by Shannon M. Richmeyer |
Remy stood naked before him first, his tall and slender form an alabaster gleam against the twilight filled room, like some dream creature composed of nothing but the coming moonlight. Tsuzuku couldn't pull his eyes away as Remy reached to tug at the tie which bound his hair back, and then shook his head to send it spilling around his shoulders like half-solid ribbons of the night sky. Remy met Tsuzuku's eyes for a moment, then turned his star-flecked gaze toward the woman who had just finished pulling her shirt over her head. Tannis dropped her last garment into the pile at her side and tossed her head slightly to re-settle her glowing mass of soft curls while Tsuzuku gazed on all of her delicate perfection for the first time. To his eyes she was a glorious remnant of the fading sun, every inch of her gold-tinged skin brilliant and flickering with what he sensed was some barely subdued wild and dangerous inner fire. For a moment the two before him turned toward each other, their hands entwining and he was aware of the silent and private thing that was between them and felt very much the intruder. Then they parted and that thought was driven completely from his mind as they came to him with gliding steps, their expressions eager and full of promise. He found himself strangely docile and submissive as they silently began to undress him. He discovered he had absolutely no idea as to what to do with his hands as they started and finally just held his arms out from his sides. He tired not to laugh or jerk as their wandering fingers worked off his shirt and came into contact with his slowly exposed skin, discovering one ticklish spot after another...he had never realized that he was so ticklish...and then he couldn't help the soft, gasping intakes of breath that replaced the suppressed chuckles as his clothes came off and their touches turned into something else. A similar, yet different, sensation that hummed and trilled just under his skin. He followed their gentle pushes and tugs and found himself kneeling in the center of the bed. He was aware that Remy was behind him and stilled the half-embarrassed reflex of twitching away as Remy pressed up against his back while Tannis explored his shoulders and chest with dancing fingers. He dug his fingers into the bedspread, once again feeling trapped and out of control as Remy's hands joined Tannis' exploration, then he didn't care once more as Tannis began to press hot kisses along his collar bone and across his chest. Remy followed suit, his mouth light and teasing against the nape of his neck while his hands went to stroke the inside of his thighs. Tsuzuku undulated between them in a sensuous sway as his body sang with erotic tension. He let loose of the spread, wanting now to touch back, but found his hands hovering, one above Remy's left, the other near Tannis' side. He discovered himself shy...and very uncertain. Remy's hands suddenly covered his own and moved them to rest on Tannis' sides. He knew his whole body had to be glowing with his fiery blush as Remy guided his hands, moving his palms along the sleek, gold-dusted softness of her skin, down and around to follow the contours of her rear, then back up to cup her breasts. Tannis made an encouraging purr as Remy and Tsuzuku together kneaded the firm flesh of her breasts and leaned to flick her tongue against his left nipple. It drew a startled, "Ah!", out of him as that caress sent a jolt straight to his groin and made his throbbing member jump. "She want you to touch the same way, Cher," Remy prompted softly as the other man's hands left his own and one went back down to Tsuzuku's thigh, maddeningly avoiding his genitals, as the other went to float across the taunt skin of his stomach. Tsuzuku tried to return the caress, but her tongue and fingers wouldn't leave his nipples alone now that she had found them and it was driving him to distraction! He gave up and just let them wander up and down her sides slowly as he closed his eyes, aware that his hips were moving, straining forwards toward the golden nether curls that were so tantalizingly close, then back to press against a hard, pulsing length that he knew was Remy's own erection. His breathing and heartbeat had become very erratic and he knew he wasn't going to be able to stand much more of this...but at the same time, he never wanted it to end! Remy's hands stilled and Tsuzuku shivered as the other man's fast breath moved like a hot breeze to tighten the wet skin on the back of his neck. "Tannis, Lov, we need to be decidin' who gonna be in de middle," Remy said in a husky voice. Tannis drew her mouth away from Tsuzuku's chest and stilled her hands, letting him sag backwards against Remy in relief as she met her first lovers eyes. Tsuzuku knew the answer to that question, and was somewhat surprised it was even asked now that he had accepted their pairing as a reality. "I am," he told them both firmly once he had recovered his breath. Tannis laughed, her eyes on the man behind him. Tsuzuku craned his neck a bit so he could see, and found himself also highly amused by Remy's shocked expression. "You sure, Cher?" Remy asked hesitantly. Tsuzuku gave it exactly one second of careful consideration. He was very sure. It was the only way he could have them both. And he wanted them both at the same time. Very badly, in fact. "Hai. I am certain." He was absolutely delighted to see the faint color of a blush touch Remy's skin. Tannis wiggled away from them, moving for one of the night stands as Remy hugged Tsuzuku tightly, pressing his check against his own. "Really, Cher, you don't have too..." he offered in a private whisper. Tsuzuku reached up and touched Remy's cheek somewhat shyly. "I want to, Remy-san." Then he lowered his eyes and withdrew his hand as a thought came to him. "Unless you don't want to do this with me..." "Merde! Cher," Remy retrieved his hand and kissed his palm, "trust me! I want to!" and kissed the interior of his hand some more. Tsuzuku offered a small smile back, trying not to laugh as Remy traced small circles on his palm with his tongue, relieved that he had been wrong. "Here, Tsuzuku." Tannis came back to them and drew Tsuzuku's hand away from Remy's mouth to wipe part of the large dab of cream from her palm onto his. Tsuzuku frowned at it, then her, a bit perplexed. She gave him a wolfish grin as she tugged at his arm, bidding him move away from Remy. He moved, still puzzled, as she rubbed the cream into her hands. She rolled her eyes and laughed. "You get to help get him ready," she gestured with a tip of her head and a challenging gleam in her eyes toward Remy and the very erect organ that was framed against the dark thatch of his pubic hair. Remy shot her a hard look that almost dissolved into a grin. "You don' have too, Cher. She just be teasin' you." Tsuzuku swallowed against the sudden dryness of his mouth as he glanced between Remy, Tannis and the cream in his hand. Then he told himself that he had decided, he had chosen to do this, and it would touch another man. Especially this man. He looked sideways at Tannis with a small quirked smile of his own and very deliberately and slowly rubbed his hands together to spread the cream across his palms. She gave him a wicked and yet delighted smile back and made a broad gesture with her hand for him to proceed. Even though he had talked himself into this, he found himself still hesitating. Tannis came to his rescue, and with an understanding nod and smile, took his hands under her own as Remy had done not so long ago. He let her guide his fingers to Remy's flesh as Remy reached and put his hands on Tsuzuku's shoulders and gave him an encouraging wink. She pressed his palms onto Remy's length and then removed her hands, moving one to each of the men's thighs and stroking slowly, watching each of her lovers intently as Tsuzuku tentatively started to explore Remy's erection with his slick hands. Remy's fingers tightened on his shoulders and he bowed his head so his forehead rested just above Tsuzuku's own, his dark cloud of hair billowing over his shoulders and hiding his face as Tsuzuku stroked softly, fascinated by how different it felt to touch a male organ other than his own. The skin that covered the hard and pulsing shaft was incredibly soft. "Tsuzuku," Remy said with a low tremble in his voice, "I be ready now." Tsuzuku pulled his hands away and sat back, suddenly finding himself a bit uncertain as the awareness of what he was about to let this man do to him sank in. "You still sure, Cher?" Remy asked once more, catching and holding Tsuzuku with his eyes. The silver flecks in them sparkled, the expression around them understanding and calm, promising no blame if he backed out. Tsuzuku took a deep breath and nodded once more. It was what he wanted. He just wished he could stop this little flutter of fear that accompanied his desire. Tannis put her hand on Tsuzuku's shoulder and smiled reassuringly as she guided his hands around her waist. Tsuzuku felt Remy's hands stroke his sides, gentle and calming as the other mans knees worked between his thighs from behind, spreading the crack that divided is rear apart. Tannis leaned into him and resumed her slow, kiss filled exploration of his chest as Remy's right hand slipped down over his hip and caressed the curve of his rear. Tsuzuku held himself very still as he felt the other man's fingers delve slowly and gently into his crevasse but couldn't help the jerk as Remy brushed against the little pucker of his anus. "Easy, Cher, easy..." Remy breathed into his ear as his fingers toyed with the sensitive skin, sending little shivers of tingling fire dancing up his spine. Tsuzuku nodded, more to himself than either of them, as Remy continued stroke and press gently, letting him become accustomed to being touched in that very private place. Tannis shifted slightly against his front, stretching up to cover his mouth and worked on distracting him with very passionate kisses. He still tensed as he felt the satin covered warmth of Remy's tip slide between his lower cheeks and press against his clenched opening. Tannis' moved to kiss his cheeks, then neck, as her hands moved to massage his lower back, taking over for Remy as the man's hands went to Tsuzuku's hips. Then Tsuzuku couldn't help but gasp, his fingers digging into Tannis' sides as Remy pressed in and the sting of that sudden distention shocked through him. He bit on his lower lip and pressed his forehead onto Tannis' shoulder, thinking now that perhaps this hadn't been such a good idea as Remy continued to push into him. Tannis planted one last kiss on his mouth then slid down his chest, stretching out and making him lean forwards to brace himself with his hands on either side of her body. He was so focused on riding the discomfort that stung through his rear that Tannis' next action was almost as much of a shock. He nearly fell forwards onto her as her mouth closed on his flagging erection and her tongue danced over his tip. He felt Remy freeze behind him, one of his arms darting to encircle Tsuzuku's waist as the other went around his chest to give him support. "Tsuzuku?!" Remy asked with deep concern in his voice. "It's...I'm all right. It's all right." He discovered that it was, that the pain was receding quickly and Tannis' busy mouth had turned the slowing simmer in his body into an almost raging flame once more. Still, Remy didn't move, even though Tsuzuku could feel him pulsing deep inside. It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant. Not at all, combined with what was going on in front. He took a deep breath and braced himself and pushed back, trying to let Remy know that it was all right to continue. He heard Remy take a ragged breath and then Tsuzuku cried out in pure ecstasy as Remy pushed in a little more and an incredible wave of pleasure washed through his body. He felt Remy pull back and then he shifted his hips forwards once more and sent another jolt searing through him. Another thrust from behind combined with the maddening heat and teasing pressure of Tannis mouth and left him panting and quivering as molten pleasure burned through his frame. Fire that had to be put out before he went insane! Tsuzuku tried to strain forwards, to force his pounding length harder against Tannis' tongue as it darted and stroked, desperate now in his need for release, but Remy held him fast. He growled in protest as Tannis' mouth left his erection beating against the air in frustration as Remy shifted them to lay sideways on the bed. Then her mouth was against his again as she threw her leg over his hip. Tight, wet heat enveloped him as she slid down and took him into herself. He took a sobbing breath as the two that bracketed him shifted, Remy back and Tannis up, and then heard himself moan as they both moved back in and down together. This sensation was pure and intense and yet combined with an aching need for something more. It swirled around in him like whirlwind of air driven sparks, drawing him along with them higher and higher until he was about to scream in a strange combination of pleasure and unbearable need...then the release shuddered through him, sending an even more intense pleasure erupting along his nerves. He slowly floated down from the searing rush of his release and realized around his ragged breathing and the uneven pound of his heart that his lovers weren't quite done with him yet. They were still moving in a steady, sensuous, and undeniable rhythm against him. A rhythm that his body was already responding to once more. He could only ride the wave as it built in him again, amazed that this time his pleasure was even more intense, if that was possible. He was vaguely aware that his own voice had joined into the soft, wordless, murmurs of his lovers as he pressed Tannis tight against him with one hand while the other went up to brush, and then tangle into Remy's hair. Their rhythm broke apart, each becoming more frantic as their own release neared. He hung in that place of pure sensation while jolt after jolt of pleasure radiated through him. He felt Remy stiffen against his back, and then groan softly as his thrusts became violent for the first time. It forced his hips forwards to met Tannis' furious movements and she made a soft squeal as her inner grip tightened and then pulsed around his length. That feeling combined with the hard beating throb from Remy's member buried deep inside himself and he hurled over the edge once more, and this time he floated down with the sparks into an exhausted, sated darkness. |