The characters of Sailor Moon belong to whoever they do. I just hope they don't come hunting any fingers for my unauthorized use of them. I apologize now for any misspelled words or any gross errors of grammar or diction. I'm still waiting for a word processor who knows what I meant to say, not what I actually typed.

Magic and Mayhem
a division of
Entropy Inc.
(also known as Maintenance)
The Bermuda Triangle Branch

The Ballad of Zoe and Malachite-- a Lemon just for the hell of it!

by Windlily

Zoicite rapped once on the door to Malachite's inner chamber, turned the handle and pushed the door open without waiting for a response, full of pleased excitement. He had accomplished the task Malachite had set for him. Done so quickly and easily. Malachite would be so pleased! The sight that met his eyes sent him from soaring joy into breath stealing despair as Malachite's hard, steel gray glare raked over him, the furred and tiger striped female straddling him totally ignoring him as she continued to move herself in a slow rock, up and down, rising so that Zoicite could see almost all of Malachites hard length, then bringing herself back down slowly, purring as Malachites strong hands continued to knead at her breasts.

"Out and wait," Malachite hissed at him.

"Um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," he dropped his eyes and shut the door quickly, his heart hammering in his chest as he wished he could leave.

But Malachite had said to wait so he had no choice now. The Queen had put him under Malachite's watchful eye and tutelage when he had awoken, confused and with no clear memory of who or what he was. Newborn. High Youma. Those where the murmurs that had gone through the assembly behind him as The Queen had taken his chin between her fingers as he knelt before her throne, the other three High Youma kneeling behind him and given him his name. Zoicite. Then she had bid him rise and turn toward the Youma court.

It had been frightening, seeing all those strange and monstrously beautiful forms staring back at him. Except for the three who knelt before them all. Those three had caught his attention as soon as he could jerk his eyes off of the Youma. Jadite, whom he hadn't seen much of since, that one busy in that other plane called Earth, Nephlyte with his beautiful auburn hair and soul as cold as the space that surrounded the stars he so loved. And Malachite. Handsome Malachite with his silver hair and grey eyes. Malachite who haunted his dreams, dreams which brought him awake in the middle of the night with his body quivering at the edge of passion, passion which he had to release alone.

He fled to the farthest corner away from that door, leaned his forehead against the cold stone and wrapped his arms across his chest in a forlorn hug as he willed himself not to hear the sounds of Malachite and the females passion as it reached it's peak. To no avail. He was shaking.

*Get ahold of yourself, Zoe!* he snarled as he took a deep breath and straightened.

Malachite had no interest in him. He knew it as he knew how to draw breath. But he wanted him so badly it hurt. He forced himself to go and look at the reports that hovered around Mal's worktable, concentrated on how to help his mentor deal with the trivial demands on his time. He had figured out two solutions to the troublesome spat that had been raging between the Aeries of the Wastes and the Vesper Clan that shared territory when the female came out and shut the door behind her.

"He wants to see you now," she emphasized that last word.

Zoe nodded as she crossed to the outer door, wanting her gone before he went to report to Malachite. She turned right before the door and looked at him with her slit pupiled eyes, gave an evil grin.

"He has no interest in boys you know, Lord Zoicite," she purred, then was through the door.

That shocked him and he stared after her dumbfounded. Was he so obvious? He narrowed his eyes and sent an accident after her. Something wet and uncomfortable, he willed into the power that flowed out of him and went hunting. Then he went and knocked on that inner door again, this time waiting for his Mentor's summons.

"Come," Malachite's strong tenor voice summoned.

He opened the door, stood in parade rest, as was respectful for a lower Youma when reporting to a higher one. Malachite had on his pants and boots but his top half was still naked as he stood with his broad and well muscled back angled to a mirror, trying to get a good look at the set of four scratches that ran up either side of his spine. Zoe dropped his eyes once more, hoped his blush wasn't too noticeable.

"Well?" Malachite snapped. He really had to start choosing lovers with less damaging body configurations.

"I found out about Nephlyte, as you asked, Sir."

"And?" Malachite pulled on his shirt, then shrugged his uniform top on over it, wincing a little as the fabric pressed on the scratches.

But it had been worth it. Chandra was a fun bedmate. As long as she kept her claws sheathed. He'd sent her packing with the threat that if she clawed him again, he'd declaw her himself.

"He was at Mender's House, as you had thought."

Malachite nodded. "And do you know why?"

That was the piece of information he wanted. He had trained Nephlyte as he had Jadite before him and was now training this beautiful Newborn. That Nephlyte had gotten himself damaged enough to have to flee to Menders House was a slap to his pride.

"He tried to ride Shadow-spawn again," Zocite informed him.

Malachite growled, looked at his student for the first time since he'd re-entered the room. Zoicite's blue eyes glittered with internal amusement. By the Dark Presence Itself, he was a beauty. Too bad he wasn't female.

"And did he succeed?"

"They say he rode farther than you did, Sir."

Malachite frowned and crossed his arms. Ah, Nephlyte. Still trying to outdo your Master. Stupid youma. I won't be outdone. You should know that by now.

"How far," he bit out.

"Twenty-five feet, Sir. Before he was thrown and trampled. The youma who went with him to witness barely got him to Mender's House in time, they say."

"Not bad," Malachite muttered grudgingly.

That was ten feet farther than he had managed to stick to that youma's back. But then, he also came away unscathed. The first to ever do so. He wondered if his luck would still hold. He couldn't let Nephlyte get the better of him in anything. It would lessen his standing in the Queen's eyes and he wouldn't have that. So it was once again time to ride Shadow-spawn.

"Come with me," he beckoned with a forefinger as he strode past Zocite and through his workroom.

Zoe fell into place a little behind him, wondered what his Mentor was up to. Malachite went to the courtyard, stood with his hands on his hips, so very king like, Zoe thought and bellowed out three names. The youma he summoned came and bowed before him.

"You will bear witness for me."

They all nodded, stayed bent as Malachite summoned the Gate. They stepped through into the far Eastern Wilds of the Dark Kingdom, the youma Malachite brought with them rising to hover out of the way as Malachite cast a ward around each, rendering them invisible and undetectable to any but himself. Zoe watched that casting closely, committing it to memory. That might come in very handy.

"Zoicite, I want you to stand right here," Malachite led him into a large, grass filled hollow between the trees.

"When Shadow-spawn shows, wait till I get on him, then get out of the way."

"I'm the bait?" Zoe asked with a little squeak on the 't'.

Malachite smiled at him. "Don't worry, Zocite. I won't let him hurt you. You just get out of the way and stay out of the way. Understand?"

Zoe nodded. But 'bait'? That was crazy. Shadow-spawn was nothing to mess with. He had no desire at all to be anywhere near that insane thing of shadows.

Malachite saw the terror in Zoicite's eyes and his hand went to his shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze before he had quite realized what he'd done.

"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you," he found himself surprised that he meant it.

The adoration that filled Zoicite's eyes startled him and he moved his hand off of his shoulder quickly. He had seen it more and more recently, that loving look when he would say some small word of praise. Something fluttered in his memory, something stirred in him, uncomfortable. He again had the fleeting wish that this beautiful young youma was female. But he wasn't and he had no desire for male flesh. He didn't know that the small jewel that Beryl had placed in his brain, the jewel that had given him his name, whispered this will of his Queen into his soul.

*I have no desire for male flesh,* he told himself this again, firmly.

Zoicite had to learn that survival here was of the strongest, the most devious, the most cruel. There was no place for gentleness, for adoration. Even in sex the youma where vicious and it was to them as much a game of power plays as of rough and dark pleasures. And it was his duty to teach him such things. This misplaced emotion on the Newborn's part had to be dealt with and as harshly as possible.

Zoe's heart fluttered when Malachite put his hand on his shoulder and that little squeeze sent a shock throughout his whole frame. For a moment, just a moment, there was something in his Mentor's eyes, something... Then Malachite's eyes clouded silver and he shook his head and closed his eyes as his hand jerked away from him as if shocked. When he opened them again, there was nothing but the aloof scorn that was always in them, yet Malachite reached out and took his chin gently in his hand and tipped his face up. Dare he hope?

"Such a shame that this beautiful face is wasted on a boy. I know you love me and I don't care," he said it softly and sweetly and it was all the more cruel.

"This shell of flesh you inhabit is repugnant to me. You are nothing more than a tool of my Queen's that I am shaping at her request. And it is my duty to keep you safe until you can fend for yourself. So love me if you choose, but know this is the truth."

Zoe stood frozen, unable to think, to move, to breathe as Malachite's harsh statement rolled over him. Tears sprang into his eyes.

*Bastard! I hate you!*

"Tears?" Malachite's voice dripped disapproval.

Zoe didn't care.

"High Youma don't cry."

With that, he slapped him hard enough to send him to the ground.

"Stay there and don't move until I'm on Shadow-spawns back. Then do as you were told," Malachite's voice was as hard and cold as the winds off the ice plains of the Northern Plateaus.

Zoe huddled into a misery filled knot on his knees, one hand on the stinging red mark on his cheek as he tried not to sob out loud with fury and, Dark Presence Itself, love still. It was part of his being, a part he couldn't deny, no matter how hard he wanted to. But Darkness Itself, he was so angry and so betrayed that he wished with all his being that Shadow-spawn stomped Malachite into the ground.

Something, something was here...he looked up and around slowly, trying to see into the shadows of the trees. He had a split second to wonder where Malachite had hidden himself then he saw the youma named Shadow-spawn. They stared at each other, Shadow-spawns white on white eyes like glowing stars pinning him in place in outright terror. This was Shadow-spawn, youma killer. His name was whispered like Mender's by the Lesser youma. The Queen was know to send those who displeased her to die under his hooves. Then a dark shadow dropped out of the branches and landed on his broad back. Shadow-spawn screamed in fury as he reared up on his back legs and then began twisting bucks, snorting great clouds of steam as Zoe scrabbled backwards for the safety of the trees.

*Stop panicking!* he screamed at himself as he made it to his feet.

He concentrated, rose fifteen feet into the air and hovered, taking himself out of the way as Malachite had commanded.

Malachite gripped with his legs and wished for a saddle as he tangled his fingers in the silken mane and held on. Five more feet. He kicked the youma making it jump forwards on it's back feet then it spun, the steam from it's breath burning his face as he passed through it. Come on, Shadow-spawn, two more feet...he laughed in sheer delight as the youma bucked twice more, taking him past his goal. Now, to get off. Shadow-spawn reared once more and Malachite let go, floated backwards as he summoned a Gate.

Shadow-spawn was faster. He spun and his hoof caught him on the left shoulder as the Gate crackled into being, then crackled out half formed as that hoof slammed him to the ground. He hit hard, his head bouncing with teeth jarring force off the hard earth as he heard, more than felt that hoof burn it's impression into his skin. Then he felt it but couldn't get any air into his flattened lungs to curse as it start going deeper, couldn't focus any of his power past the ringing that clouded his mind and the white sparks that danced before his eyes. White sparks that resolved into white on white eyes as Shadow-spawn snaked his head down towards his neck, fangs bared to feed. No trampling for him. Shadow-spawn wanted to suck the life out of him, slowly.


He blocked the youma's bite with his right forearm, bit through his lower lip as the fangs hit bone and agony radiated through him followed instantly by the paralysis that Shadow-spawns poison filled fangs brought his victims.

Zoe watched as his mentor clung to the back of the furious youma, silver hair mixing with black mane, Malachite's face full of fierce joy.

*Hurt him, Shadow-spawn! Hurt him as he just hurt me!* he wished the shadow horse.

His lips curled in a cold smile as Malachite let go and floated backwards and Shadow-spawn whirled and took him to the ground under one plate sized hoof.

*Good. Stomp him good!*

It happened so fast...yet seemed to go on forever. He had no doubts that Malachite would simply Gate out from under Shadow-spawns attack as soon as he caught his breath. Zoe waited for Malachite to re-summon the Gate.

*Why doesn't he just summon a Gate?*

His smile faded and he brought his hand to his mouth and chewed on the side of his thumb as he watched the youma shift his weight forwards onto the hoof that pinned Malachite to the ground.

*Summon a Gate!* he growled mentally as a small germ of fear started in his mind.

His sea blue eyes widened in horror as he watched Malachite bring up his arm to block the youma's bite, then go limp.

*Oh no! Did I do that?*

He had wished pain on Malachite. *Oh, Darkness! What have I done?*

He froze for an instant, his thoughts chaos itself as he tried to figure out what to do. The youma that Malachite had brought with them would not interfere unless Malachite managed to get outside of the area that Shadow-spawn defended. That was the rule of this game. They were there only to bare witness. They would take Malachite to Mender, if he got away, or carry the news of his death back, if he not.

Shadow-spawn spat out Malachite's arm, snorted then moved his muzzle slowly back towards the juncture of Malachite's neck and shoulder. Zoe knew what he had to do. It was dangerous, but he would not let Malachite die. He gathered his power as he sped through the air until he was facing the youma head on, then threw it in Shadow-spawns face. He summoned the Gate as he dove into the space the startled youma made as he reared up and wrapped his arms around Malachite's limp form. He closed his eyes and prayed to the Dark Presence Itself as the Gate opened on the ground under them.

*Please, not in the ground. Don't let us un-Gate in the ground...* that prayer was interrupted as he gasped in pain as the youma's hooves connected with his back as they slid through.

Zoe bit back his moan as they dropped with a little jar the few inches to the floor of Malachite's inner chamber. His back was throbbing and on fire. He curled over Malachite's unconscious body and willed the pain away. He had to tend to Malachite.

*Please, don't be hurt enough that I have to take you to Mender's House!* He straightened up, wincing but focused on the pale form across his knees.

The damage wasn't as bad as he had first feared, thank the Dark Presence Itself as he sat on the bed next to Malachite's sleeping form. Painful, but nothing that wouldn't mend on it's own. He reached out, intending to brush a stray lock of that silver hair away from Malachite's strong features, then stopped, his fingers a whisper away from touching him. He drew them back with a sigh. He knew he had to harden his heart against this High Youma if he was going to survive. But it was so hard and a small part of him whispered that he would rather die than live without him. A small part Zoe was going to have to figure out how to silence.

*Later,* he told himself with a self-recriminating smile as Malachite tossed his head from side to side and muttered.

The fever was coming on him. Zoe dipped the cloth into the cold water and placed it over Malachites forehead and held it there as he murmured nonsense words in a soothing tone. He had ferreted out all the information known on Shadow-spawn as soon as he had heard about that youma. That's what he was good at, finding out. He knew that Shadow-spawns venom would burn itself out in a nights time, but he would have to keep a close watch on him to make sure that he kept breathing. That was the biggest danger, that the venom would find it way to the lungs or heart. But Malachite was strong. Stronger than any youma in the Dark Kingdom, second only to the Queen herself. He would survive. He, Zoicite, would make sure of that.

Malachite half remembered strong arms wrapping around his chest and a flash of golden hair and fear-filled yet determined eyes, blue as the deepest oceans as he floated up from the nightmare filled place he had been. Someone was shaking his shoulder insistently. What had happened? Shadow-spawn!!! Shadow-spawn was going to feed on him! He struck out as he opened his eyes, still half in that place between dreams and reality, saw Zocite duck under his wild blow. Zoicite? What was he doing here?

"What?" he mumbled, his mouth cotton dry and his head pounding, making the formation of words difficult.

"Malachite, Sir. You must wake up. The Queen has summoned you," Zoicite informed him, standing well out of his physical strike range.

"The Queen? Why?"

He tried to get some moisture into his mouth as he quickly pushed himself up with both hands and immediately wished he hadn't as his wounded shoulder and opposing forearm protested with a wave of pain that sent him back down to the mattress with a groan. Zoicite took a stuttering step forwards towards the bed as Malachite sagged back, then stopped himself. Malachite wouldn't want or accept his help.

"I don't know, Sir," he answered as he clasped his hands behind him to keep them from reaching out to his mentors need.

Malachite remembered. He had gone to ride Shadow-spawn. Again the impression of strong arms and blue eyes. Zoicite had saved him? He looked at the neat bandage wound around his forearm, flexed his fingers to test it's tightness and how much damage had been done. He narrowed is eyes as pain rode up his arm, but he would not give voice to it again in Zoicite's hearing. He had been bitten there. Poisoned. He forced his arm to move, bringing his hand up to explore the pad over his throbbing shoulder. Praise the Darkness Itself that no bones had been broken. How much time had he lost? He was more judicious this time with his rising, rolling to his side and bringing his legs over the edge of the bed, letting their momentum help pull his torso upright. He closed his eyes against the overpowering throb of the headache and the wave of dizziness and weakness that came with that movement.

Zoicite moved this time as Malachite listed enough to threaten a slide off the edge of the bed. He caught his undamaged shoulder and pushed him back upright, then removed his hand quickly and stepped back again as Malachite's eyes snapped back open to glare at him.

"How long was I out?" he snarled as Zoicite fled back, his light touch that had kept him from falling over gone almost before he had realized it was there as he took a good look at his student for the first time.

"Two days, Sir," Zoe looked at the floor, unwilling to meet that cold stare.

Two days? And Zoicite, besotted idiot that he was had obviously stood guard over him that whole time from the exhaustion that was apparent in every line of his face and bearing as the young youma turned and collected a mug from the chest that stood by his bed and offered it to him.

"Here. Drink this. You're going to need it, I think."

He took it from him, sipped the warm, salty and bitter brew, his thoughts troubled as the look in his eyes as he watched as Zoicite went and pulled clothing out of the wardrobe. Why? Malachite didn't understand why. He understood lust, but this loyalty, he knew no other word for it, was something he did not. He had done nothing to earn it, had done almost everything in his power to discourage it. Youma, High or Low were loyal to nothing but their Queen and their own quest for power and survival. A bed mate one night might be the one to try and kill you the next and never give it a second thought. He had done so himself. Why was this Newborn so different? So stubborn in accepting this fact of life? He was going to get himself killed. He studied Zoicite as he came back with his uniform draped over one arm, his boots in the other hand. Beautiful Zoicite gone forever. Why did that thought make his chest tighten and fill him with such distress? The pain in his head roared and he almost lost his grip on the cup.

Zoicite tossed the clothing on the bed and was at his side in a blink, one hand going to the cup as the other steadied him by his good shoulder once again. It was as if an electric shock went through him as Zoicite's fingers closed around his own and he froze for a second. Thoughts went through his mind. Forbidden thoughts of how those fingers would feel in a gentle caress, if those lips would be as soft as they looked, if that body would fit well against his own...

"Don't touch me," he hissed and jerked his hands away, sending the cup to crash between Zoicite's feet on the floor.

Zoicite backed off as Malachite swayed, hands going out to both sides to grip the sheets there, eyes clenched shut tight.

*He can't even stand my touch. Darkness help me. What am I going to do?* Zoe wailed to himself even as he narrowed his eyes and forced an coldness equal to Malachite's into his voice and eyes.

Right here at this moment he would close his heart to Malachite forever. Darkness help him. He was going to try.

"Sir. You need to dress. The Queen has summoned you. She will be annoyed if you keep her waiting too long."

"Leave. Wait in the workroom and close the door. I'll be out in a moment," Malachite commanded as the headache threatened to take him back into the darkness of unconsciousness.

Zoicite bowed and stalked out of the room. Malachite pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes, trying to will those disturbing images of Zoicite away. Why? Why was this happening? There was an audible snap in his head. His body jerked and the headache was gone. Just like that. He sighed in relief and sagged. His eyes started to slide shut, he was so tired, then he shook himself. He had to go to Beryl. The pain of his arm and shoulder, which had been totally overshadowed by the headache reasserted itself as he reached for the clothing Zoicite had unceremoniously dropped on the bed in that injudicious grab to save him from yet another spill. Yet it was fading to tolerable levels as the herb filled potion took effect.

Zoicite. There was something that he had been thinking about Zoicite... He shook his head. Whatever it was, it was gone and he was too tired and hurt to dredge up what it had been and right now and he needed to focus his scattered thoughts and remaining energies on surviving the coming encounter with his Queen. Two days. He knew why Beryl had summoned him. He cursed himself for being so arrogant. He should have gotten that project done and submitted before he had gone off for his joy ride. He struggled into his uniform, forgoing the undershirt and forced himself to his feet and growled with pain as he fumbled to close it over his wounded shoulder as he headed for the door to his workroom. Zoicite was sitting in his favorite chair at his worktable, insolent Newborn, waiting as he had been bidden. Malachite scowled at him, smiled mentally as Zoicite returned his hard look with one of his own instead of the fawning jump out of the chair that he was expecting. Good. The youma was learning.

"Go get some rest."

Zoicite shrugged, kept his expression neutral. He knew that Malachite was on his feet by the sheer force of his will. The fever had wracked him for twelve hours and Zoe had just been about to take him to Mender when it finally broke. He wanted to say, be careful. Come back to me safely. But he would not. Not to Malachite who hated him with as much intensity as Zoe loved. He watched as Malachite frowned and focused, having trouble calling the Gate that he normally formed without conscious thought and stepped through.

He brought his thumb to his mouth and chewed on it, leaned back into the chair, then straightened quickly with a hiss as those hoof prints reminded him that they were there. He'd need to have someone take a look at them, wondered who he trusted enough to do so. There was that red female who had been trying to seduce him, get in tight with the new High Youma. Maybe. He got up and wandered around the room, considered going to his own. He was exhausted. But he wanted to wait and make sure that Malachite got through this interview with The Queen. Then he wondered why he should. Hadn't he just sworn to himself that he would no longer moon after Malachite? He had, but he waited anyway. He wandered some more, worried until he couldn't stand it anymore. He summoned a shadow from the throne room to see what was happening. If Malachite detected it, he would be furious, but he just had to know.

Malachite was relieved for once to sink down to his knee in the position of respect as he waited with a bowed head in front of the Queens throne. And it actually made the bite wound not ache quite so much to have it up and across his chest in the gesture of submission. He thanked the Dark Presence Itself that it was the other shoulder that had been damaged. He didn't think he'd be able to hold this position if it had been the other way around. Finally the Queen acknowledge him after making him wait three times longer than he had made her. He knew this and used it to rest and gather his energy.


"My Queen."

"I am pleased with the solution you proposed for the Aeries/Vespers problem. You will put it into action as soon as possible," she said without looking up.

Malachite's head snapped up in shock. How? He hadn't finished it before he had so foolishly rushed off to ride that stupid youma.

"I am glad it met with your approval, my Queen."

He dropped his head quickly, his thoughts flying as he tried to figure out what was going on. Zoicite? Zoicite had finished it for him? It had to be. But why had the Queen summoned him? Surely not to just tell him that she was pleased with this?

"Yes, I'm sure you are," Beryl answered sweetly, finally gracing him with her gaze. "Zoicite came and presented it to me with your compliments. I heard you went riding. Did you have fun?"

There it was. What wild rumors had been circulating while he lay unconscious?

"Yes, my Queen. Shadow-spawn is always an exhilarating experience."

"I heard that you were hurt. Badly," she leaned an elbow on the arm of her throne and rested her chin in her hand.

"An exaggeration, my Queen. As you see, I am fit."

What was she after?

"Yes, so I see. And you came away unscathed once more?"

"No, my Queen. I was hurt."

"Ah, I see. Rumors were flying as they always are. It pleases me that you are less damaged than was reported. Leave me," she dismissed him with a flick of her finger.

He tried to call a Gate, not trusting his legs to support him if he tried to rise. He was surprised when one opened beneath him. He had not succeeded in that casting. It left him in his workroom, Zoicite still sitting in his chair with that cold look in his eyes. It contradicted what had just happened. That Gate was Zoicite's. He didn't understand the feelings that muddled his exhausted mind as he locked eyes with his student. Zoicite had cast that Gate so well that not even the Queen had noticed it wasn't his.

"I thought I told you to go and get some rest," he said wearily as he tried to push himself to his feet.

Zoicite shrugged, watched as Malachite struggled to rise. He wouldn't help him unless he asked. He wouldn't. On the third failed attempt, his resolve failed him and he went to stand in front of Malachite, offered his hand. It was a compromise. If Malachite refused it, he would just leave him here on the floor and good riddance.

Malachite looked at that offered hand, wished Zoicite would just go away and leave him to slump over into unconsciousness right here on the floor. He was so tired and the pain from his wounds was winding up into a keen shriek again. Then he looked up into those blue eyes expecting to see malicious glee at his weakness. Wasn't that why Zoicite had waited? To see his mentor brought to his knees? To revel in seeing the Mighty Warrior undone by something so trivial as a poisoned youma bite? The worried concern that stared back at him was unnerving and only made his confusion worse. Zoicite didn't understand. He couldn't take that offered help, couldn't trust anyone. Trust of anyone but oneself was a weakness that the other youma would detect immediately and lock onto like a Bloodhawk on wounded prey. Why couldn't this Newborn understand? Something came into Zoicite's face as he slapped that hand away. Anger. Hatred? He should be pleased to see it there so why did his whole being wince as Zoicite whirled on his heel and stalked for the door.

"Zoicite, wait." The words were out before he even knew they were coming.

Part 2