Sneak attack smut! Sorry this wasn't posted as up and coming, but some friends convinced me it was postable when I was highly doubting it... Mia shall (and so shall a woman) make her first appearance on this page as smut... It's not hetero but it's not exactly yaoi either, so if anything it's very bi. For those of you who only like yaoi, have no fear, Dog eat Dog part 2 will be done soon... For those of you thinking this is Mia's big chance to show Ryo her adoration, remember, as a Mink, I don't get sappy very often... "Secrets" (Thank you Jen! Your idea was appreciated) is almost done and "The Lady" (Thank you Scorpia and Seijidate of aol, you guys won the most ideas submitted by one group as well!) is well on it's way... I would also like to properly thank everyone who had given me ideas, like or close to the two above, I figured I'd credit the ones who requested them first, otherwise you'd be here all day reading names..... This one (Rent Free) is REALLLLY old... Like as in over a year ago... So if it's silly it's because last year was a silly time for me...Also, this Mia is my Mia, not some narrator with no purpose... not some warlord bait....if she has to be here, she at least can be on, and keep smiling...I am really tired... ~Mink~

--I've got something
You've got nothing
To lose
I can give you
So much more
Than you are
Used to--

~Rent Free~

       Mia had noticed the sun was going down and they were still talking. Sage nor Ryo had run out of things to say, and the moments that were silent were not awkward, but nice. She felt closer to them having heard their voices rise and fall in their stories and learning the looks they would exchange between themselves. Ryo was not as shy as he was towards her in the city and Sage, who had completely ignored her, was now answering her small hesitant questions. They were people after all, not her personal mythology, which confused and pleased her at the same time.

        The others had left the room in a wake of laughter, sweeping out into the last of sunlight, needing the company of the lake and trees. The sudden peace and stillness that surrounded them, made them come alive, their smiles and words easier. The tired fade to their motions was lightened. The sharp glitter of sun off a mirror blue lake instead of the glitter of broken glass raining down into the streets. The smell of grass and the fresh honey suckle that threatened to take over the porch, not scorched burning metal, no lingering fear.

        Although it was getting dark outside she felt no urge to ask them to leave, and she sometimes could hear a voice from outside the sprawling house followed by laughter. Looking down into her empty glass, she was not surprised to see Sage's hand take it from her and go to refill it. She was sleepy and half dreaming the setting sun that was slanting down through the window panes in the living room, filling it with a dusky red light.

        Mia looked across from her at Ryo, eyes closed, his head titled back against the couch, his lips slightly parted, his glass tipping in his slack hand. She smiled, rising and sitting down next to him. Mia took the half full glass from his hand and put it on the table. A single bead of condensation ran down it's side, and she watched it form a small pool on the glass table.

        Sage sat down on the other side of him, and shrugged, one eloquent eyebrow raising when he did.

        "Doesn't drink."

        Mia looked at Ryo's sleeping face and had a sudden urge to brush the smooth cheek with the back of her hand. She wanted to trace his parted lips with her finger, kiss the warm nape of his neck. She thought of the time in the city when he had smiled at her, Ryo's eyes flickering away from hers when she smiled back.

        She blinked. Sage was staring at her, his glass half way to his mouth. His crystal blue eyes regarded her with wonder.

         "You want him don't you?"

        Mia blushed furiously, putting her own glass down. She hated how easy she was to read, how vulnerable to perception. Sage's cool hand was on her cheek, turning her towards him. He leaned over Ryo's sleeping form, making her lean forward as well. Mia's breath stopped for a moment, Sage's face so close to her own. ~So beautiful.~ She glanced to the side at Ryo's face, smoothed in sleep and thought perhaps she too had dropped off, lost in some other place where she wasn't afraid to do or say anything. Sage's face came closer and she watched him in fascination as if she wasn't in control of anything. The idle thought that maybe she ~wasn't~ greeted her with a spread of warmth, sweet and hard, saturating her like hot gentle sunlight. Sage's lips pressed up against hers, his hand coming up behind her head pulling her forward, until her stomach was pressed up against Ryo's thigh. She let his tongue push itself into her mouth, tasting like cranberries and mint from whatever he had been drinking. Ryo shifted a little below them, but did not wake. Her fingertips grazed the smooth skin of Sage's face, as he gently sucked her lower lip, his hand going over her hand that was planted firmly on the side of the couch.

        To touch him so intimately made her spine prickle, and for one terrible moment he seemed he might back away, but he didn't, he stayed, his slow kiss making her melt slowly into him. Mia thought for one moment how unusual it would be if Ryo were to wake and see her, the barest hope that he might even hate it, but the thought was gone before it had proper time to materialize. Sage was sucking on her mouth, his tongue gentle against her own, Ryo's hard thigh burning against her stomach. She drew away from him, breathless, dragging a hand across her mouth. Sage saw her look down at Ryo, who was somehow still sleeping.

        Sage asked. "Do you want to touch him?"

        She nodded dumbly, her face flushed and her heart pounding. As his lips met hers again, he guided her left hand onto Ryo's thigh. Sage's hand over hers, he pushed it up between Ryo's innocently spread legs, pausing on his inner thigh. Mia kissed Sage back fiercely, her hand kneading the warm denim underneath her hand. She tried to move her hand up further Ryo's thigh but Sage teasingly kept her hand there, smiling under her desperate kiss. Ryo made a small noise in his sleep, his head rolling to the other side. Mia ignored him, staring at Sage's face only inches away. Sage slid Mia's hand up around Ryo's crotch and gently squeezed. Mia felt the low burning between her legs double and she bit her lower lip, whimpering a little. Ryo made a louder sound, more like a moan. Sage put his other hand over Ryo's mouth to quiet him, and leaned in to kiss Mia's face again, his hand pressing hers between Ryo's legs.

        She let her fingers flex, and massage the heat under Ryo's jeans, trying to discern the shape and the feel of it, her curiosity searing her patience away. As if he could read her thoughts, Sage moved his hand up a little, and very slowly unbuttoned Ryo's jeans, then even more carefully, unbuttoned the button-fly one by one. Mia watched him in mute fascination, as he took her hand and pushed it down into Ryo's pants, Sage's own hand wrapped around her cool one as it slipped down around the intense soft heat between Ryo's spread legs. Mia made a small sound of wonder, grasping the silky feel of Ryo's sex, wanting to know how to please him, wanting to see what she was holding, what she had to do. The soft skin of Ryo's inner thighs ran along the sides of her hand, and she wanted the jeans gone so she could free him, look at him. Her days of wondering in the dark of night were over, imaginary lovers and planned poems were all useless. This is what she had wanted, this was all there was, right in the palm of her hand.

        Ryo made another noise under Sage's hand. And as Mia let herself tumble back into her senses, Sage's mouth drawing the breath from her, her hand gently squeezing and rubbing in time with Sage's hand, as he showed her how and where. He shook his head softly when her grip became too hard, pushed her hand lower when she thought she had gone far enough. With a sharp moan, Ryo's dark eyes fluttered open in drowsy confusion, shifting on their hands. He looked at Mia kissing Sage about three inches from his own face, an angry look dawning on his face.


v                             v                            v


        Ryo had been having a vague shapeless dream when he felt the cool touch and the gentle pull between his legs begin. The dream disturbed him because of it's clarity in sensation and the absence of it's focus. He clawed his way up out of the swathing of dream coloured haze that wrapped around and around him only to immerge in the middle of another dream.

        Ryo blinked frantically.

        He was pinned to the couch by the two of them, and he wasn't positive but he thought Mia ~and~ Sage had their hand down his pants. Breathless, Ryo panicked for a moment, watery confusion washing over him and then dim anger. He tried to sit up a little but their relaxed, warm weight kept him hostage. This was no dream. Ryo slowly dragged Sage's hand away from his face, making them both acknowledge him finally. Sage smiled at him, making Ryo clench his teeth in a surprising wave of anger. Sage glanced at Mia, who was staring at him, Ryo thought, in a strange way.

        ~She looks... hungry?~

        Sage, looking intently at Mia, shifted his gaze slowly sideways towards Ryo, his eyes smoky violet in the dying light. Mia slid up against Ryo's body, surprising him, both of her hands going to his face. Ryo noticed somewhere in the back of his mind, that Sage ~did~ have a hand down his jeans, but he was suddenly lost in the frenzied kiss Mia attacked him with. ~Mia?!~ She wasn't the same girl (woman?) he thought of when her name or face was presented to him. She clawed under his T-shirt, her hands going all over his chest, feeling him, touching his stomach, smoothing her hands over his collarbone. Sage pulled at his legs, under the knees and he was suddenly lying down on the couch. Mia lips were locked on his, making soft sounds into his mouth, her hands in his hair and the back of his neck. Ryo, felt the warm pull between his legs and a hot wet mouth go over his hardening sex, lighting his senses on fire. He moaned softly against Mia's mouth, his hands trying to push her away. The hot wet mouth worked him up and down, and he cried out in Mia's hair, her lips on his neck. He tried to sit up almost sobbing.

        Mia held him down gently and whispered, "Let him Ryo, let him..." He tried to shake his head when one violent explosion after another rocked through him, making him shake in Mia's arms. Mia's lips drew away from him and she smiled, stroking back his thick black hair. "Good boy.."


v                             v                            v


        Mia knew her face was flushed, a muted delicate pink that stained her skin when she was too warm or when she ran out of breath. She could hear her heart beat thudding in her chest, loud enough surely for both Ryo and Sage to hear it. For the whole world probably. Ryo was so incredible to watch, moaning under her, writhing in her lap, his body shuddering.

        Mia looked down at Sage, pulling Ryo's jeans down around his thighs, watching the way he worked over Ryo in his mouth, staring at the motions his tongue made over it, like it should be devoured slowly but softly. Watching even closer when Ryo convulsed and tried to spread his legs wider for him, the jeans around his thighs hindering him, making him writhe in frustration. She couldn't catch her breath, she needed to know the how and why of it.

         ~What did that feel like~, she wondered, ~to have something so (hot) meticulous (wet) done to you?~

        ~What does Ryo feel (everything), she wondered, ~when Sage takes him all the way down, taking him completely and entirely? Leaving nothing undone.~

        Ryo stilled for a moment, his back rigid against her lap, black wisps of hair plastered to his cheeks with sweat, his breath short and desperate. Sage finally released his entire sex from his mouth, lingering long enough to swallow when Ryo came. She shivered, her desire for either of them strong enough to make her faint if she were to stand. Sage sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and grabbed her shoulders. Mia made a small sound of fear, but made no move to back away from him. Would she be able to handle that need? Anyone could want, but how many knew need? The hot steady throb between her legs weakened everything she possessed, the need for it, screaming for him to hurry, that nothing would be fast enough. Shoving his tongue in her mouth she could taste the salt and still the barest traces of mint. He pushed her backwards into Ryo's lap as he sat up weakly. Ryo stared up at Sage for a moment then leaned down to kiss her face along with him, his dark eyes soft and half closed.

         She felt Sage's hands tug at her belt and her breath quickened, her tongue now exploring Ryo's mouth, the visions of him groaning helplessly in her lap flashing still in her mind. She lifted her hips so Sage could slide off her pants, then the white cotton underwear, the cool air kissing the hot moisture between her legs. As Ryo kissed her, so much more violently than Sage's gentle touch, she felt Sage's warm hands on her thighs, sliding them over her smooth skin. He kissed her knee, then moved a little lower to the soft skin of her trembling inner thigh.

         She thought. ~ Now. Faster.~ She moaned, pressing her hips to him in supplication. ~ Do it.~

         Ryo pulled her shirt up and fumbled with the front clasp, freeing her breasts. He gently took a nipple in his mouth at the exact same time Sage grasped her thighs and touched her clit with his tongue. The electric shock paralyzed her for a moment, shaking uncontrollably, two pairs of hands running over her naked body, touching her, stroking her. Sage licked at her clit, stroking it gently, he then sucked on it, flicking it with his tongue, his hands pressing her thighs back and apart. She let out a desperate moan as the tightening and shudder of her first orgasm immediately rocked through her, but it wasn't enough, she still ached, the burn was even worse now awakened. Ryo kissed her neck and face, caught in her urgency, his hands, delicate and unsure on her breasts, a breeze rushing through the curtains greeting the light sheen of sweat on her skin. Sage moved his tongue inside the hot wet burn that trickled between her legs, his hands grasped around her taunt thighs, kissing her as deeply as he could. Mia bit her lip, reaching up to hold Ryo against her to bury her face in his soft black hair. Sage, drawing back and gently circling the hard hot point of her clit with his tongue, slipped two fingers deep inside her and moved into and out of the tight wetness, the brand new sensation of the friction moving within her, making her gasp. Shaking her head, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, Mia clutched at Ryo as the last waiting flood of release finally broke, body stiffening, her hips locked inches over the couch, making her vision go like fireworks, her muscles clenching and unclenching spasmodically. Breathing in short gasps, she drew away from the desperate hold she had on Ryo, reluctantly taking her face away from his neck. Ryo smiled uncertainty down at her, a vague shocked look in his eyes.

        Sage was already standing, placing her pants and underwear on the couch next to her. He smirked and she felt herself smile, her finger tips going up to play in Ryo's hair. Outside, the sky was dying gray without it's sun, distant shouting and laughter barely discernible on the evening breeze. She sunk back against the soft cushions of the couch, deliciously sleepy. A drowsy thought occurring her as she stretched. "Um...," she asked."...are you guys still looking for a place to live?"

the end
