The Dragon's Lovers
The Dragon's Lovers
by Shannon M. Richmeyer

The original characters of Sohryuden are the sole creation of Yoshiki Tanaka and the rights belong to whoever they belong to. I thank him greatly for creating them and hope he doesn't come hunting any fingers for my unauthorized use of them. Enjoy.

Part Five

Tsuzuku opened his eyes slowly, still muddled by sleep. The phone had been ringing...he sat up suddenly as he remembered where he was and what had happened. His eyes darted around the room as he had a moment of panic, but he was alone. The music of a guitar began, muted by the almost closed door of the bedroom. He relaxed slightly as he pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them.

Gods! He knew he was blushing and hid his face by resting his forehead on his knees.

His thoughts and emotions were a confused jumble and he had no idea where to start to try to untangle them. Remy. Those silver-flecked eyes in their handsome face gazed at him in his memory. He swallowed hard as his skin remembered the feel of Remy's touch and he felt his desire stir again. It had been exquisite. And an experience he found he would like to repeat again.

With Lebeau Remy... his essence whispered to himself.

He felt heat burn in his face again. Then he narrowed his eyes and frowned. Remy had called him by name and Tsuzuku knew he hadn't given it to him. How did Remy know who he was? And how had he known what was wrong with him? Distrust and caution rose up in him as he slid out of the bed and headed for his clothes which were draped neatly over a chair. He realized that they had been washed as he dressed quickly and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He had to get himself back under control, needed all his thoughts and senses un-muddled when he went to face Lebeau again.

He exited the bathroom and started slowly for the closed door. He was still all nerves. Gods! What was he going to say to this man? He detoured as his gaze fell on a picture on the long dresser. It was of Remy and Lee-san. Everything about their easy postures, her head back against his chest as she laughed up at him and the familiar way he had his arms around her showed that they were intimate. Kieko had said they were lovers. So, what was he to think of what he and Remy had just done? And Remy had said that Tannis wasn't going to make it home in time to help him, before. If Tannis was Lee-san as he suspected, would she have taken Remy's place? And why? He had so many questions with no answers that made sense. He straightened and took a deep calming breath. Time to find out.

Remy was seated sideways in one of the chairs of the formal dining room table in the open room beyond the door, an acoustic guitar propped on one knee. Sheets of hand written music were spread out on the table before him. He glanced up at the movement of the door and his hand covered the strings, bringing the music to a halt.

"Have a nice nap?" he asked as he leaned to carefully set the guitar against the wall.


Remy favored him with a small, surprisingly shy, smile. He felt himself start to smile back and schooled his features back into a neutral mask.

"Good. You be wanting something to eat now, neh?" he rose as he asked it and headed for the kitchen without waiting for Tsuzuku's answer.

Tsuzuku trailed him, arms folded across his chest and stopped in the doorway as Remy went to the refrigerator and pulled out a plate.

"How do you know who I am?" Tsuzuku demanded as Remy kept his back towards him.

"That be hard to explain, Chere," Remy answered softly as he pulled the plastic wrap off the simple meal he had prepared for their Dragon's awakening.


Remy turned back to face him. Tsuzuku saw unease and a bit of fear in his expression as Remy ran his top teeth over his bottom lip. Then he shrugged.

"First you be need'in to see this. Then maybe it make better sense."

Tsuzuku stepped quite a bit away from him as Remy approached. A retreat and they both knew it. Tsuzuku wondered if he had really seen that flicker of hurt pass over Remy's face as he passed. He followed the other man into the living room then froze, stunned, as his gaze rested on the long painting on the wall in front of them. It was a full length portrait of himself leaning against the big maple tree that was in the back yard of their house in Shinjuku. Its leaves were in fall colors and he recognized the outfit and remembered the day. It had been his seventeenth birthday and Matsuri had gifted him with this outfit that she had seen him admire in a storefront. She had demanded he pose for her under that tree so she could get a picture of him. He stepped up to read the signature.


A little shiver went up his spine. It was the right year. He started to turn to demand an explanation when a splash of color on the other wall caught his eye. This canvas was long also, but horizontal and ran above the length of the sofa. Dragons. Blue, black, white with the red one dominant. And not just any dragons. This was how he and his brothers looked in their dragon bodies. He must have been really out of it to miss these when Remy brought him up.

"I don't understand. How...?" he got out.

Remy started to reach for him, then changed the action to a gesture back toward the dining room.

"Good question, Chere. Come sit down and eat and I see what I can do to be explaining it."

Tsuzuku settled into the chair at the end of the table away from the sheet music as Remy went into the kitchen. His thoughts spun as he tried to find an explanation. Remy set a tray down in front of him with a plate full of fruits, cold meats, cheeses and two mugs of coffee. Remy took one of the mugs and set it on the table in front of the chair to Tsuzuku's left.

"You eat some of that, Chere. I be right back."

Tsuzuku scowled at himself as his body took over and he started to bolt the food down like a starving cat as soon as Remy disappeared into the bedroom. He knew it was his dragon metabolism demanding refueling for the abuse he had just put it through, but was...crude. Most of the meal was gone by the time Remy came back out with a large three ring binder and a book. Tsuzuku took firm control of his instincts and worked on eating the few bits of fruit left like a civilized human being. Remy seemed nervous as he came back to the table and settled onto the chair to his left. Tsuzuku shot him an impatient and expectant look as he finished the last piece of melon and reached for the coffee cup.

"You want more, Chere?" Remy asked with an amused smile.

"No, thank you. You said you had an explanation?"

The smile vanished and Remy took a deep breath, his fingers drumming on the stacked books in front of him as Tsuzuku took a drink of the coffee.

"Tannis an me, we be dreamin' 'bout you for as long as we can remember."

Tsuzuku's swallow went down square and made him cough hard. Remy shifted uneasily in his chair as he pushed the books at him.

"My Grandmother, she wrote down my dreaming until I could. Tannis say she started drawing pictures of you when she five."

Remy's dark, star-flecked eyes held him for a moment, the expression around them anxious. It would be so easy to just sit and stare into those eyes...he jerked his gaze away and focused on the book and binder.

"You've been dreaming about me your whole life?" he asked, uncomfortable with that idea as he moved the book off the binder and opened it.

"Oui," Remy answered just as uncomfortably as Tsuzuku flipped through the drawings in the binder.

They started crude, but recognizable, and rapidly grew more sophisticated. It was like looking through the family photo album for the first twelve years of his life. Yet not, for many of the scenes were of extremely private moments when he would give vent to the tears or temper that he did not let anyone else see. Not even his brothers. It shook him badly to know that someone else had witnessed those times. His hands were trembling as he closed the binder and opened the book to a random page. The entries were printed in large, exuberant letters.

'April 15th, 1980.

Remy told me that Tsuzuku got a baby brother today and 'boy, does he cry loud for such a little thing!'

'April 23rd, 1980

Remy told me the new baby is called Owaru. Tsuzuku don't know if he likes him much. All he does is cry and throw up.'

Tsuzuku felt himself color. Well, Owaru had been a fierce tempered and difficult baby! He started to page through the book, scanning the entries. The entries changed abruptly in the 83's into a child's handwriting.


The sweet-pitched female voice startled him and he whirled in the chair as Remy called back, "Here, Lov."

Lee-san strode in from the living room. Gods! She is so beautiful!

Tsuzuku's eyes flicked to Remy who seemed only very relieved to see her as confusion, embarrassment and guilt caught him up and threw his thoughts and emotions into a chaotic whirl. His gaze was drawn back to Lee-san as she came towards them slowly, her honey amber eyes narrowing. Up close, she was even more elfin and petite than she had seemed on the stage. Tsuzuku doubted that the top of her sun-bright curls would reach the middle of his chest if he had been standing. Her eyes never shifted from his face as she went to Remy and the expression on her delicate features was cautious and somewhat hostile.

Tsuzuku's mouth went dry and his chest tightened. She knew. He had no doubt of that whatsoever. He forced his eyes down and away and stared at the book in front of him, not seeing it as Remy smiled up at her and put his arm around her to pull her tight against his side. Tsuzuku laced the fingers of both of his hands together on top of the book to hide their shake, so tense that his knuckles were white and bloodless. What should he say to her? He hunted frantically for something...anything...

"Tsuzuku, this be Tannis."

He had to look back up at her now. She nodded at him as the tension hung between them like a tangible thing. Remy twitched his nose and rose swiftly, taking Tannis' shoulders into his hands and pushing her down onto the chair he had just vacated.

"I get you some coffee, Lov."

Tsuzuku groaned inwardly as Remy left him. Her eyes finally released him and she glanced down at the books on the table.

"I see that Remy has been showing you the scrap books."

"Yes. You are a very good artist," Tsuzuku offered with a tentative smile, very relieved that she hadn't pounced on him with accusations.

Tannis quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Thank you. These are terrible though," she replied frankly, her expression still guarded and her tone formal.

That awkward silence settled between them again as Tsuzuku hunted for a gracious reply to that. This was not going well. He found himself as drawn to her as he was to Remy...he brought those forming images to a panicked halt and threw out the first thing that came to mind.

"It must be very strange to dream about someone you've never met."

"You haven't had any dreams about us, have you?" she held him with her eyes once more as Remy came back with a mug and put it down in front of her.

There was a hint of something under that blunt question that was more of a statement. Accusation? Anger?

"Only one," Tsuzuku answered and felt the heat rise in his face as Remy went to sit in the chair to his right, "and it was last night."

He swallowed hard as he remembered both of their hands on him and found that hentai thought very appealing.

Only last night. How come they have been dreaming about me their whole lives and I didn't even know they existed until two nights ago?

"Why didn't you ever try to get in touch with me?"

Remy and Tannis exchanged glances. Tannis answered.

"We figured that if you were real, and having the same sort of dreams, you would get in touch with us if you wanted to."

"Assumption is the mother of all screw-up, eh, Lov?" Remy added with a touch of laughter in his voice.

"I did try to speak with you the other night at the concert. They wouldn't let me backstage. In fact, I was forcefully escorted off of the premises," Tsuzuku spoke up in his own defense.

"See, Tannis?" Remy spoke softly as he caught the woman's eyes with his own.

Something silent and secret was exchanged between them. Tannis lowered her eyes and stared expressionlessly into her coffee mug as Remy favored him with a dazzling smile.

"Well, now we find each other, Chere, you got some catching up to do, neh?"

Tsuzuku blinked, startled. Remy's easy acceptance of him, even from the beginning, was something he just didn't understand.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Tannis questioned hesitantly as she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.

Tsuzuku recognized it as an offering, a willingness on her part to let him come into their lives, and smiled shyly back.

"Yes, I would like that. Very much. But I need to check in at home and make sure everything's all right there."

She nodded as Remy rose and beckoned with a finger. He followed into the living room and to the phone. Remy gave him another smile then went back into the dining room, giving him privacy to make his call. Tsuzuku chewed on his lower lip, his eyes on the dragon painting as he wondered how he was going to explain this to Hajime as he waited for someone to pick up.

Matsuri was humming softly and happily to herself as she worked on dinner. She smiled fondly at Amaru who was trying very hard to help and mostly just getting in the way. The phone rang and they both paused and looked at each other, then hurried to stick their heads around the corner as they heard Hajime's concerned, "Tsuzuku, are you all right?"

His back was to them so she studied his body language as he talked. Tense, upset...she sighed softly.

"Yes, he called. What happened?"

There was a pause, then Hajime answered, "All right."

Hajime's fingers went through his hair, twice, and he glanced at the closed door that Owaru slept behind.

"No. That would be fine. Everything is all right here. careful, Brother."

He put the receiver down and went to stand in front of the window, his arms crossed against his chest and eyes narrowed.

"Amaru-kun, would you stir this?" Matsuri gave him the chop sticks and put the wok on the burner. "Don't let it burn, I'll be back in a minute."

Amaru nodded and winked at her, a very knowing expression on his face. She raised her eyebrows and frowned at him and he batted his eyes at her, suddenly all innocence, then set to work stirring with very exuberant motions. She smiled softly at his subtle tease. She had been so relieved that Amaru hadn't been upset with the relationship change between herself and Hajime. She didn't think Owaru had been either, but she couldn't be sure. Owaru had been in no shape to deal with much more than getting cleaned up and to his bed. And Tsuzuku would approve. She was sure of that. She went to Hajime and slid her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his back.

"What did he say?"

"That he was all right and going to stay for dinner, if we didn't need him for anything," Hajime's baritone rumbled under her ear.

She slid around him, ducked and wormed her way up through his crossed arms. His worried expression was replaced by a small smile as he pulled her in.

"And?" she prompted, wanting to let him know that he now had someone to share his worries with.

He sighed and his little worried frown came back. "You know Tsuzuku. He said he would explain when he got home."

"Then he will. Stop brooding about it, Hajime-san or I'll have to do something that will embarrass Amaru terribly to take your mind off it," she stood up on her tip-toes and gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose.

He actually blushed and she had to muffle her giggle against his chest.

"Matsuri-chan! I think it's done!" Amaru called from the kitchen.

"Coming, Amaru-kun!"

Hajime kept her gathered close as she tried to pull away.

"You'd better let me go, Hajime-san, or we'll have to eat our dinner burnt."

He did, very reluctantly, and gave her a firm pat on her rear as she hurried past him which startled a little squeak out of her. She responded with a playful glare over her shoulder and was pleased to see that he wore an open and honest smile. Mission accomplished! At least for an hour or so, if we're lucky...

Tannis let out a sigh of relief as Remy closed the door, on his way to take Tsuzuku home.

Damn it! Why did he have to be so charming? So beautiful?

She wandered slowly back across the living room until she stood in front of the portrait of Their Dragon. She started to pick out all the little faults with it as tears threatened. She clenched both of her hands into fists, her nails digging painfully into her palms. Remy was so pleased that the Dragon had found them at long last. And anything that made Remy happy was good. She bit the inside of her cheek hard in frustration, drawing blood. The bitter tang of it filled her mouth. Blood...

Blood had loved this dragon with all her heart and it had brought her nothing but pain. She was terrified that it would happen again if she let herself fall under the spell of his love once more. The Gyushu ruled the Earth and the Heavens still and so far she and Remy had managed to keep themselves hidden. Like before. Hidden and safe until the Dragon came. Remy didn't understand. He thought Blood had been granted the same mercy Dust had when the Kings had been sent into exile. He didn't know that Blood had spent another ten years in the Gyushu court as a plaything until they had finally abused her enough that she had died. And he would never know. She scowled at the Dragon in the portrait and turned her back on it, telling herself once more that this flutter in her chest was caused by a memory of another time and belonged to a different person. She was not Blood. She wasn't!

Tsuzuku looked down at the journal he held in his lap, then over at Remy who was concentrating on guiding the sleek Jag through the slower traffic. It had been a very informative evening. And, after he had managed to coax Tannis into laughter halfway through dinner, very enjoyable. She had seemed much more relaxed around him after that. Then the two of them had then taken turns giving him fast synopses of their early backgrounds as they lingered at the table over coffee.

Remy told him he had been born to an unwed mother who refused to speak of his father to her family. She had died bringing him into the world and he had been raised by his 'touched' Grandmother in New Orleans. She was the only one who would take him, the rest of the family having disowned his mother and 'the bastard' she carried. Tannis was also apparently an unwanted child. She had been adopted as a newborn into an upper-class Boston family and raised with all of the perks of money and prestige. She had never been able to find out about her birth parents. She had tried, but the lawyer who had arranged the adoption had been very tight-lipped about the whole subject. Finally she had threatened to take him to court and he told her that he had never met the people who had given her up. He had just been contacted by a third party who had a healthy baby who needed a good home with no questions asked.

They had moved into the living room then and ended up on the sofa, Tsuzuku between them as they showed him their photo album. There were a few of them as children, but most were from after the time they had met each other at fifteen. They had both been sent to a private boarding school in New Hampshire and Remy was obviously the 'odd man out' in a school full of Eastern blue-bloods in both of their recollections.

He smiled as he remembered Remy accusing her of being a terribly spoiled, stuck-up snob when he had first met her. She had stuck her tongue out at him and drawled back with a heavily inflected imitation of his accent which made her words almost unrecognizable, "Chere, at least I be speakin' a language the rest of the world understand, neh?"

Remy told him how he had seen a few of Tannis' watercolors hung in the art room to dry and nearly had a heart attack when the places and the boy he'd been dreaming about forever were there on those papers. Remy had sent Tannis to get them for him to see as he finished telling how he had tried repeatedly to talk to her and been rebuffed again and again. Finally he had just shoved his opened journal into her hands one day in study hall with a whispered, "I be dreamin' bout Tsuzuku too!"

The two of them had been inseparable since then, bound together by their dreams and something more...he could feel it. There was a deeper connection between the two of them. One that he was outside of, and one that he wanted very much to become a part of. The heat of them both pressing against him as they pointed out things and events in the album on his lap came back to him. He found himself wondering just how much into their lives he was going to be allowed. He was very glad for the darkness. He knew he was blushing again. A small cynical smile touched his mouth. He was acting just like a school girl in the presence of her first crush. He turned his head and looked out the side window at the city growing more shabbier as they started into the 'bad' side of town.

A first crush...he realized suddenly that was what he was experiencing. At least he thought it was what he was experiencing. Except he had two 'crushes' at the same time. Tannis he could understand, but Remy...why Remy? He had never been drawn to men, yet he was terribly attracted to this Cajun. He had been since that first time he saw him glowing pale in that spotlight. Tsuzuku swallowed hard as his mind echoed that swirling whirlwind of pleasure.

Gods, he had to stop thinking this way! He was going to end up working himself back into that 'state' that had made Remy had what he did. He had no right to even expect anything more from either of them than the offer of friendship and acceptance that both of them had extended. He wondered if he would be as generous if he had been forced to experience their lives in his dreams. And as they had talked, he had discovered that they had 'experienced' his life. Their description of the first time he had Changed, the shared knowledge of how much it had...hurt...had tied his stomach into knots.

That thought brought him back to the question he had been trying to figure out how to ask without embarrassing himself and Remy too much. He wrestled with it few more seconds as his fingers tightened on the book, then just asked.

"Remy, how did you know what was wrong with me and how to remedy it?"

Remy caught his lower lip with his front teeth as he debated on how to answer that. His and Tannis' leading questions during the evening had shown that Their Dragon had retained no memories of the time when he had ruled the Go with his brothers. That he had no memories of them. Of what they had shared, how they had loved. Back then Their Dragon had been just that. A dragon without the cultural morays that Tsuzuku as a human being had been raised with. He knew that Tsuzuku was deeply embarrassed that it had been himself that had answered the demands of the dragons lust and not Tannis.

And he was afraid now that if Tsuzuku found out just how close Dust and the Dragon had been he would run from them. His heart jumped at that thought and the familiar pain tightened around his lungs without its usual headache throb of warning. It clamped down making him struggle for breath as the damned numbness tingled down his legs. He hid it, forced his face not to show his distress as he willed it to pass quickly, glad that the night hid his white knuckled grip on the steering wheel from Tsuzuku's sight.

"Remy-san?" Tsuzuku had his whole focus on him, a questioning look of concern on his handsome features.

Remy made himself smile, took in another small sip of air and used all his vocal training to force it to make his voice its normal, even self and winked.

"I been there before, Chere. First time I blew up my room. Scare all the black left right out of Grandmother's hair," ...not a lie, but not all of the truth, neither.

Tsuzuku's eyes widened slightly, then he lowered them.

"Sa." What else could he say? A simple and very obvious reason for Remy to know.

"Chere, you need to tell me how to go from here. Dreamin' strange in that you know places, but not necessarily how to be gettin' to them," Remy asked to distract Tsuzuku and give him the time he needed to get past this attack.

Another five minutes brought them to their destination, and thankfully, past his episode. This had been a short one, one that would heal on its own and not force him to dip into the power that slept in his soul to repair the damage it left in its wake. Remy guided the car to the curb and put it in park, then turned toward Tsuzuku.

"You sure you don' want to be comin' with me and Tannis tomorrow?"

Tsuzuku shook his head no again. Though he would like to, he had to work and the show was going to be a 'high class' affair that would have all kinds of well known people in attendance. He couldn't take the risk of being seen, of being recognized.

Remy kept his hands still on his lap, fighting his desire to reach out and touch. It would do nothing but freak Tsuzuku out.

"Well, you have our number an' know where we be, Chere."

Tsuzuku nodded, couldn't breathe for a moment as he froze, caught by the glow of the silver flecks in Remy's eyes. He wasn't sure what to do! He had come to the conclusion that Remy had been left with no choice but to offer him the relief he had so desperately needed. He had asked for nothing back and it wouldn't have happened if Tannis had been available. A part of him said to lean and take the kiss he wanted, or at least touch his hand while the rest of him just said 'get out before you embarrass yourself and him!'. That part won. He hurried to open the door and got out. Once he was on the sidewalk he felt a bit...safer and turned to lean back down.

"Tell Tannis again for me that I hope her show is a resounding success...and...," he straightened and offered a formal bow and another blush that he hoped was not too obvious in the weak light from the street lamp, "thank-you, Remy-san."

Remy gave him a gentle smile and bit back all of the possible responses that danced on the tip of his tongue. They were all laced with too much innuendo. He settled on, "Don't be a stranger, neh?"

Tsuzuku nodded as he stepped back and shut the door. He lifted his hand in response to Remy's parting wave and watched the car until it went around a corner, out of his sight. He took a deep breath and realized he was clutching Remy's journal against his chest as if it was the man himself. He shook his head and chided himself once more with a harsh mental laugh to stop this nonsense as he glanced up at the building where his brother waited for an explanation.

He still wasn't sure how much he was going to tell Hajime as he plodded slowly up the last flight of stairs. He still didn't know as he reached the door to their apartment. He tucked Remy's book under his arm, then let himself in.

Hajime was putting a bookmark into the book he had been reading as he opened the door. He could hear Matsuri moving around in the kitchen as he toed off his shoes.

"Tsuzuku-kun," Hajime greeted, his tone neutral but his eyes were full of concern and worry as he looked his second brother over.

"I'm all right, Elder Brother," Tsuzuku offered a reassuring smile as he went and settled across the table from his brother.

"What happened? Matsuri said that you were running a terrible fever," Hajime asked bluntly.

He watched as Tsuzuku shifted uneasily, one hand going to rest on the book he had brought and put on the table in front of him.

"I..." Tsuzuku hesitated as his eyes darted toward the kitchen, then to the closed door that his youngest brothers slept behind. "I'm not sure."

Hajime gave him 'that look' which meant he wasn't going to settle for glib half-explanations. He rubbed at the center of his forehead and closed his eyes, gathering his thoughts.

"It started at that concert I went to the other night. There were two people there that I found myself very attracted to. I...dreamt about them..." he twitched mentally as both of Hajime's eyebrows went up in surprise.

"It was a very erotic dream," his eyes went back to the kitchen entrance, checking, then he leaned over the table and said in a very soft but intense voice, "I was so aroused it made me sick, Hajime! Did you know that could happen?"

Hajime blinked back and shook his head, startled by that bit of information. His eyes went to the closed door and Tsuzuku knew what he was thinking. At least Amaru was too young and Owaru hadn't shown the slightest bit of interest in girls yet, so they shouldn't have to worry about a repeat of this for a while.

"These two people, who are they, Tsuzuku?"

Tsuzuku let out a mental breath of relief. He knew Hajime would have figured out what had happened and was grateful that his oldest brother had enough respect for his privacy not to pry for details.

"Lee Tannis and Lebeau Remy," Tsuzuku opened the book and prepared to drop the next bombshell on his brother, "they have been dreaming about me since they were children."

He slid the three pictures that he had asked Tannis if he could borrow across the table to his brother. Hajime's eyes narrowed as he picked up the first one. It was a line drawing in pencil of Tsuzuku at six, standing on his tip-toes and gazing over the edge of a bassinet with wide-eyed wonder at the tiny perfection of Amaru. The next was in pen and of a day Hajime remembered well. Tsuzuku had been thirteen and fallen out of the high branches of the big maple in the back yard and broken his arm. He had had to hold him still while their father set it. The picture was of their father carrying Tsuzuku back to the house in the strong cradle of his arms. The third one was in colored pencil. He knew it was his brother even though the figure was in a huddle on the floor, a pool of blood forming around him as tongues of flame closed in.

Matsuri peeked around the edge of the kitchen opening as Hajime studied the pictures and decided it was time to make her entrance. She wanted to see what was on those papers, what was creating that startled expression on Hajime's face.