Get Up
Get down
Get off
Get up
Get out
Baby let me scream at you, you can decline of course,
don't be a Ms. Hang Up Girl, beacoup du chocolate...-
Dog Eat Dog
Part 1
by Mink
It was the Night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a....
His soft voice was quiet but it carried through the still room. Ryo looked up in surprise from the sports section. "Oh, hi."
Sage was sitting across from him on the couch, he hadn't even heard him come in. "I didn't know you were home." He said with a soft uncertain smile. As always, the sight of Sage left him glad but slightly wary. His eyes went down Sage's faded jeans and soft dark green sweater. He tore his eyes back to his newspaper hoping that Sage hadn't noticed him looking.
"Lightening lose again?" Sage asked, his eyes going to the paper in Ryo's hands.
"Yeah," Ryo sighed, flipping a page. "Bruins, 0 to 3. But," He added smiling over at him," least Lightening won all the fights."
"That's nice." He answered, smiling mildly back. "Listen, Ryo, I wanted to give you your Christmas present before the others came home."
Ryo felt his heart pick up a little in trepidation. He tried to feign disinterest, staring hard at his newspaper. "Aw Seiji, I told you I didn't want anything, just..just don't even worry about it." He heard Sage stand up.
"I've gone through an awful lot of trouble Ryo, so," He took his paper away, "...I think you should just take it." Ryo let him take his hand and stand him up, the uneasy feeling he had growing tighter in his chest.
"Okay Seiji." What else was he going to say?
Sage smiled down at him, almost benevolently. "Follow me."
v v v
The room was completely dark and when the door shut behind them it was as black as a cave. He could hear him moving around him, his hand on his back to move him as he passed by. "Seiji?" He asked in the darkness, wondering vaguely how Sage could move around with no lights on. "What is this place?" The silent blackness seemed to eat up his words, swallowing them before they were even out of his mouth. There was a small click, and suddenly he could see Sage standing less than six feet away from him, his hand on the switch of a small dim light that hung over a sink. Ryo quickly looked around him, his eyebrows drawing together. Besides the sink by the wall, there were a few chairs behind him by the door, a large glass cabinet full of bottles and things and a large, dull steel topped table right in the middle. There was another door opposite the one they had come in and there was a poster on it.
Has your best friend had his shots? You're the best friend he's got! There was a dog and cat with their arms around each others shoulders, smiling.
Sage startled him by speaking.
"Don't worry, I have permission to be here."
Ryo nodded absently, his eyes still running over the room, trying to piece together why Sage had brought him here. It looks like a vet's office? He backed away unconsciously from Sage when he approached him, his eyes seeming to always fall on that metal table.
Cool fingertips under his chin forced his wide eyes to look up. Sage's face was just above his own, his clear blue eyes regarding him expectantly. "We're quite alone."
Ryo swallowed, the usual effect of having Sage's body so close to his own, overwhelming him. His hand came up to touch the soft green wool on his chest, the other went up and before he could stop himself, he was touching the smooth white skin of his cheek, endlessly amazed no matter how many times he had been so close, of how utterly beautiful he was. Sage gave him a small almost unarmed smile, as if he some how could see Ryo's thought's in his gaze, but it was gone as soon as it had come, his own arms going around him and pulling him closer. Ryo's mouth closed on his, his arms sliding up around his neck, and pulling his head down a little so he could reach his mouth. He shivered as Sage's hands ran down his back and down over behind him, then leaning down a bit, he slid his hands behind his thighs and lifted him up so they were face to face, their kiss getting deeper and faster. Sage turned around, still holding him, and sat down on one of the chairs, pulling Ryo's legs on either side of him, on his lap. Ryo sighed, pulling himself closer to Sage's body, sitting forward, his arms tighter around Sage's neck, he could feel his sex up against Sage's under him and started to think maybe this Christmas present wasn't so bad.
So it's a vet's office? He looked around them as he kissed him, his eyes falling on the metal table again. He's wanted to do it in stranger places. He thought, his eyes closing again.
At least they were alone. Right? Sage started to push up his shirt, and he moaned into his mouth when the cool hands ran over his hot skin.
"Hi ya guys." Some one said.
Ryo almost jumped directly out of his skin. Pushing himself off of Sage, he stumbled to a stand, hastily pulling down his shirt. He looked up to see two someones at the opposite door. "Ro..Rowan?" Ryo asked in disbelief.
Rowan put up a hand. "Hey. Sorry, we're a little late." He was looking to the side with an annoyed curl of his lip. Sai was standing, or more leaning, against him, he had a strange smile on his face. "He's a little more of a problem than I thought he would be."
Sai tried to straighten himself and laughed weakly. "Nah, Ryo I wasn't, honest I wasn't." He yawned into the back of his hand, his big green eyes heavy.
Ryo blinked at them. "Is he drunk?"
Sage had stood up behind him, straightening his clothes and glancing down at the watch on his wrist. "Actually Rowan, you are a bit early." He looked down pointedly at Ryo, who was still staring at Rowan and Sai like they had just come out of a cake, a particularly hard set to his pale eyes.
Rowan half-smiled in apology. "Oh ..sorry." He elbowed Sai hard enough that Sai had to grab the doorjamb for balance. "He wouldn't get into the car. I had to chase him around the parking lot for about fifteen minutes."
Sai's eyes squeezed shut in silent laughter, making his way into the room and stumbling up against the metal table. "He couldent get me, nah couldent do it!"
"We had to leave then or neva," Rowan said tiredly, shutting the door behind him. "He was driving me fucking crazy."
Sage sighed, eyeing Sai with an eyebrow raised. "I see." He sat back down, carefully crossing his legs. "Well, get started then."
Ryo turned to look at him, finally able to speak. "What? What do you mean? Start what-" Ryo was abruptly cut off when Sage grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into his lap.
"Just sit down, shut up and be a good little boy for once would you?" Sage's arms locked into his but he didn't try to fight him. He pulled him back onto his lap and spoke softly into his ear. "Merry Christmas Ryo."
v v v
It took about three times but Rowan finally grabbed him and held him down long enough to wrestle him out of his coat. He couldn't seem to stop laughing, Rowan was acting so funny though, he really couldn't help it. He actually tackled him in the parking lot of that bar downtown and hoisted him over his shoulder and carried him to the car! Breaking into even more laughter just thinking about it, his eyes going to Sage and Ryo sitting right across from them. Sage was smiling but Ryo wasn't. He was about to tell Ryo about the parking lot when Rowan twisted him around, shoving him hard against the metal table onto his stomach.
"Hey," He breathed, laughing a little still. "Take it easy Rowan, that hurt!"
He tried to straighten but Rowan was holding him down, pulling at his shirt. Sai tried to look behind him. "What are you do..doing?"
Rowan was pulling his shirt out of his pants and pulling it over his head. Sai went suddenly blind when the shirt got tangled around his head and arms. "Hey! Who turned on the shirt?" He started laughing again, trying to push away from Rowan and making it difficult for him.
"Sai, I swear to Christ, I'm gonna fuckin kill you if don't stop.." Rowan growled, trying to yank the shirt off his body.
Sai froze, pathetically tangled, his arms over his head. "Soory, Rowan.."He mumbled behind the shirt, falling forward on the table when he couldn't put his hands out to stop himself. "What cha doing though? Are we home?" He asked as Rowan finally got the shirt off. "I don't want to go to bed." He looked around, crossing his arms absently over his bare chest in the cold room. "Wh..where are we?"
The room seemed like something he'd seen before. Rowan pushed him forward again, and grabbed one of Sai's arms. Sai gasped in pain when he twisted and shoved it up to the middle of his back. Sai stood still for a moment, while Rowan undid the tops of his jeans and pulled them down.
"Rowan.." Sai gasped, still trying hard to smile. "That hurts ..could you let me up now?" He was answered by a hand going down between his legs and suddenly shoving him forward over the table, the cold metal surface shocking on his bare skin. His jeans were yanked all the way off and he realized suddenly that Rowan had taken everything but his boxers off of him.
"Record time Rowan." Sage murmured from in front of them "It's like you've done it before."
Sai couldn't see what Rowan reaction was to his comment but he didn't say anything. Sai shifted under him, the pain in his arm turning his shoulder numb. "Rowan..? What-" Rowan pushed his arm even further up his back, silencing him with the pain, and shoved him all the way onto the table, it's entire length under him. It wasn't very long, but wide and it smelled funny, like some kind of cleaner. His arm was finally released, the joints in his shoulder singing in pain. But now Rowan was in front of him pulling his hands forward and putting them into some strap things that came out of the table on the two end corners. Sai watched in some what of a daze as Rowan reached under the table and with a hard yank, the thick strap tightened around his wrist and kept it there.
"Rowan.." His other wrist was pinned down now too. "Are you mad at me or something?"
"Get up on your knees." Rowan told him, from behind him.
Sai reluctantly did what he was told, pulling his knees up and very awkwardly sitting, his hands making him lean forward. He looked over uncertainly to Ryo and Sage. Sage was watching with interest but Ryo had a kinda blank look on his face, sitting quite still on Sage's knee, his legs on either side of Sage's leg.
"On your knees, I didn't tell ya to sit down." Rowan growled.
Sai blinked, unsure of what he meant. Then a hand was between his legs again and he had no choice as it pushed him up, the metal table hard on his knees. He felt those straps go around and then tighten with a sharp hiss on his ankles. He felt ridiculous suddenly, standing on his hands and knees like this on a table. He felt the rest of his smile disappear all together. "Rowan, I don't want to do this anymore..okay?"
"Spread your legs wider." He told him.
"What? No, let me go-" Sai began pulling at his wrists.
"Do it or I'll do it for you." He informed him. There was a hard stinging slap on the inside of his thigh, making him freeze and gasp.
Rowan appeared in front of him, and slipped something hard under his chin, forcing him to look up. "Keep your chin nice and high," He pushed his chin up even higher, making it uncomfortable."...there ya go, that's perfect." He took away the thing under his chin and Sai saw that it was the smooth leather tip of a horse whip. Sai's eyes widened a bit, his chin lowering slightly to look at it. "No.." Rowan hissed, and cracked the horse whip over Sai's back. "I said keep it up!" He roughly shoved Sai chin back up where it was.
Sai, his back stinging from the whip, did his best to keep it where he left it. Rowan nodded and smiled. "That's where I want it." He walked behind him again. Sai felt hands pulling his thighs apart and he let them, not wanting to feel that whip on the soft skin of his thighs again. His legs were spread about as far as they could go but Rowan was unsatisfied. "Spread them wider Sai." Sai tried, but the straps around his ankles made it difficult.
"I can't-" The whip cut him off in mid-sentence, giving a stinging slap on his upper and inner thigh.
"Try harder Sai." he suggested.
Sai did but three more painful slaps came, the last going right up between his legs. Sai could feel his eyes watering, his neck beginning to hurt from holding his head so high. There was the sound of scissors and then his boxers were gone. Sai blinked back his tears, not wanting to look over at Ryo and Sage who were watching Rowan do this to him. They weren't going to help him.
And what was it about this place? It looked familiar.
Something was being slipped around his waist and then pulled between his legs. Sai tried to muffle his moan when Rowan's hands were grabbing him and pushing his sex into something tight and then pulling something tight up around his balls, binding them up against his body. Then Rowan pulled the rest of it back through his legs and pulled it taunt, jerking him a little backwards and making his eyes widen and tear when his sex was pulled completely backwards under him, the two leather straps in Rowan's grip went back up behind him like a jock strap and attached back tightly at the thing around his waist. "Ro..Rowan.." He breathed, shifting on the intrusion between his legs, his sex painfully trussed tightly under him. He was in front of him again, checking if he had lowered his head at all, which Sai was at least grateful that he hadn't.
"Good boy." He pulled something that smelled like leather over his face, slipping it behind his head and pushing something cold into his mouth. Strapping it into place, Sai could feel the cold metal bit pull at the corners of his mouth. It was some kind of gag. Rowan grinned. "We wouldn't want you to bark."
Sai chanced to look at Rowan, confusion and hurt in his eyes. Then he abruptly understood. The strange metal table, the smell, the pictures on the walls he had noticed when they came in. They were at an animal clinic. Sai felt angry suddenly and then immediately humiliated. He was treating him as if he were a dog.
"Keep your head up Sai." Rowan reminded him and then disappeared behind him again. Rowan's hand was rubbing his cruelly bound sex from behind him, his hand between his legs, then he went up further, rubbing something cold and wet onto him. Sai groaned behind his muzzle when Rowan began pushing something impossibly large into his body, sliding it in slowly. Sai felt his eyes flutter, the pain threatening to make him pass out, but Rowan's voice cut through the gathering haze, his watering eyes locked on the ceiling.
"Keep your legs apart Sai." He warned him. Sai blinked back , his trembling hands gripping the edge of the table as the thing keep coming for about five more inches and then stopping in place. Rowan left it there, not moving it and Sai shifted around the painful intrusion between his legs, his mouth forced open as well, his neck aching, the taunt straps tight under him.
"I want you to touch him." Someone said and Sai's eyes went weakly to the side. It was Sage but he wasn't speaking to him, he was looking at Ryo. Both of their breathing was rushed and Ryo let himself be pushed into standing, his eyes were locked on Sai's, soft sounds coming from behind his muzzle.
To be continued...