touch him where he never thought anyone would ever touch him. His strong hand felt him and spread something wet and cold onto him, Sai could now feel something hard nudging against the back of his thigh. He knew enough to know what that was.
Sai was shaking his head. "No..no, please don't.." He twisted his wrists in Toby's grip and thrashed on Christopher's lap, but Christopher slipped one arm around his waist and locked him firmly up against him. Sai could feel the rock hard length of his sex pressed up behind him.
Barlett let out a small laugh. "It's alright Jap. Relax. It'll make it easier for you."
Sai felt Christopher position himself underneath him and then slowly push. Sai felt his body stiffen as he eased his impossibly large sex into his body, the blood draining quickly from his face, he felt he would faint from the pain. "Please..no.." He whispered, his hands in tight fists above him.
Christopher stopped, content for the moment to feel himself inside Sai's slight body. Sai bit his lip, writhing on top of him, his legs on either side of Christopher's, his feet not touching the floor. Slowly, but firmly, Christopher pulled out of him and then slowly eased himself back in, Sai's light weight trembling on top of him.
He choked when Christopher had pushed himself all the way in for the second time, a tear running down his face. "Please..it..it hurts.." Sai breathed, yanking uselessly at his wrists above him.
Barlett swung a leg over the chair, planting a knee on either of the overstuffed leather armrests. It put his crotch right in Sai's face. Sai looked up at him in panic, his teeth clenched tightly together, his breathing short and erratic. Barlett leaned forward, undoing his pants and taking out his own hard sex into his hand. "Open up slope." He told him politely.
Sai shook his head, his green eyes wide and trembling. Barlett grabbed his face by the chin and pried his mouth open, sliding himself forward and shoving his sex into Sai's open mouth. Barlett gasped and leaned all the way forward, resting his elbows on the back of the chair and pressing Sai's head back against Christopher's chest. Sai choked on him, small desperate sounds coming from him as he tried to breathe, sharp groans coming from him every time Christopher shoved into him.
Barlett felt his eyes slip with the sensation, Toby's smiling face inches from his own. Toby kissed him on the corner of his mouth and winked. Barlett managed to smile back, but at that moment he came, quickly and hard, filling Sai's mouth with hot liquid salt. He drew back, breathless, Sai's face was turned to the side, a thin line of white running out of the corner of his mouth. He looked like he was going to spit or gag.
Barlett, grabbed his disgusted face and put a hand under his jaw then pinched his nose shut, giving him no choice. "Swallow it Jap." Barlett ordered. Sai tried to shake his head away but it was too late, with his nose squeezed shut, he convulsively gulped whatever was in his mouth. Barlett released him, satisfied.
Sai gasped for air and then coughed and spit, his eyes wide in confusion. He promptly squeezed them shut when Christopher jolted him again, a shudder running through his limber body.
"Poor Jap." Toby said looking down at Sai's pained face. "Not having fun anymore?"
Sai appeared to be at a loss for words. Christopher suddenly pushed Sai up and took one step forwards to the big dark wooden desk that sat in front of the class room. He slammed Sai down on his stomach, the sharp edge of the wooden table digging into the tops of his thighs and cold against his exposed sex. Sai felt his legs being pulled apart, held firmly at the thighs, and cried out when he was pushed into again. He clutched the hard edges of the desk on either side of him, his face laying on it's side, his hot cheek pressed up against the cold wood. He could hear the soft laughter and then the softer touch of fingertips in his hair, the rhythm moving his body slowly back and forth. The air in the room too heavy to breathe, the fire a soft orange glow, flickering in the dim corner. Shutting his eyes with a soft sigh, he let the laughter and the light take him.
v v v
He fumbled for his ancient alarm clock when he heard the door open and then shut, the opener trying almost painfully to make the least noise as possible. He squinted at the enormous brass clock, concentrating on it's white face, the hands barely discernable in the darkness. His room mate kept the oddest hours!
"Christ almighty Sai, it's almost morning!" He hissed, attempting to slam the clock back on the nighttable but missing, making it clatter loudly on the wooden floor.
"I know." Sai answered softly, laying his jacket on the back of his chair, undressing slowly in the dark.
"I'm considering that lying to the hall master for ye might as well be my part time job..," He pulled his blankets back over his head, a deep yawn into his pillow, a common thought running absently through his head. What on earth does he do all night anyway? For the fourth time in about as many weeks, he didn't see his room mate until the sun was about the crack the sky. He was a pretty strange kid. A mate of his heard that he grew up in Japan. Christ! Japan! He shook his head, sleep coming back to meet him. Who knew what strange habits the Japs had. Didn't they sleep on floors? "You planning another night trip soon?..." He murmured, starting to drifting off.
Sai slipped into bed, the small smile on his face lost to his room mate in the darkness. "Yes." His voice was tired, but his smile stayed. "Tomorrow."
the end