by Shannon M. Richmeyer |
"For your lovely cousin, Ryudo-san." Hajime took the plate-sized blossom and bowed back. "She will like it very much, Ichen-san. Domo arigato." The old man beamed at him, happy that his simple gift for service rendered had been so graciously accepted. Hajime gave a wave as he turned to head up the hall for their door. Matsuri wore a concerned frown when she opened the door to his knock. The frown changed into a little surprised smile as he presented the flower. It faded back into a frown as her gaze went past him as she looked for her missing cousin. "You didn't find him?" "Yes, I found him, Matsuri-chan," Hajime answered as he closed the door behind him. She watched him comb his hair back with the fingers of his right hand. It was a thing he did when he was upset. "A man called about twenty minutes ago. He said his name was Lebeau Remy and that he had Tsuzuku with him," she informed him as she went to the phone and handed him a slip of paper. "He said that Tsuzuku's fever had broken and he was sleeping, and then he invited us all to come for dinner." "What did you say?" Hajime took the paper and looked at the name followed by a phone number and address. "I said that you'd call him back." Hajime nodded. "Is Tsuzuku with this man?" Hajime nodded once more and colored. She raised her eyebrows at that. "Who is he?" "I don't know!" Hajime sounded frustrated. "Someone with dragon blood. Tsuzuku seemed him a lot." She gauged that pause, the color and distressed look on her oldest cousin's face and the choice of wording that followed and blinked in surprise as she put it together. She giggled. She didn't mean to, it just came out. Hajime looked at her, startled. She dropped her gaze and twirled the stem of the beautiful flower between her fingers. "A man, eh? Are you sure, Hajime-san? I didn't think Tsuzuku was..." It was her turn to pause as she searched for a delicate way to phrase it..."inclined that way." "Yes, I'm very sure, Matsuri-chan," Hajime answered, upset that Matsuri had figured it out. Hajime kept his eyes on the tread-bare carpet and he blushed even more as he answered. Matsuri realized that he must have seen them together. She imagined it must have been quite a shock for him and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing again as she imagined his expression at that moment. It isn't funny! she scolded herself, yet the giggle wouldn't go away. She swallowed against it and hoped she wouldn't get hiccups as the air went down her throat square. "I'm going to put this in some water. It's lovely, Hajime! Where did you get it?" "From Ichen-san. I helped him with his groceries," Hajime's answer sounded distracted as he headed for the phone. She went into the kitchen and listened to Hajime talk to the mysterious Lebeau Remy as she cut the stem of the flower short and put it in a small shallow bowl. She heard him accept the dinner invitation when she took it back out to put in the center of the low table that was the sole piece of furniture in the living area. She went back into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee while he finished his conversation and leaned back so she could see out the door as she set the machine to brew. Hajime had settled by the table and was staring at the flower. His expression was calm but she could see the tension around his eyes and mouth and she knew he was worrying. The afternoon sunlight that streamed through the window bathed him in a golden glow and she felt herself color. He is so handsome! She leaned forwards quickly when he looked up and chewed on her lower lip as she watched the dark liquid fill the small pot. She had loved Hajime for as long as she could remember. And for the longest time he didn't seem to have the slightest interest in her that way. Yet in the months since they had been here she had noticed a change in the way he acted around her, how he looked at her when he didn't think she could see him. Then the other night something had brought her out of sleep. She had opened her eyes slightly to see him standing next to her bed. It had startled her so much that she hadn't moved, just watched him stare at her with a strange, longing look on his face in the dim light that came in through the small window over her bed. He had leaned down and stopped just short of kissing her, then had turned and hurried away. She had lain and stared at the ceiling for the rest of the night and began to hope that her cousin now had the wish to be something more. She had been frustrated by the inability to find a chance to be alone with him. Yesterday when he had gone with her to stand guard against some of the less desirable elements that shared the building with them while she did the laundry had been the first time in weeks. She took a mug out of the cupboard and smiled as she remembered how strangely shy and quiet he had been as they waited and how his hand had trembled when he put it against the small of her back as they went back up the stairs. She glanced at her watch. Well, they now had a large chunk of time, and they were together...and alone. She went back to worrying her bottom lip as she poured the coffee into the cup. She wasn't sure how to broach the subject. Well, she'd just go with the flow... she took a deep breath, then took the coffee to Hajime. He gave her a distracted smile and a, "Thanks, Matsuri-chan," as he took the mug from her. She stood a little behind him as he took a sip and felt the beginnings of an uncomfortable silence start between them. She cast around quickly in her mind for some way to approach him, then smiled. This always worked for her mother. She knelt behind him and put her hands on the hard muscles of his shoulders and began to knead. "Matsuri-chan, that isn't..." Hajime began as his muscles tensed at her touch. "Hajime-san, you are a bundle of tension. Now hush and relax," she scolded back with a light, teasing voice. He tried, but her hands were not relaxing. In fact, they were having the exact opposite effect. His heart sped up as the firm caresses sent erotic tingles down his back and straight into his groin and he felt himself go hard. He knew he should stop her but Gods, if felt so good! She knew that her massage was arousing him. She could feel the fast beat of his heart through her hands and his breathing had acquired a slight, irregular edge. Now for the hard part. What if he rejected her? Well, if he did, then he did and they would deal with it. All she could do was offer and hope. "Hajime-san, I had an interesting dream a few nights ago," she felt him stiffen, but continued. "In it, you came to my bed and were just about to kiss me, then you stopped and went away. I was very sad that you didn't." He turned to face her, his expression strange and guarded. "It wasn't a dream, Matsuri." She smiled at him, kept her eyes fixed on his. "I would like that dream to continue very much, Hajime-san." His deep blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light for a moment, then he closed them and shook his head. "Matsuri, I..." She leaned forwards, unwilling to hear his rejection, and covered his mouth with her own. His eyes flew open and she felt him startle, then freeze. She ran the tip of her tongue along his lower lip, felt his arms go around her waist as he accepted her plea for a real kiss. It was slow and sweet and made her body hot from head to toe. And it was over much too soon as Hajime leaned back and regarded her with surprise. "Matsuri-chan?" he sounded uncertain. "Hajime-san?" she tipped her head slightly and gave him an encouraging smile. He didn't know what to say. We shouldn't do this? Gods, why not?! He wanted her so much that it hurt! All the silent arguments and excuses he had used to convince himself that this thing should not happen had dissolved under the pressure of her soft lips. And she seemed to want him just as badly. That was an incredible revelation. She wanted him too! Since he couldn't think of anything to say, he leaned forwards to kiss her again. She slid her arms around his waist as she responded with a passion that surprised him. Her fingers left trails of electric tingles as they floated up both sides of his spine then back down. He jerked under the kiss as her hands followed the curve of his hips and came together to press against his hardness. He reached down and captured her hands as he reluctantly pulled away from her mouth. Her expression was puzzled as he brought her hands to his lips and kissed each palm then held them before him at waist level. "Matsuri-chan, are you sure? This is happening so fast and I don't want you to be...sorry." Her expression turned very serious and she caught and held his gaze with her own. "Ryudo Hajime, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I have wanted you since I was old enough to understand what that meant. This is not happening too fast! If anything, it is long overdue!" With that she stood up and quickly undid the three angled buttons that closed the mandarin-styled dress that was the uniform for the restaurant and pulled it over her head, then tossed it away with a flourish. He sat, stunned by her boldness, as heat rushed into his face. His blood pounded in his ears as she continued to undress before him. The bra went next, then the panties. She grinned at him with a challenging gleam in her eyes, then turned in a slow circle, swinging the long hair of her ponytail over her shoulder as she turned her head to give a coy glance over her shoulder as her back faced him. He swallowed hard, his erection straining against the fabric of his pants as she finished her circle. "Well?" she asked with an impish wink and put both hands on her hips. It took two tries before he could get anything out. "You are beautiful, Matsuri!" She laughed gently and leaned down, her breasts coming together to form a seductive cleavage as she took his hands and gave a tug to urge him to his feet. He rose, still stunned that Matsuri was being this aggressive. But he decided he liked it as his hands went to the curve of her waist. He ran his hands up her sides, the feel of her skin like hot satin under his palms as she set to work on the buttons of his shirt. His hands had gone down her back and were exploring her firm rear when she finished. She slid her arms around his waist and turned her head and rested it against the skin of his broad chest with a happy sigh. She ran her hands over the hard muscles of his back, exploring the contours of his body as he was hers, and loved the feel of his skin. It was like silk over steel. His hard, fabric trapped length pressed against her mound as Hajime pushed her rear in tight against him. She wanted to see it. She felt herself color at that thought, but she did! She brought her hands back to his front and started working on the buckle of his belt. She was having trouble with the button that held his pants closed. He reluctantly gave each cheek of her rear a last gentle squeeze then took her hands into his own. She gave him a quizzical look as he grinned down at her. "My turn. Sit down, Matsuri-chan." She blushed as she grinned back and nodded. She took a few steps away and settled on her knees. He shrugged out of his shirt and threw it to join her dress in the corner. He was keenly aware of Matsuri's expectant gaze as he took a deep breath then quickly undid his pants, hooked his thumbs into the waist band of his briefs and leaned forwards as he took them down. He tossed them to the side then straightened slowly, keeping his gaze on Matsuri's face. Her eyes went wide and her whole body turned a beautiful light pink as she got her first look at his erection. He gave her a mischievous grin and turned in a slow circle as she had done for him, then mimicked her ending stance, his hands on his hips and asked, "Well?" There was laughter in her voice as she answered, "You are very handsome, Hajime-san!" He moved to sit in front of her, their knees touching as he reached out and put his hand behind her head and pulled her to him. She put her open hands on his thighs as she leaned into the kiss, and after a moment her fingers moved through the fine hairs there creating an erotic tickle. She broke the kiss and looked down at his engorged length. "Can I touch it, Hajime?" she asked shyly. "I would love for you to touch it, Matsuri-chan." He thought he was prepared for her touch as she reached down. It was a feather light caress up each side of his shaft with just the tips of her fingers. His whole body went rigid and he took in a sharp, short gasp of air and felt his heart skip a beat as the sensation coursed through him. "Hajime?" Matsuri jerked her hands away, startled and a little frightened by his reaction. He didn't say anything, just took her hands and pressed them back against his length. She met his eyes, saw the desire smoldering in their blue depths as he gave her a little nod of encouragement. She turned her attention back to the hot, hardened flesh that pulsed under her hands. Hajime moved his hands away as soon as she resumed her exploration of this thing that would soon be inside her. He leaned back onto his hands and tipped his head back as her touch got firmer and bolder. She loved the way little shudders would go through him as she stroked, how his hips would rock forwards as he tried to get more of his erection into her hands. She traced the large vein down with her left hand and continued on to the soft curls that covered his scrotum and traced the contours of the tightly pulled up balls as the fingers of her right hand went around the top part of his girth to press as she ran her thumb softly across the top of his sensitive tip. He gritted his teeth, his breathing going even more ragged as one delicate hand found his balls to press and tickle as the other tormented his tip. Need burned through every inch of his body and demanded release. Release that would only come when he was sheathed in her body. He grabbed her wrists, careful not to hurt her, as the demands of his passion threatened to overcome his reason. He wanted nothing more than to throw her onto her back and drive into her, but he would not. Instead he leaned forwards to kiss her, then moved back to trace the side of her face with his fingertips and whispered, "Wait a moment." He rose and went to the closet to get his futon for her. It also gave him the chance to get his desire back under control. Both of his hands closed on her wrists and pulled her hands away from his flesh as he straightened. For a moment his expression and the fire in his eyes scared her, then it was gone, replaced by something tender and gentle. She accepted his kiss and tipped her head into the caress against her cheek and wondered what he was about as he rose. She loved the way he moved as he walked to the closet. The lithe way he carried himself, the play of muscle under his skin, he reminded her of a stalking tiger. She smiled and blushed, pleased by his consideration, as he came back with his futon. She helped him unroll it, moved to smooth the bottom of the sheet as he knelt beside it. "Matsuri," there was an un-refusable tone of command in his voice and a regalness to his face as he held out his hand. And he doubts that he was a King! she thought with a smile as she took his hand. He guided her to kneel on the mat before him and ran his thumb over the back of her hand. There was something he needed to ask so he would know how to continue. "Matsuri-chan, are you a virgin?" She colored and lowered her head and eyes, shy for the first time since their love-play had started. "Hai." He reached out and put his fingers under her chin and tipped her face back up. "Then let me make you ready, Matsuri-chan." "Hai," she whispered back as he leaned in to give her a long, lingering kiss. He guided her down to the futon as he continued to kiss her, stretched out beside her and put his free hand on her hip and let it wander slowly up toward her breasts. She tensed a little as he covered one and kneaded it softly, then relaxed. Her nipple hardened beneath his palm and he opened his fingers to capture it between his middle and ring finger and squeezed it gently as he continued his caress. She pressed her breast into his hand and sighed under their kiss. He slid his hand across her chest to the other so each would receive equal attention. His fingers itched to explore another part of her. He left her breasts and ran his hand down the soft plane of her of stomach until it rested on the triangle of soft hair. He ran his fingertips through it and stroked softly, each time reaching a little lower. She parted her thighs in silent permission and he slid his hand down to cover her lower lips. He pressed and rubbed gently then stroked up each side of her slit, two fingers on either side. She wrapped her arms around his neck and fed passionately on his mouth as her outer lips swelled and opened beneath his teasing fingers. He let his middle finger dip deeper on the next pass of his hand to run along the soft hot skin of her inner lips and she gasped and her hips jerked as it brushed lightly against the hood of skin that covered her clit. He continued to stroke, each time feeling her open more, each time her hips coming up to met his hand as it approached her sensitive button. He stopped and pressed his hand against her whole slit and broke their kiss. "Can I look at you, Matsuri-chan?" She blushed furiously as she giggled and nodded. "If you want to, Hajime-san." Oh, he did! He kept his hand against her mound as he left a trail of kisses as he moved down. He started at the tip of her chin and followed the curve of her neck down to the space between her breasts. He took a detour here and covered the far little kernel of nipple with his mouth. She made a surprised little "Oh!" as he pushed at it with his tongue then kept it between his lips as he pulled with a kiss, then let it loose. She giggled as he descended on the other and arched her back as he suckled. Then it was time to go down. She pulled up her knees and parted her legs wide as he stretched out between them. He kissed the top of her mound then took a deep breath while he rubbed his face across the short, fine hair and inhaled the intoxicating scent of her arousal. Then he scooted back a little more and put his hands under her buttocks and tilted her hips up. Her most private place was open and waiting for him. It reminded him of an exotic orchid as dropped his head to plant a kiss on her clit. He felt the shudder go through her as he traced a circle around it with his tongue then sucked on it gently. Then he turned his attention to the rest of her slit, licking each side with firm broad strokes of his tongue, then up to circle her throbbing button, then back down and deeper until the tip of his tongue flicked and pressed against her opening and tasted the moisture there. She pushed up against his mouth. She was ready. He went back up to give her clit one last suck and pushed against it with his tongue making her gasp and wiggle. He lifted his head so he could see her face. "Are you ready, Matsuri-chan?" She nodded and reached for him as he moved up to cover her. He kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his chest. He rose enough so he could reach down and guide his tip to her entrance then let his weight back down on her. "This is going to hurt, Matsuri-chan," he warned and wished he wasn't going to be her first. He didn't want to hurt her and he wasn't sure if he could restrain himself long enough for her to recover and share his pleasure. "I know, Hajime-san. It's O.K.," she gave him a brave smile and surprised him by rocking her hips up and starting him in. He kept his cheek pressed against hers as he pushed in. Her passage was so tight and hot! He felt her tense under him as he hit and was stopped by her barrier. He raised his head and looked deep into her eyes. "Ready?" She nodded. He put his head back down and felt her take a deep breath as she rubbed her cheek against his as he pulled back then thrust forwards, felt the barrier give way as he went all the way into her. He froze for a minute as the sensation of her sheath gripping his length in little contractions radiated through him. Then he felt her tension and raised his head once more. She was biting her lower lip and pale with pain. "Matsuri?" his voice was full of concern. "It's O.K. Just give me a minute if you can." "As long as you need, Matsuri-chan," he promised her even as his body wanted to move, to drive in and out of her. But he would wait until she was ready. It took every bit of his will power to stay still, yet he did as he nuzzled and kissed the side of her neck. Matsuri knew that it was hard for Hajime to wait as she waited for the pain of her broken hymen and sudden distention to stop. And she loved him even more for his consideration. Finally the pain was gone and she became aware of the hard length that throbbed in her and the pressure against her clit. She shifted her hips tentatively and felt a wave of pleasure rush through her as her button rubbed against him. Her movements became stronger as her body quickly came back up to the pitch Hajime had created in her She could feel the fine tremble of tension that went through him, yet still, he didn't move. "Hajime, it's O.K," she told him softly. He moved almost timidly in her at first, pulling back until he was almost unsheathed then pushed back in slowly until he was sealed against her. He would pause for a moment as she wiggled her hips to press and rub that most sensitive part of herself against him. She heard herself make a soft plaintive noise as the pleasure radiated down every nerve as he backed away to repeat the cycle. Her whole body was quivering with frustrated need. She wanted release! She wound her legs around his thighs and put her hands on the hard cheeks of his buttocks and pushed, trying to urge him faster. He resisted her for a few more slow penetrations then began hard, abandoned thrusts. She writhed under him, gave voice to panted, whispered 'oh's' as her hands went to push against his rear as her hips pressed up, trying to push him deeper and faster as her sheath gripped him harder. He made it through two more slow strokes then couldn't resist any longer. He rode the wave up and heard Matsuri squeal and felt a rush of moisture as her sheath contracted in rhythmic waves against him. The pleasure became exquisite as he pulled back one more time and felt himself go harder, then thrust back in deeply as his organ jerked and the orgasm thundered through him and took him over the edge. Matsuri was hugging him tightly, her heart pounding in sync with his own as he came back to awareness. He rested his forehead against hers and basked in the glow of her ecstatic and contented smile. "I love you, Hajime-san," she whispered. "I love you too, Matsuri-chan!" He responded firmly and knew that he meant it with all his heart.
He focused on the girl with the interesting dye job on her hair who was running a ball up and down this side of the field. He decided he liked her hair. It was a shoulder length layered mane of silver, each layer ending in black tips. He wondered how much Hajime would freak if he copied it. He slowed to pace her. She had some nice footwork. She didn't look at him but her moves changed and she started showing off. He realized she was very, very good and grinned. This was going to be fun!
The coaches divided them into four teams and he was pleased to find 'That Girl' playing in the group that had been set against his. He wasn't sure how it happened, but she snuck the ball from him as he set up for a goal with a wink and a laughed, "Not so hot, eh, Hot-shot?", as she danced it away.
He was ready for her the next time. Well, he thought he was ready. He wasn't expecting her to be as determined to take control of the ball as he was to keep it. They went down in a tangle of legs and flailing arms. He caught himself on his hands as she went down on the bottom so he wouldn't squash her too badly.
"Get off me!" she hissed as she shoved him over and off.
He jumped to his feet, then offered his hand to help her up with a grin. It faded to a concerned frown as he realized she was hurt.
"You O.K.?" He squatted down beside her as players and coaches descended on them.
She was rubbing her left ankle, her eyes shut and scrunched up with pain.
"No," she snapped back at him.
Then he was shoo-ed out of the way as the adults took over. One of the coaches ordered the players back into position and yelled for another guy to come and take the girls place as the other coach supported her hopping off the field and toward the benches. His gaze kept wandering over to where she was sitting, foot propped up with a bag of ice draped over it. He felt kind of bad that she had gotten hurt. But he didn't let it interrupt his focus on the game. Much.
He was still the best player on the field, distracted or not. And he was scrupulous not to cheat and use his dragon-born strength or speed though his stamina was something beyond his control. He got sucked back into the game and when they had won, looked back over to the bench but she was gone. He made an unhappy and perplexed expression. He had wanted to apologize. Well, he could do that on Monday. The coaches informed them that the cut would be posted on Monday and thanked them all for coming and dismissed them. Amaru met him half way across the field.
"When did that girl leave?" he asked his brother.
"Which girl?" Amaru answered, all innocence.
"The one with the dye job."
"The one you knocked down and hurt?" Amaru looked sideways at him, a scold in his tone.
"Hey, I didn't knock her down!"
Amaru raised his eyebrows at him.
"I didn't! She shouldn't have kept trying to take the ball. If anything, we knocked each other down."
Amaru shrugged. "Not too long ago. Why?"
"I just wanted to make sure she was O.K."
"Uh-huh," Amaru gave him a sly wink.
Owaru punched him gently in the arm. "That's all. I'm worried about a potential team mate."
"Uh-huh," Amaru giggled and moved out of the way of the next punch.
"Well, she was kinda' pretty," Owaru grinned.
"Uh-huh," Amaru answered.
Owaru felt himself blush and decided he needed to change the subject. "So, how was school today?"
She had learned to hide these things at a very young age. Abilities like hers scared people and scared people where violent and nasty creatures. She mentally flinched and put the lid back on those memories as she turned the corner. She cussed softly as she saw the knot of young men loitering by the graffitied mailbox and mutilated remains of the bus stop bench half way up the block. Figured that the White Tigers would choose to prowl one of the streets on her route home today. Like most of the kids in the area, she went out of her way to avoid them. She should turn around and take the round-about way but her ankle hurt and that was an extra fifteen minutes walk. Surely if she just crossed the street they would do nothing more than jeer at her, if they even noticed her at all.