Cobalt Key part 1

by Ravinda aka Mink

        Jaden didn't remember much of his life before the mark of the key had been given to him. Soft hazy whispers of a gentle hillside and mist of the cool rain. He had parents he was certain and they were very kind he was positive, and they loved him of that he had no doubt.

        He remembered them vaguely off and on but he remembered his life growing up in the sprawling embrace of the palace much more. The sweet tartness of the bright green grapes, glittering in water from the fountains were hand fed to him as an infant. The nights were full of warm yellow candles and the dark red wine flowed into crystal and brought a rosy glow to whispering faces. Jaden had watched as a child and loved them all, the crowded court to the busy kitchens. As he grew older he began to wonder at dark blue shape that had been given to him so long ago, right below his hip. Some other boys Jaden played with in the gardens had similar marks on their bodies, he saw them when they played in the springs, but all different colours, more colours than he saw in the palaces stained glass windows. Beautiful all of them and Jaden often wondered to himself that surely all the beauty in the world had trickled down to this palace like the final base pond of a mountain stream, deep, cool, clear and blue. Jaden grew up content and happy, the sun shining on his smile and the rain kissing his up turned face. Jaden was happy even still on the day he was shown a tall door with a similar mark on it as in the one on his own body. He was pleased to hear he would have a master to love as he had been loved, to please maybe if he was able. Jaden felt joy deep in his heart that he was finally able to repay all of his happiness in kind.

        Jaden's master was a much older but good-hearted man. His hair was a snow white and his blue eyes regarded Jaden with a bright vigor that only youth possessed. Hard muscles lay under his cloak and silver etched armor. He was made from war. His sword was always with him and the smell of earth and horses.

        The master would ask Jaden to sing that lovely song they had heard sung at the summer festival. Jaden would sing, his voice sweet and sparkling, and pour his master and friend's tart white wine, remembering with happiness the fine summer days he had escorted his master to the rowdy fairs and music filled streets.

        His master would ask Jaden to dance, like the gypsy girls had done outside the palace walls eager for the silver coins the soldiers tossed them from the battlements. Jaden would dance, the silk pillows scattered over the floor under his bare feet, playful and care free.

        Jaden smiled and then blushed when his master once caught his wrist and swung him into his lap, his master touched him so rarely, save a gentle touch in his black hair or brushing his hand down a smooth white cheek. But his master and companions had drunk so much wine that night that Jaden's arms had begun to ache from lifting the heavy glass jugs. So slowly, with callused hands, his master attached a delicate golden chain around Jaden's bare ankle, with small bells that rung light and sweet as Jaden's own laughter. Just like the gypsy girls had worn, and Jaden felt such joy at his master's present that he could not stop from trying to hide his smile behind his hand.

        "How extraordinary." His master's companion's would exclaim, battle worn and scarred all.

        Hesitant hands would venture out to brush the long black eyelashes that framed Jaden's smoky violet eyes, touch the delicate black silk of his drawstring pants, or the white perfect skin of his bare chest.

        And even others, always so serious, carrying maps and messages, called to speak of war and not prone to such words. "Utterly exquisite." They would murmur, watching Jaden move about the golden room, his violet eyes shy under their gaze.

        Jaden was loved and admired by any who saw him. And so in turn Jaden did everything in his gentle power to make others content. The delicate silk screens, painted with water lilies and graceful birds were always adjusted by the broad windows so the sunlight would never be too harsh, and by night the candle light was never too soft to read by or just soft enough to doze if the need be. The heavy bronze incense burner that sat on the low table was always breathing the most heady delicious smoke, the scent of lilacs wafting lazily about the room.

        Jaden would often draw the silken sheets of the bed over his master's sleeping form, yawning a bit, for his master would keep such late and awkward hours, and place a small kiss on his master's forehead. This one night however, after kissing his master and starting to slip away, Jaden gasped when his wrist was caught in his master's grasp.

        "Lay with me Jaden." His master whispered.

        Jaden answered softly but was afraid. "Yes Master."

        His master wrapped his strong arms around him and began to kiss Jaden softly, drawing the tall lean boy down onto the bed under him. Jaden had only been kissed before by the other boys in the gardens of his youth, fluttering sweet kisses in the sunny sparkling fountains, or the one less innocent kiss so far up in the watch tower where Jaden had let a boy with a bright hot red key on his hip, kiss him deeply and play with his long raven hair for hours.

        It had been hot and breathless and sweet and made his heart race.

        But this was like none of those times.

        The warm scent of his master filling him, the sturdy weight of him crushing the breath out of Jaden and Jaden wanted every moment of it to last forever, realizing how to become closer to his beloved master, wanting to do everything he could, pushing his hips up to his master and making a small moan. But his master stopped Jaden's elegant curious hands. The master was shaking his head. "I want to savor you Jaden," His master said shaking his head. "But I must go, it is the morning. I will keep you in my heart until I return."

        Jaden nodded, knowing his master's words were final but terrible to hear. There was an ache in him now, and sliding a hand down between his legs he moaned a little, writhing under the silken bed sheets His master smiled down at him as he stood and stretched.

        "Please do not tempt me anymore Jaden."

        "I didn't mean to Master!" Jaden exclaimed, miserable. "Must you go?"

        The rosy light of dawn reached the broad windows. Jaden sleepily watched his master strap on his armor and buckle on his sword. From the bed, a soft smile on his face, Jaden knew he loved his master deeply. Jaden silently thanked the mark as he rubbed the vibrant blue shape of the key on his hip. He could not be more happy.

        It was only three days later that Jaden received word in ivory parchment, tied with a black ribbon, that his Master would never return.

to be continued.....

Part 2