Subject: [FF] (YYH) A Gift of Unusual Nature pt. 3

"Kurama?" Yukina called into the darkened apartment.

"Yukina!!!" Kurama's muffled voice almost wailed back from the bedroom and she ran, leaving Shizuru to take the key out of the lock and close the door.

Kurama's expression was wild with concern and fear as she reached out and put her hand on her twins rock hard stomach before she was even all the way in the nest. She winced as his exhaustion communicated itself to her through the link she established and he whimpered as a hard contraction rippled under her hand. She 'looked' and saw the problem. One of the babies was laying sideways across the birth passage.

"Kurama, get behind him and let him lean against you. Hiei, I'm going to have to move the babies," she told her brother as Kurama moved into position. "It's going to hurt, but then we'll get them right out, O.K.? Hold him still, Kurama."

Kurama nodded as she put both her hands on Hiei's belly, one over each twin, then she closed her eyes and concentrated.

Kurama moaned in sympathy and tightened his arms around Hiei's ribcage when Hiei screamed for the first time and writhed against him as his belly rippled and bulged under Yukina's hands. He could see the kits shift as they followed under the guiding glow of her palms.

"Hiei, push now. Hard!"

He felt Hiei's tremble against him as his muscles shuddered with exertion and exhaustion as he strained in his arms with the next contraction.

"Good! One's coming now! Push hard, Hiei!"

Kurama pressed his cheek against Hiei's and wished there was something he could do to help. Hiei made a little sound between a sob and a gasp as Yukina continued to coax and scold and Kurama felt Hiei's hands close around his wrists and guide his hands to the sides of his belly.

"Help," Hiei whispered, sounding desperate as his hands pressed against Kurama's and made them follow the next contraction as it worked it's way down.

"Hard!" Hiei instructed with a grunt as his hands pressed against Kurama's again as another contraction came right on the heels of the last one.

Kurama did and prayed to the Gods he wasn't hurting Hiei or the kits as he did as Hiei asked.

"Good! One or two more like that and this baby will be born! Just a few more, Hiei!" Yukina encouraged.

It took three. Hiei pressed back hard against him on the last one with a growling hiss, then Yukina crowed.

"He's out! Half way there, Hiei!"

Kurama heard an angry squall and glanced up to see a towel wrapped bundle get passed into Shizuru's waiting hands and withdrawn through the entrance. He felt the other kit shift into position under his palms and made himself focus totally on the rhythm of Hiei's contractions. It took another seventeen to get the other kit out. Kurama counted each endless one in a whisper. Toward the end, Hiei was limp against him, at the end of his strength and he and Yukina basically pushed and pulled the last kit out by force.

He had a shiver of anxiety as the towel wrapped kit was passed silent and still into Shizuru's waiting hands. Yukina gave him a reassuring smile and followed Shizuru out, taking the soiled bedding with her. He held Hiei gently against his chest and stroked his neck and shoulder with one hand, waiting for that new cry. Why didn't the kit cry? Hiei gave a huge sigh as his eyes fluttered open. Kurama schooled his fear out of his face as Hiei focused on him and scowled.

"I'm not ever going to do that again. Where are the babies? Are they all right?" he demanded in a soft, tired voice.

"They're fine, brother."

They both looked to Yukina who was crawling back in. Once in, she turned and reached back out, then placed a blanket wrapped baby into Hiei's arms.

"Your son!" she smiled and giggled a little at her brothers awkward unease and showed him how to settle it into the crook of his arm. Hiei glanced up at Kurama, then focused on the baby, moving the blanket away from it's face with a slight tremble in his hand.

Kurama watched from over his shoulder as a beautiful little face was exposed, green eyes staring evenly back up at his parents.

"Figures," Hiei grumbled as he brushed the cap of red hair that crowned the infants head, then one finger traced the jagged white starburst streak that ran through it with a feather light caress. "At least he inherited something from me."

Hiei unwrapped the blanket and proceeded to begin to examine every bit of his son. Kurama rested his chin on his lovers head and smiled, pleased that Hiei was so fascinated by his baby, but still couldn't enjoy watching his lover as he listened for that unheard cry. Surely the girl was all right. Yukina would have said something if she wasn't. Hiei was just starting to marvel at the babies perfect, tiny fingers when Shizuru called for Yukina softly.

Yukina blocked the entrance for a moment, then turned back with another blanket wrapped baby and Kurama felt a huge weight lift off his chest as she offered it to him. He shook his head 'no'. He wasn't ready yet.

"I'm sure Hiei will want to hold her first."

Yukina saw Hiei look up at Kurama out of the corner of his eye with a little frown.

"Take her. I've got my arms full at the moment," he commanded.

He and Kurama had never gotten a chance to talk about what happened to his other children yet, but Hiei knew it had been bad. He also knew that his lover was terrified of becoming attached to these babies, was afraid that they would die on him too. He cuddled their son against his chest and slid his tired and sore body over onto a pile of pillows as he gestured at Yukina with his head to give Kurama the baby.

"No...I..." Kurama tried to back away but had no where to go in the small space and suddenly had a baby cradled between his hands.

He closed his eyes, unwilling to look at her. He would hold her for a just a second, then give her back to Yukina. She was so small and light that he almost opened his eyes to see if there was anything in the blanket.

"Here," he started to offer her back to Yukina, "I've held..." a soft, rhythmic trill drifted up from the blanket and he glanced down, startled.

Another pair of huge green eyes blinked back at him out of a tiny, porcelain white copy of Hiei's face. He stared, instantly entranced. Unlike Hiei, there was none of the anger and mistrust in her face or the loving eyes that studied him back. He realized that she was...purring! He moved the blanket that covered her head away and shook his head in wonder. His daughter was an exact negative image of Hiei. He eyed the jagged black stripe in her white hair as he put his head down close to her own so he could nuzzle her chest and memorize her scent. She trilled a little louder and one tiny hand escaped the blanket to rest on his face. He looked up at Hiei, tears stinging in his eyes.

"She's beautiful, Hiei."

"Of course she's beautiful," Hiei answered with a smirk. "What else...HEY?!"

Kurama had unbuttoned his shirt earlier so he could put some cool washcloths on his chest while he was struggling with the babies. One side had fallen far enough open when he had moved for his son to nuzzle it aside while he had been watching Kurama fall in love with their daughter. He glared down at his son, who had latched onto the nipple he had found and was happily sucking away.

Both Kurama and Yukina laughed as Hiei blinked and frowned at the baby at his breast.

"Hiei, you should let them nurse at least once, since you've still got the equipment," Yukina advised around her giggles.

Hiei glowered at her out of the corner of his eye but shrugged and grumbled, 'Fine."

He had no idea how to get the little demon to let go without hurting him, anyway. He shifted his focus back and forth between their son and their daughter, watching with a critical eye as Kurama examined the girl, kissing her little fingers and the bottoms of her feet after he had counted all her toes. He wanted to hold her desperately, but knew he could wait for just a little bit. With one, last, noisy gulp their son let go and fell instantly asleep, his little belly round and full. Hiei couldn't help but smile a little at the contentment on the baby's face, but quickly hid it before the others could see.

"Here," Hiei held out their son toward Kurama. "Take Kithi and give me that one and let me get this over with."

Kurama raised his eyebrows. "Kithi?"

Hiei nodded back with a little challenging gleam in his eye. Kurama shrugged and grinned. Kithi. Not bad. He liked it. And he knew that Hiei was giving him a chance to name their daughter. He knew what her name was as soon as he had looked at her.

"Time to see your other father from the outside, Sekka," he cooed down at her as he let Hiei settle Kithi into the crook of his arm, then passed Sekka over.

Hiei looked down at his other baby and nodded. It was a perfect name.

"Sekka," he greeted her with a kiss on her forehead.

Yukina smiled softly as she left the couple to the joys of their newborns, on her way to make some phone calls.

End Part I of A Gift of Unusual Nature.
