Into space
At the end of time
Black as the black
In your eyes
Out of Blue
Just another high
No there must be something new
Now that I'm the alien
Entering the atmosphere
Don't know what is waiting here
Oh no
If there's nothing left to fear
When we come to together here
I feel like I'm losing control
The round moon filled his eyes. "Follow me?" Sai asked him.
The dark blue star filled sky was reflected perfectly over the mirror surface of the calm ocean.
"I can't swim." Rowan admitted, the warm humid breeze playing with his hair.
Sai made a small frown, wondering what it would be like not knowing how to walk or maybe even breathe and took Rowan's hand. "We will not go very far." A small whispered promise that Rowan reluctantly believed, walking slowly, being lead behind Sai down the little stretch of beach, to the gentle lapping waves, sighing against the snow white sand. Rowan stopped behind him, halting Sai. Sai turned to look. Rowan was looking down at the sea foam surging up, soaking the packed sand up to his bare feet, then slowly hissing back, splashing around Sai's ankles. "Come along Rowan." Sai urged, tugging at his hand.
"Is it cold?" Rowan asked, in a small voice.
Sai realized that Rowan was afraid. "No," He smiled. "It's warm."
Rowan listened to the strange silence around him, the water rising and falling around his hips, the soft warmth of the water felt like silk as he ran his palms over the rippling surface. His pants were loose and flowed around his legs with the churning water, his chest bare. The moon was bright enough to see Sai was looking over his shoulder at Rowan, waist deep as well. Sai slipped under the surface and re-emerged easily, nearer to Rowan, tipping his head backwards as he surfaced, leaving his hair in wet tendrils slicked back away from his face.
Rowan watched him in fascination when Sai didn't blink in pain as the salt water ran into his eyes. A corner of Sai's mouth lifted and he breathed a laugh through a smile. "You are so brave Ro-chan." Sai told him then quickly kissed Rowan lightly on the mouth, making no sound in the water as he moved. Rowan started at the cool wet touch of Sai's lips, Sai turning and slipping under the water again without a trace. Rowan's licked a little at his lower lip and tasted the tang of salt.
There was suddenly a silence so deep it made Rowan hold his breath, the stars winking at him on the water's rippling black surface and from so far above. Sai might as well have vanished, slipped under the black surface and disappeared forever. Rowan walked forward a few steps, aware that the water came up a few more inches up past his hips. "Sai?" Rowan asked, feeling foolish but completely and utterly alone. The waves sighed softly far behind him on the beach and before him was water that stretched on forever meeting the glittering sky on the invisible horizon. The water had gotten up to his bare chest. "Where are you?"
The sand under his bare feet shifted and Rowan stumbled back a few steps, his arms splashing into the water as if he could catch himself. The sand leveled out again under him and he let out the breath he had been holding. This was too much, he turned to go back to the distant shore. Rowan took two slow steps and came down on nothing. He tittered for a moment, but then lost his balance completely, a small noise of fear coming from him, slipping as silently and suddenly under the black surface as Sai had, falling in slow motion into the void.
Silence of deep darkness. Weightless and still. Hands touched him, then arms encircled his waist. Rowan opened his eyes slowly. Seeing the gauzy moon flickering and shudder over him, white and bright.
The moon Rowan thought lazily. It looks so strange. He turned his face slowly and saw Sai's face close to his in the dim ghostly light. White and perfect, his auburn hair floating softly around his face and around his worried green eyes.
Rowan went to speak but Sai put his fingertips on Rowan's mouth and shook his head, smiling a little. Rowan didn't understand, but knew somehow he wasn't drowning.
But how? Rowan watched in wonder as Sai moved closer, feeling his mouth press against his own and breathe. Rowan jerked, ~the water!~ but the warm ocean did not rush into his mouth, and Rowan realized suddenly with an odd calm that the water was already ~in~ his mouth. But Sai's presence breathed forward, warm like sunlight, rushed into him, making him feel safe and peaceful.
brave ro-chan
Rowan's eyes widened with his smile. Sai's eyes were inches from his and he knew that Sai had spoken to him.
shouldn't wander near cliffs! Sai's eyes actually sparkled in the dim moon light. Rowan realized Sai was laughing but it was silent relieved laughter. it is okay I have you
Rowan turned a little, Sai's arms wrapped loosely around his waist, to look down, down being away from the shuddering image of the moon. Curious darkness, pitch black loomed below, his gaze going up the jagged reaching cliff face emerging from the murk to rise up above them.
Cold panic seeped in. Sai please don't let me fall. Rowan tried to talk, to think it, but Sai didn't seem to hear.
The lean muscled arms around his waist tightened a little, Sai's smooth pale cheek resting against Rowan's. He felt his fright leave slowly, the somber power of the cliff face and wavering moon filled him instead. He had never been this close to Sai's source, suspended in the warm embrace of the water, encircled in Sai's tranquil world. It was very hard to tell where one ended and the other began.
Tall drifting tendrils of deep purple kelp with long reaching leaves swayed delicately with the soft current. They touched Rowan, the leaves soft and silky. Rowan recoiled at first but they wrapped languidly and softly around his wrists, more of them sliding up around his ankles and up his calves. A gentle pull , a steady tug and he was upside down, bent at the waist. The soft kelp gently holding, supporting him, caressing his legs and sneaking up his arms to brush against his face. Without any effort, Sai floated motionless right side up before Rowan, his eyes closed in soft concentration, the dim blue glow of his kanji soft on his forehead.
Sai opened his eyes slowly and smiled, his kanji gently fading. Gesturing with one of his hands lightly, Rowan felt the leafy plant brush faintly against his cheek, in a caress.
Rowan blinked in wonder. Sai.
Sai tilted his head slightly to the side, then gracefully turned until he was upside down as well, facing Rowan. ~did you say my name Ro-chan? I heard you~ Sai looked delighted, then appeared more taken. The bright smile turned into a gentle look. ~the moonlight suits you Ro-chan, you were made for it you know~
Rowan looked up between his knees and saw the moon flickering on the water's surface, large and round, sliding through the water in shafts of pearl white, lighting up the wavery darkness with it's ghostly reflection. Rowan let his head fall back slowly, his gaze resting back on Sai. It was strange how perfect the moon's light looked when it struck the ocean. It was meant to be shattered by the water and thrown into a thousand different directions, making both even more beautiful than before.
Sai's tongue was delicate and curious in his mouth, the water working around his lips and silky to his skin, bubbles skittering across his face. Rowan kissed him back leaning forward in the soft ropes of kelp. Sai's mouth was sweet like a peach, it made Rowan want to hold him, press Sai to him and get as close as he could but his body was kept in check.
There were lights flickering to life below in the watery murk.
The soft glow of a million tiny gauzy spots floated below them in the dark, drifting upwards, spiraling around in the forest of kelp, lighting up the soft moonlit darkness, like fire flies. One drifted close to them, shimmering fiercely by Rowan's pale cheek, illuminating their kiss. They both looked to see the phosphorescent glow of the tiny shrimp creature's tail.
Sai waved a hand at it and the shrimp flitted away indignantly. Shoo Sai smiled at him. they are showing off for you
Rowan smiled a little back, watching the hazy glow of the krill dance about, swirling up over them under the silvery surface of the waves and flit under their heads lighting up the dark cliff face. It made the cavernous darkness look like a warm grotto, full of fairy light and secrets. The coral and fan plants swaying around the small lights were graceful and bizarre.
Sai leaned forward to press his mouth against his once more and that sweet warmth filled his lungs and his soul.
just for you Rowan Came the whisper with the kiss. Sai's hands lightly touched Rowan's bare chest, his ardent kisses going small and light on his collar bone, going quickly up the side of his neck. Sai's hands were undoing the front of Rowan's pants.
Rowan turned his head, letting Sai kiss his neck, suspended upside down in the warm water, the leafy plants pulling eagerly at his legs, tugging them apart. Rowan watched his clothes float in a dreamlike eternity down and away under his head, into the dim flickering phosphorescent lights. They scattered playfully around the billowy shapes of clothing letting them disappear finally into the murk below. The soft purple plants entwining over bare skin were making him shiver under their velvety caress. Up under his knees, over his thighs, drawing his legs further apart, the warm water caressing everywhere it touched, swirling and gently pushing against his body.
Sai dropped from above him and drifted down between Rowan's gently spread knees, kissing his stomach and chest as he fell, floating finally at rest in front of Rowan's face. Rowan made to hold him but his arms were hopelessly tangled in the strong ropes of kelp.
Sai looked like he was laughing a little, his eyes very bright and shining. He was shaking his head in an amused gesture at the look Rowan was sure he had on his face.
no Rowan you aren't allowed
Sai bit at Rowan's lower lip, nibbling at it, his hands pulling his own pants off of his body, moving as gracefully in the water as he would on land. With the kiss came the sunlight filling him, sweeter than morning air. Sai's mouth was hard over his, filling and breathing steadily into him, slow and soft, like the gentle rise and fall of the waves..
I will keep you alive
Sai touched Rowan's face as they breathed, his hands going down Rowan's back, down over his arms, and holding Rowan's flexing fists. Sai's gentle hands touched Rowan's sex softly, his kiss growing more urgent, both of them breathing faster, together, Rowan straining in his smooth feathery constraints to touch back. The soft silk of the plants ran over his skin as they pulled tight around his thighs pulling them wide, snaking up between his legs, squeezing him maddeningly as it ran tight up around his waist, across his chest and around his neck. Rowan moaned again against Sai's mouth, Sai's sex rubbing against Rowan's as he stroked the hardened length in his gentle hands.
just for you rowan
Sai moaned back, and drawing back, eased slowly, very slowly into Rowan body, pushing into him until he could go no further, arms locked around Rowan's neck, Sai's eyelashes fluttering against Rowan's face in the serene warmth, making the water move against their skin like light kisses. They breathed faster, Rowan's thighs shuddering on either side of Sai's body, the sunlight filling him growing brighter and hotter making his lungs burn.
~keep you alive~ Sai moaned in his mind, moving against and in him. Breathing desperately into him, Rowan shut his eyes. The kelp loosened around his wrists, sliding off his skin, letting him wrap his arms around Sai at last, pushing his hips back towards Sai's body.
The deep heavy peace was filled with their hearts beating and the soft echo of the ocean's song. Sai's mouth locked on Rowan's in their rushed breath, hanging in the silver shimmering darkness, the small drifting gauzy pinpoints lighting up and flickering, fading and flaring, dancing softly all around them.
But then the gentle magic of the rhythmic phosphorescence was joined by two deeper lights.
Small and subtle at first, they grew together, steady and strong. Wrapped around their joined bodies, the light emanated off of their pale skin like tendrils of smoke, intertwining with one another, both shades of the same soul. One the colour of gentle lulling peace, the other of deep vast forlorn space. They filled the dark slowly growing brighter, until one light could not be separated from the other, the water's shadow's chased away, bidding the stars to the waves to meet, where the million hovering pinpoints of fairy light became a universe under water. And at its center came the soft even breathing of two.
the end