This short piece is the living proof what a display of massage oil in the
Shop can do to a sick mind like mine. :-) When I sent it to Cassiel
(aka Evil
Mastermind), whom I had already been BETA reading for at that
time, we came to
the conclusion that heck, if the boys were already sharing
both our heads, we
might as well write the bloody thing together. So yes,
this IS an official part
of the "Reyn" storyline, in case you were
wondering. ;-) Ask Evil Mastermind
<> for the rest of it if you haven't read it.
No warnings - no yaoi, no lemon, no lime, no oranges. Lots of massage oil.
good-looking boys. A healthy dose of shounen ai. Skin exposure. If that
you, don't read on.
Chronologically, this is set a few weeks maximum before Shurik's birthday,
long before part 8 of "Reyn". Enjoy, and remember - my favorite readers
are the
ones that send comments! ;-)
Sasha aka Evil Henchwoman
Reyn Interlude
Shurik fiddled with the apartment keys in his left hand while balancing a
bag of groceries on his right hip. Tavir had finally been allowed to
toss his
crutches aside and walk on his own the other week, but shopping
trips were
still out of the question. He'd tried it once, insisting he was
capable of
handling himself. Shurik had been greeted that evening by an
assortment of
apples, oranges and tomatoes neatly spread out on the stairs
and a cursing,
limping Tavir who had made his way down three stories to pick
them up again.
Too bad the house did not have an elevator.
He had expected Tavir to be showing off his cooking skills by now, but the
kitchen was not yet occupied. Shurik dropped the bag on the counter and
took a
peek inside the living/sleeping/eating room of their humble home. The
other boy
was sprawled on the sofa in a rather odd position, listlessly
zapping through
the channels.
"Hi there. Not hungry?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure." Tavir managed a smile.
"Then get your butt off the couch
and do your chores", Shurik suggested with a
grin. "You know how it works...
I provide the financial share, you sustain our
stomachs. Good old-fashioned
Shurik was wise enough to duck before a deadly flying cushion could
take him
out. Tavir groaned and got up stiffly. He winced slightly as he
stretched and
tested his joints. Shurik's face took on a concerned look.
"Has your knee gotten worse again?"
"No, it's not that. My back is
killing me. First it was those damned crutches
digging into my arms. And
since I only strain one of my legs... I think I've
got a cramp in my
shoulder." Tavir cursed under his breath and rubbed his neck,
annoyed by it all.
Shurik seemed to be considering something very thoroughly for a moment. Then
nodded to himself. What the heck. At least this time, he would be able to
him with his pain.
"Why don't you lie down again, Tavir? I'll be right back."
Tavir complied
and watched Shurik disappear into the bathroom. The sound of
running water.
He came back out with a small bottle of lotion in his hand.
Tavir thought
he'd briefly caught a determined look on his face, as if he was
towards his utter doom. <Whatever for?> he wondered.
Shurik's weight
at his side tilted the soft cushions as he joined him on the
"Take off your shirt." Shurik was surprised at how casual he had managed to
make that sound. He helped him slip it off his arms and brushed that long,
auburn ponytail aside. He could not help but hold his breath. <Gosh, how
and silky it feels...> It ran through his fingers like water.
Shurik instantly regretted his decision at the sight of Tavir's lean-muscled
back in full sight for once. He hoped he'd survive this with his dignity
<Get your mind out of the gutter, kid!> he scolded
himself. A cold shower would
work wonders right now.
Squeezing his
bottom lip between his front teeth, he bent over Tavir and shyly
brought his
hands to work.
Tavir felt Shurik's hands on the midst of his back, sliding slowly upwards
until they met the tight-wound knot below his neck. <His hands are
warm> he
noticed. It was a nice, comforting feeling. <He must have
held them under hot
water first. He knows what he's doing back there...>
The hands began stroking
him firmly, then started kneading gently. That felt
good. Boy, that felt
heavenly. He closed his eyes and gave in to the
feeling. Just then one of the
hands disappeared and was replaced by
something icy and wet.
"Whaa...! Hey!" Tavir protested. "You're torturing
me, Shur!"
"You... want me to stop then?"
Tavir let his head fall back
on the couch again as the lotion was dispersed on
his back and the hands
slid on further.
"No. God, no. This feels... wonderful. Don't stop on my
<He's enjoying it.> Shurik beamed. Well, he was supposed to,
after all. And, he
had to admit, HE was enjoying it, too. A little too much
for his own good. The
feeling of those tight, yet amazingly soft muscles
under his fingers... Tavir's
skin caressing his palms, the hard knobs of his
spine playing against his
hands. He might never be so close to him again,
might never feel him like this
ever. What did it matter if his hands
explored a little beyond the place it
Timidly, he brought his
attention to the small of his back, sliding his hands
up and down Tavir's
sides, taking his frame in and memorizing him from his ribs
to his shoulder
A soft, low sound vibrated through the body under him. Tavir was... purring?
Well, that was something he'd never heard him doing. And this was HIS work.
sense of pride joined the motley of feelings swarming inside of him.
He was glad Tavir could not see his face right now. It had grown hot as soon
he had touched him, and any traffic light surely paled in comparison by
now. A
thin film of sweat had formed on his forehead. The combined smell of
Tavir, all
of Tavir, and the faint vanilla fragrance from the lotion was
enough to make
his head spin. Intoxicating.
Trying to focus on his task
got harder by the second. He noticed though that
Tavir had gotten lighter.
When he had still be actively playing hockey,
especially when he had been
pushing himself so hard towards the end, his
stature had been sturdier and
more compact. Now, his body had a softer
appearance due to the lack of
training. Not that it mattered to him and his
hormones. On the contrary...
it looked agonizingly good on him.
<What have you gotten yourself into,
Somewhere along the line, Tavir had let himself drown in the sensation. He
(or he hoped?) this was a gesture out of companionship, but still. He
missed this. Reyn... Reyn had done this sometimes, after training, and
enjoyed it equally as much. Shurik's hands were smaller and not as
as Reyn's, but they felt just as good. His mind was floating.
Somehow, he still
missed him. Missed to be touched. Missed the things Reyn
had done after this.
The places his hands had gone to when he had been done
with his back. He
started humming with the pleasure of the moment, and of
good memories. Yes,
those memories were there, too. Of the good times. He
shut everything out of
his consciousness but those memories and those gentle
Shurik swallowed. He had lost track of time. How long had he been at this?
Tavir was so still, lying there. The small moans had stopped a while ago.
Shurik... Shurik was painfully reminded of where he was by that burning
in his chest and further downwards... idiot. Idiot, for even
thinking about
He squeezed a small whisper from his dry throat.
No answer. Carefully, Shurik bent over his friend and looked at
the face half
hidden in the cushions.
Tavir was asleep.
smiled. He looked so peaceful. He tore his eyes from that sweet,
face and stood up. Well, so much for dinner. He wasn't hungry anyway.
rather, he was. But not for food.
Silently, he draped a blanket over Tavir's
sleeping form.
Maybe he'd take that cold shower after all.