The Dragon's Lovers
The Dragon's Lovers
by Shannon M. Richmeyer

The original characters of Sohryuden are the sole creation of Yoshiki Tanaka and the rights belong to whoever they belong to. I thank him greatly for creating them and hope he doesn't come hunting any fingers for my unauthorized use of them. Enjoy.

Part Twelve

Tsuzuku jumped a bit as his eyes snapped open. Matsuri frowned at her cousin as he swiveled his head and stared at her for a moment, as if he wasn't quite sure who she was, while his breath misted fast on the cold air.

"Are you all right, Tsuzuku-kun?" she asked suspiciously and shuddered with sympathy and surprise at how cold the skin on the back of his hand was under her fingers.

"Yes. I was just," she watched him glance around, his gaze raking the shadows, "...thinking."

"Well, you are chilled to the bone!" She tugged on his hand, "Get in here where it's warm!"

Tsuzuku paused for a moment, still searching the darkness as his fight or flight reflex faded. It seemed that whatever had happened, if it had been anything, was over now so he followed Matsuri's next tug unresisting. The warmth of the kitchen was almost painful against his skin and he tried to remember just when he had gotten so cold. Matsuri went to get him a cup of coffee as he rubbed at his arms. Hajime appeared in the kitchen doorway and his smile fled as he saw the almost hidden expression of uncertainty in his second brother's features.

"Tsuzuku, what's wrong?"

Tsuzuku wrapped his stiff fingers around the mug and leaned his face over the steam for a moment as he worked on formulating an answer for that, then lifted his head and fixed his eldest brother with his normal calm and composed regard.

"Who is Ophishu?" And why does Remy have his eyes?

Hajime cocked his head slightly and his eyes narrowed as he searched through the bits and pieces he had of Hakkei's memory. Ophishu. He knew he should know who that was. The name was connected with Shiiyu and the Gyushu, but danced just beyond his ability to retrieve.

"I'm not sure. He is connected to the Gyushu, though."

"He has wings. So red they appear black," Tsuzuku added with the hope of jogging Hajime's memory.

Hajime closed his eyes, a look of intense concentration on his face. Then he sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing else." His eyes continued to be narrowed as he frowned at his brother. "Why?"

"I had a quote, Dragon dream, unquote last night."

Tsuzuku smiled slightly at his brothers unspoken '...and?' expression.

"It wasn't anything important. It was a banquet and Remy and Tannis were there."

For a moment he thought about asking Hajime if he had any idea about why Blood and Dust might be his slaves, then dismissed the idea. Hajime probably wouldn't know either and with the way his brother's mind worked and worried, it might taint his initial impression of Remy and Tannis. Tsuzuku didn't want to take that chance. It was very important to him that his eldest brother approve of these two people. He mentally echoed the flicker of relief that passed across his brothers face.

"I hoped that they were connected to us. That would explain why they dream about you. So, they were your friends?" Hajime fought the smile that threatened as Tsuzuku shifted a bit nervously and focused on the surface of his coffee.


Hajime waited a few seconds to see if any more information was going to be forthcoming on that curt answer to his question. He made an amused 'tsk' in his mind as Tsuzuku remained silent, then continued on.

"What did it have to do with Ophishu?"

Tsuzuku looked back up at him. "Tannis had a hair ornament on. It was made of some of Ophishu's flight feathers. I don't know how I knew that. I just did. Just like I know that Ophishu was an enemy, but I don't know why!"

There was a touch of frustration in his tone that surprised Hajime. He walked over and put his hand on his brother's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

"The answers are there, Brother. We just have to find them. We'll ask Amaru if he remembers anything about Ophishu in the morning and I'll go with Owaru to the library and see if I can't find something."

That got a smile from Tsuzuku. For the first time since Hajime had started to send their youngest brothers to the library on Saturdays, Owaru hadn't finished his assignment. He had stammered a bit when Hajime had asked for an explanation as to why, and then just stated, "I just had a lot on my mind, I guess."

Amaru had filled in the reason with his half innocent, half teasing response. "Jesse was there."

Hajime had never seen his third brother blush. It was one of those blushes that turned even the tips of his ears red. Or ever seen him become quite so...flustered. Owaru had given Amaru a glare that would have burned through steel as he turned on his heel and stalked into the bedroom and slammed the door closed behind him.

Amaru had turned his 'uh-oh, we're in trouble' look on Hajime and explained that Jesse was the girl that Owaru had saved from the Tigers the other day. Hajime had to agree that they could be in a lot of trouble. He did not need Owaru having girl problems on top of Tsuzuku discovering the wonders of sex and being besotted with two other unknown dragons.

Tsuzuku was overcome by a huge yawn as he nodded his agreement to Hajime's suggestion. The yawn was accompanied by a weariness that seeped into him, and he frowned a little at himself. It was the same feeling that accompanied the aftermath of his usage of the power that belonged to the other half of his soul. The fine hairs on the back of his neck tightened and lifted. He spun to face the window, expecting to see star-filled eyes and a flurry of black wings. He saw only his reflection gazing back with startled eyes.

Hajime put himself between Matsuri and the window as he reacted to his brother's unusual behavior. He made a 'move' gesture behind his back, then pointed at the doorway and was relieved to hear Matsuri obey.


"I think there might be something outside."

Tsuzuku put the mug on the counter as he fell in behind Hajime's cautious advance on the window. He stood in a guard position as Hajime yanked the window open and glared into the thin cavern of shadows and dirty light that separated their building from the one next to it. Hajime saw nothing. He extended his senses, hunting. Still, nothing was there that he could detect.

"Tsuzuku?" he questioned once again.

"'s gone. If it was even there. I think I might be jumping at shadows, Brother. I dozed off out there a while ago while I was thinking on Ophishu. It was probably nothing more than the after effects of an unpleasant memory."

Hajime checked one more time, then closed the window gently. He turned and favored his brother with a suspicious expression as Tsuzuku covered another huge yawn with his hand.

"Go to bed, Tsuzuku."

Tsuzuku nodded his agreement as it became very hard to keep his eyes open. He told himself that he would stay awake long enough to get ready for bed and not just collapse as he went into the main room. He smiled at Matsuri, who was standing tense and on guard before the bedroom door.

"It was nothing, Matsuri-chan."

She relaxed and gave him an amused grin as he yawned once more.

"Go change, Tsuzuku. I'll put out your bed."

He gave her hand a quick squeeze in gratitude as they passed. When he came out of the bathroom, the lights in the main room were out and both his and Hajime's futon were laid out and made. He collapsed onto his and tried to focus on the muted conversation coming out of the kitchen, but was asleep before he could catch three words.

Chukei stood with his brothers on a low platform across from the dais where the Council sat. The Gate was a low, thrumming rectangle of darkness a short distance to their left and he could feel the coldness that flowed out of it from here. He kept his eyes away from the void that hung between the two ancient pillars. The void that would soon bind them into the human cycle of reincarnation. For 117 lifetimes they would live as humans with the celestial part of their being asleep and walled away from them. A terrible punishment for a crime they had not committed. He was very relieved that his younger brothers faced this sentence without fear. Shukukei was even anxious to go and see what adventures his human times would hold while Kikei had simply informed them with a smile that it would be nothing more than a dream, and over as quickly.

He allowed himself a small, hard smile as he eyed the "Honor" Guard that had fanned out to surround them. A rare honor indeed to hold the Dragons Kings under arrest. He knew that many of them were uneasy with this duty, uncertain of what to expect from the condemned and their supporters. They had nothing to fear, though. The Go had always been obedient to the Will of Heaven, be it from the Emperor or The Council of his Ministers. Their docile surrender to this gross miscarriage of justice was their subtle yet pointed way to stress this fact, even though their sentence had already been passed and was in the process of being carried out.

His oldest brother's expression was calm and reassuring as the folk that chose to follow them into the exile came and offered their Kings a formal reverence before walking into the darkness. Yet he could feel the cold fury that simmered beneath that composure as he kept his own attention on the rapidly diminishing group in the tight and obscuring circle of guards next to the dais across from the platform. He was searching for the flash of Blood's sun bright curls or a glimpse of Dust's tall form through the glistening blades of the halberds. A murmur of surprised shock and protest flowed through the crowd as Taishinoufujin wrenched away from the ladies that attended her and walked with a firm step toward them. He heard his eldest brother's sharp intake of breath as the missing Emperor's wife came and drifted to her knees before them.

There were sharp words of disapproval from some of the Council on the dais and guards moved hastily toward Taishinoufujin. He saw Hakkei shake his head at her out of the corner of his eye as he bowed back to the Empress, his brother's gesture telling her no, this was not necessary. He favored his brother with a sidewards glance and small smile as he straightened. Had Hakkei truly expected anything else of her?

"Stop." Seiohbo-sama's voice rang through the rising din.

The guards froze in place as everyone's attention went to the Great Lady on the dais.

"She has made her choice. I give her my permission."

"Seiohbo-sama! No..." his brother tried to plead with the Great Lady, but she halted his words with a warning motion of her hand.

Taishinoufujin turned and bowed to her mother, then went with almost dancing steps to the pillars. She paused on the verge and turned her head back towards them.

"I will see you soon, Dragon Kings," she said with conviction and a sweet smile, then stepped into the darkness.

Chukei instantly assumed his Eldest brother's task of nodding to the Go who came before them and offering soft words of encouragement and thanks as Hakkei kept his eyes downcast and fought to keep his countenance composed. Anxiety surged through him as the encircling guards broke rank and reformed in a semi-circle behind the dais. Where were Blood and Dust?

The Court Herald stepped forward, his deep voice ringing bell-like through the air. "Do any others choose to accompany the Exiles?"

A hushed silence settled over the gathered beings as the Herald paused. Chukei scanned the crowd and a knot of fear tightened in his stomach. Where were they? He stepped forward and gave a low bow toward the dais.

"I was told that my slaves would be allowed to accompany me," he informed them coolly.

Seiohbo-sama gave him a compassion filled look as The Voice of the Council scowled at him.

"That property has been returned to its rightful owner."

Chukei snapped upright and stared back at him in shock. Light of

A flicker of dark wings caught his eyes and his head turned slowly toward the knot of Gyushu nobles who had come to watch the banishing of their enemies. Ophishu's dark wings unmantled and showed what had been hidden close to his body under them.

no.. He stiffened, disbelieving.

The Gyushu grinned and jerked the short leash, bringing Blood's head up. A red tinge came over his sight as he took in the chains, the swelling and bruises on her face and body.


Blood's face was expressionless as her eyes locked with his own. He saw nothing of the Go in them now, only the Gyushu that had always warred for her soul. Her eyes held him, hard and accusing, as her mouth formed three words.

"Dust is dead."

He knew he couldn't hear her voice from this distance, yet the words thundered through his mind. For a strange, still moment he was perfectly calm. Then fire flooded through his mind and rose into a threatening wave of loss and grief. His silent scream of denial swirled into the molten fury that seethed in his soul and was wrenched out of him in the form of a blood chilling hiss wrapped around the word, "No."

He surged towards them as the wave crested and crashed down, beginning to reshape himself into a thing of primal fury, the flare of his power knocking aside the Guards who moved to stop him.

Chukei, stop. Hakkei's command and power wrapped around him, halting him in place.

Release me! he demanded as he struggled violently against his brother's power.

Hakkei's arms went around him from behind, his brother's will forcing him back into a manageable shape.

"Brother, it is done and there is nothing we can do now to change it," his Eldest brother and Lord stated with soft finality.

For once Chukei found himself without words. He simply snarled his refusal to acknowledge that fact and tried to wrench himself from his brother's grip, fey in his determination to get Blood away from the group of Gyushu who had drawn in to protect Ophishu and his prize.

Shukukei and Kikei's voices came into his head, trying to soothe as the guards recovered and began a cautious advance on them once more. He felt Hakkei's fingers press into the corded muscles at the nape of his neck and tried once more to jerk away as his brother aimed for certain pressure points.

NO! he bellowed mentally at all three of them as his body sagged, numb and unresponsive into his Elder Brother's arms.

"It is under control, Guards. Back off," Hakkei snapped at the warriors even as he snapped at his brother, Chukei, listen to me. They will find us again. I swear it! while he slid his arm under Chukei's legs and lifted him.

Shukukei and Kikei fell in to flank them closely as his brother carried him toward the Gate.

Hakkei, Brother, no. Please...

"It is the way it is, Brother," Hakkei's voice was low and tight with sympathy.

Chukei strained his eyes to look back past his brother's shoulder. Ophishu had brought his wings forward once more, using them to keep his captive pressed close to his body, framing Blood's face with their soft darkness. There was no anger in it, nor grief. It was exquisite in its still perfection and nothing but a soulless mask, for he knew that those parts of her had followed Dust into death. A hollow feeling filled him, an ache as cold and empty as the void that waited for them, and he welcomed the Darkness his brother carried him into.